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// NopSCADlib Copyright Chris Palmer 2020
// nop.head@gmail.com
// hydraraptor.blogspot.com
// This file is part of NopSCADlib.
// NopSCADlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
// GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// NopSCADlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with NopSCADlib.
// If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! SCSnUU and SCSnLUU bearing blocks
include <../utils/core/core.scad>
use <screw.scad>
use <nut.scad>
use <washer.scad>
use <linear_bearing.scad>
use <circlip.scad>
function scs_size(type) = [type[4],type[6],type[5]]; //! Size of scs bracket bounding block
function scs_hole_offset(type) = type[2]; //! Offset of bearing hole from base of block
function scs_block_center_height(type) = type[6]; //! Height of the center of the block
function scs_block_side_height(type) = type[7]; //! Height of the side of the block, this determines the minimum screw length
function scs_screw(type) = type[11]; //! Screw type
function scs_screw_separation_x(type) = type[8]; //! Screw separation in X direction
function scs_screw_separation_z(type) = type[9]; //! Screw separation in Z direction
function scs_bearing(type) = type[14]; //! Linear bearing used
function scs_circlip(type) = type[15]; //! Circlip used
function scs_spacer(type) = type[16]; //! Spacer used in long bearings
function sbr_size(type) = [type[4],type[6],type[5]]; //! Size of SBR bracket bounding block
function sbr_hole_offset(type) = type[2]; //! Offset of bearing hole from base of *rail*
function sbr_side_height(type) = type[3]; //! Height of side above *rail*
function sbr_screw(type) = type[10]; //! Screw type
function sbr_screw_separation_x(type) = type[7]; //! Screw separation in X direction
function sbr_screw_separation_z(type) = type[8]; //! Screw separation in Z direction
function sbr_bearing(type) = type[12]; //! Linear bearing used
function sbr_circlip(type) = type[13]; //! Circlip used
function sbr_spacer(type) = type[14]; //! Spacer used in long bearings
sks_bearing_block_colour = grey(90);
module scs_bearing_block(type) { //! Draw the specified SCS bearing block
vitamin(str("scs_bearing_block(", type[0], "): ", type[0], " bearing block"));
T = type[1];
h = scs_hole_offset(type);
E = type[3];
W = scs_size(type)[0];
assert(W == 2 * E, str("W or E wrong for scs_bearing_block", type[0]));
L = scs_size(type)[2];
F = scs_block_center_height(type);
G = scs_block_side_height(type);
B = scs_screw_separation_x(type);
C = scs_screw_separation_z(type);
K = type[10];
S1 = scs_screw(type);
S2 = type[12];
L1 = type[13];
bearing = scs_bearing(type);
clip = scs_circlip(type);
boltHoleRadius = screw_clearance_radius(S1);
footHeight = min(0.75, (G - bearing_dia(bearing) - 1.5) / 2); // estimate, not specified on drawings
color(sks_bearing_block_colour) {
linear_extrude(L, center = true) {
bearingRadius = bearing_dia(bearing) / 2;
// center section with bearing hole
difference() {
union() {
translate([-(B - 2 * boltHoleRadius) / 2, -h + footHeight])
square([B - 2 * boltHoleRadius, G - footHeight]);
for(m = [0, 1])
mirror([m, 0, 0])
translate([0 , G - h])
right_trapezoid(bearingRadius, bearingRadius -F + G, F - G);
circle(r = bearingRadius);
// add the sides
for(m = [0, 1])
mirror([m, 0, 0]) {
trapezoidX = boltHoleRadius - 0.5; // estimate, not specified on drawings
sideX = 2 * (K - boltHoleRadius - trapezoidX);
chamfer = 0.5;
assert(sideX > chamfer, "trapezoidX too large in scs_bearing_block");
translate([B / 2 + boltHoleRadius, -h]) {
square([sideX - chamfer, G]);
translate([sideX, 0])
right_trapezoid(G - chamfer, G, chamfer);
translate([sideX, 0]) {
right_trapezoid(trapezoidX - footHeight, trapezoidX, footHeight);
translate([trapezoidX, footHeight])
right_trapezoid(T - footHeight, L1 - footHeight, trapezoidX);
translate([B / 2 - boltHoleRadius, -h])
mirror([1, 0, 0])
right_trapezoid(boltHoleRadius, boltHoleRadius + footHeight, footHeight);
// side blocks with bolt holes
