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// NopSCADlib Copyright Chris Palmer 2018
// nop.head@gmail.com
// hydraraptor.blogspot.com
// This file is part of NopSCADlib.
// NopSCADlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
// GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// NopSCADlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with NopSCADlib.
// If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Power supplies. Can be a simple cube or can be defined by a list of six faces, each with thickness, holes, cutouts, etc.
//! Face order is bottom, top, left, right, front, back.
include <../core.scad>
include <../printed/fan_guard.scad>
use <../utils/maths.scad>
use <../utils/sector.scad>
use <../utils/round.scad>
use <fan.scad>
use <iec.scad>
use <pcb.scad>
use <rocker.scad>
use <terminal.scad>
function psu_face_holes(type) = type[0]; //! List of screw hole positions
function psu_face_thickness(type) = type[1]; //! The thickness
function psu_face_cutouts(type) = type[2]; //! List of polygons to remove
function psu_face_grill(type) = type[3]; //! Is this face a grill
function psu_face_fan(type) = type[4]; //! Fan x,y position and type
function psu_face_iec(type) = type[5]; //! IEC connector x,y, rotation and type
function psu_face_switch(type) = type[6]; //! Rocker switch x,y, rotation and type
function psu_face_vents(type) = type[7]; //! Vents array position x,y, rotation, size and corner radius
function psu_face_cutout(type) = type[8]; //! Panel cutout to accommodate this face, e.g. for ATX
function psu_name(type) = type[1]; //! The part name
function psu_length(type) = type[2]; //! Length
function psu_width(type) = type[3]; //! Width
function psu_height(type) = type[4]; //! Height
function psu_size(type) = [psu_length(type), psu_width(type), psu_height(type)]; //! Size
function psu_screw(type) = type[5]; //! Screw type
function psu_screw_hole_radius(type) = type[6]; //! Clearance hole for screw, bigger than normal on ATX
function atx_psu(type) = type[7]; //! True if an ATX style PSU
function psu_left_bay(type) = type[8]; //! Bay for terminals
function psu_right_bay(type) = type[9]; //! Bay for heatsink
function psu_terminals(type) = type[10]; //! How many terminals and the y offset from the back
function psu_pcb(type) = type[11]; //! The PCB
function psu_faces(type) = type[12]; //! List of face descriptions
function psu_accessories(type) = type[13]; //! Accessories to add to BOM, e.g. mains lead
function psu_face_transform(type, face) = //! Returns a transformation matrix to get to the specified face
let(l = psu_length(type),
w = psu_width(type),
h = psu_height(type),
f = psu_faces(type)[face],
left = psu_left_bay(type),
right = psu_right_bay(type),
rotations = [[180, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [90, 0, -90], [90, 0, 90], [90, 0, 0], [-90, 0, 0]],
translations = [h / 2, h / 2, l / 2 - left, l / 2 - right, w / 2, w / 2]
) translate([0, 0, h / 2]) * rotate(rotations[face]) * translate([0, 0, translations[face]]);
module psu_grill(width, height, grill_hole = 4.5, grill_gap = 1.5, fn = 0, avoid = []) {
nx = floor(width / (grill_hole + grill_gap)) + 1;
xpitch = width / nx;
ny = floor(height / ((grill_hole + grill_gap) * cos(30))) + 1;
ypitch = height / ny;
r = grill_hole / 2;
avoid = avoid ? [for(p = avoid) [[p.x - p[2] / 2 - r, p.y - p[3] / 2 - r], [p.x + p[2] / 2 + r, p.y + p[3] / 2 + r]]] : false;
function in(regions, x, y) = [for(r = regions) if(x >= r[0].x && x <= r[1].x && y >= r[0].y && y <= r[1].y) true];
for(y = [0 : ny - 1], x = [0 : nx - 1 - (y % 2)]) {
x = -width / 2 + (x + 0.5 + (y % 2) / 2) * xpitch;
y = -height / 2 + (y + 0.5) * ypitch;
if(!avoid || !in(avoid, x, y))
translate([x, y])
circle(r, $fn = fn);
function psu_terminal_block_z(type) = psu_face_cutouts(psu_faces(type)[f_left])[0][2].y + psu_height(type) / 2;
module psu(type) { //! Draw a power supply
vitamin(str("psu(", type[0], "): PSU ", psu_name(type)));
for(part = psu_accessories(type))
l = psu_length(type);
w = psu_width(type);
h = psu_height(type);
faces = psu_faces(type);
left = psu_left_bay(type);
right = psu_right_bay(type);
if(len(faces) < 2)
translate_z(h / 2)
color("silver") cube([l, w, h], center = true);
else {
for(i = [0 : 1 : len(faces) - 1]) {
f = faces[i];
t = psu_face_thickness(f);
xw = [l, l - left - right, w, w, l, l - left - right][i];
yw = [w, w, h, h, h, h][i];
xo = [0, left / 2 - right / 2, 0, 0, 0, left / 2 - right / 2][i];
fan = psu_face_fan(f);
iec = psu_face_iec(f);
switch = psu_face_switch(f);
vents = psu_face_vents(f);
multmatrix(psu_face_transform(type, i))
translate([xo, 0, -t]) {
color("silver") linear_extrude(t)
union() {
difference() {
square([xw, yw], center = true);
cutouts = psu_face_cutouts(f);
for(cutout = cutouts)
polygon([for(p = cutout) p]);
for(h = psu_face_holes(f))
translate([h.x, h.y])
hull() {
drill(psu_screw(type) == false ? psu_screw_hole_radius(type) : screw_pilot_hole(psu_screw(type)), 0);
if (is_list(h[2]))
translate([h[2].x, h[2].y])
drill(psu_screw(type) == false ? psu_screw_hole_radius(type) : screw_pilot_hole(psu_screw(type)), 0);
g = psu_face_grill(f);
if(g) {
list = is_list(g);
hole = list ? g[0] : 4.5;
gap = list ? g[1] : 1.5;
fn = list ? g[2] : 0;
margins = list ? g[3] : [6, 6, 6, 6];
avoid = list ? g[4] : [];
mx1 = margins[0];
mx2 = margins[1];
my1 = i == f_top && psu_face_grill(faces[f_back]) ? 0 : margins[2];
my2 = i == f_back && psu_face_grill(faces[f_top]) ? 0 : margins[3];
translate([(mx1 - mx2) / 2, (my2 - my1) / 2])
psu_grill(xw - mx1 - mx2, yw - my1 - my2, grill_hole = hole, grill_gap = gap, fn = fn, avoid = avoid);
translate([fan.x, fan.y]) intersection() {
fan_holes(fan.z, h = 0);
difference() {
square(inf, true);
fan_guard(fan.z, thickness = 0, grill = true);
translate([iec.x, iec.y])
iec_holes(iec[3], 0);
translate([switch.x, switch.y])
rocker_hole(switch[3], 0);
for(i = [0 : len(vents) - 1]) {
// vent is of form: [ [pos.x, pos.y, angle], [size.x, size.y], corner radius ]
vent = vents[i];
translate([vent[0].x, vent[0].y])
rounded_square(vent[1], vent[2]-eps, center = true);
not_on_bom() no_explode() {
translate([fan.x, fan.y, -fan_depth(fan.z) / 2]) {
screw = alternate_screw(hs_cs_cap, fan_screw(fan.z));
translate_z(t + eps)
screw(screw, 8);
translate([iec.x, iec.y, t])
iec_assembly(iec[3], t);
translate([switch.x, switch.y, t])
// Special case for lighting type PSUs with terminals at the end
terminals = psu_terminals(type);
if(terminals) {
ft = psu_face_thickness(faces[f_front]);
bt = psu_face_thickness(faces[f_back]);
rt = psu_face_thickness(faces[f_right]);
lt = psu_face_thickness(faces[f_left]);
cutout = psu_face_cutouts(faces[f_left])[0];
z = psu_terminal_block_z(type);
pcb = [l - right - rt, w - ft - bt, 1.6];
heatsink_offset = 13.5;
translate([(-right - rt) / 2, (ft - bt) / 2, z - pcb.z])
difference() {
square([pcb.x, pcb.y], center = true);
translate([-pcb.x / 2, -pcb.y / 2])
square(16, center = true);
tab_w = w / 2 + cutout[2].x;
// if the cutout is too wide, then don't draw earth strap, pillar and screw
if (tab_w - bt > 0) {
// earth strap
translate([-l / 2, w / 2 - tab_w, z])
cube([left, tab_w - bt, lt]);
// Earth pillar and screw
earth_inset = 4.5;
earth_d = 5;
translate([-l / 2 + earth_inset, w / 2 - tab_w / 2]) {
cylinder(d = earth_d, h = z - pcb.z);
translate_z(z + lt)
not_on_bom() no_explode()
screw(M3_pan_screw, 8);
// terminal block
tb = terminals[2];
translate([-l / 2, w / 2 - terminals.y, z])
terminal_block(tb, terminals[0]);
// Heatsink
heatsink_cutout = psu_face_cutouts(faces[f_right])[0];
if(right && heatsink_cutout) {
z_top = heatsink_cutout[1].y + h / 2;
length = heatsink_cutout[2].x + w / 2 - 1.5;
translate([l / 2, -w / 2])
rotate([90, 0, 180])
linear_extrude(length) {
translate([right + rt, z_top])
square([rt, right * sqrt(2)]);
square([rt, z_top - right]);
translate([rt, z_top - right])
sector(rt, 135, 180);
// PCB
pcb = psu_pcb(type);
if (pcb) {
module psu_screw_positions(type, face = undef) { //! Position children at the screw positions on the preferred mounting face, which can be overridden.
faces = psu_faces(type);
f = is_undef(face) ? faces && psu_face_holes(faces[f_bottom]) ? f_bottom
: f_front
: face;
if(len(psu_faces(type)) > f)
multmatrix(psu_face_transform(type, f))
for(point = psu_face_holes(psu_faces(type)[f]))
translate([point.x, point.y])
module atx_psu_cutout(type, face = f_front) { //! Cut out for the rear of an ATX, which is actually f_front!
multmatrix(psu_face_transform(type, face))
linear_extrude(100, center = true)