for(x = [-B / 2, B / 2])
translate([x, G / 2 - h, 0])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
linear_extrude(G, center = true)
difference() {
square([boltHoleRadius * 2, L], center = true);
for (y = [-C / 2, C / 2])
translate([0, y])
circle(r = boltHoleRadius);
not_on_bom() no_explode() {
spacer = scs_spacer(type);
for(end = spacer ? [-1, 1] : 0)
translate_z(end * (bearing_length(bearing) + spacer) / 2)
for(end = [-1, 1])
translate_z(end * ((spacer ? 2 * bearing_length(bearing) + spacer : bearing_length(bearing)) + circlip_thickness(clip)) / 2)
module scs_bearing_block_hole_positions(type) { //! Place children at hole positions
screw_separation_x = scs_screw_separation_x(type);
screw_separation_z = scs_screw_separation_z(type);
G = scs_block_side_height(type);
h = scs_hole_offset(type);
for(x = [-screw_separation_x, screw_separation_x], z = [-screw_separation_z, screw_separation_z])
translate([x / 2, G - h, z / 2])
rotate([-90, 0, 0])
module scs_bearing_block_assembly(type, part_thickness, screw_type, nut_type) { //! Assembly with screws and nuts in place
screw_type = is_undef(screw_type) ? scs_screw(type) : screw_type;
nut_type = is_undef(nut_type) ? screw_nut(screw_type) : nut_type;
washer_type = nut_washer(nut_type);
washer_thickness = washer_type ? washer_thickness(washer_type) : 0;
G = scs_block_side_height(type);
nut_offset = G + part_thickness + nut_thickness(nut_type) + washer_thickness;
screw_length = screw_longer_than(nut_offset);
scs_bearing_block_hole_positions(type) {
screw(screw_type, screw_length);
if (washer_type)
/* SBR bearing blocks */
module sbr_bearing_block(type) { //! Draw the specified SBR bearing block
vitamin(str("sbr_bearing_block(", type[0], "): ", type[0], " bearing block"));
T = type[1];
h = sbr_hole_offset(type);
H = sbr_side_height(type);
W = sbr_size(type)[0];
G = sbr_size(type)[1];
M = sbr_size(type)[2];
J = sbr_screw_separation_x(type);
K = sbr_screw_separation_z(type);
S1 = sbr_screw(type);
I = type[11]; // screw length
S2 = type[15];
S2L = type[16];
bearing = sbr_bearing(type);
clip = sbr_circlip(type);
chamfer = 1.5;
A = type[9]; // size of chamfered overhang - vertical
Ah = A + chamfer * 2; // size of chamfered overhand - horizontal - not given in drawings
width = W - (2 * chamfer);
height = G - chamfer;
boltHoleRadius = screw_radius(S1);
setScrewRadius = screw_radius(S2);
color(sks_bearing_block_colour) {
render() difference() {
linear_extrude(M, center = true, convexity=2) {
cutoutheight = 15; // chosen to fit SBR16, may not work with others
bearingRadius = bearing_dia(bearing) / 2;
bearingTheta = open_bearing_theta(bearing);
bearingOpening = open_bearing_width(bearing);
bearingOpeningBig = bearingOpening + (tan(bearingTheta/2) * cutoutheight);
// center section with bearing hole
difference() {
translate([-width/2, -(H-h - chamfer)])
square([width, height]);
circle(r = bearingRadius);
for(m = [0, 1])
mirror([m, 0, 0])
translate([0, h - (cutoutheight/2) - H + G + 0.1])
right_trapezoid(bearingOpening/2, bearingOpeningBig/2, cutoutheight/2);
// add the sides
for(m = [0, 1])
mirror([m, 0, 0]) {
translate([-(W/2) + chamfer, -((H-h))]) {
difference() {
union() {
right_trapezoid(Ah - chamfer,Ah,chamfer);
right_trapezoid(A + chamfer,A,chamfer);
translate([-(chamfer +0.1), -0.1,0])
right_trapezoid(chamfer/2 + 0.2, 0, chamfer/2+ 0.2);
// bolt holes
for(x = [-J / 2, J / 2])
translate([x, h - H + I/2 - 0.1, 0])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
for (y = [-K / 2, K / 2])
translate([0, y])
cylinder(r = boltHoleRadius, h=I + 0.1, center=true);
// set screw holes
translate([-width/2 + S2L/2 - 0.1,0,0])
cylinder(r = setScrewRadius, h=S2L, center=true);
translate([0,-(H-h) + chamfer + S2L/2 -0.1,0])
cylinder(r = setScrewRadius, h=S2L, center=true);
not_on_bom() no_explode() {
spacer = sbr_spacer(type);
for(end = spacer ? [-1, 1] : 0)
translate_z(end * (bearing_length(bearing) + spacer) / 2)
for(end = [-1, 1])
translate_z(end * ((spacer ? 2 * bearing_length(bearing) + spacer : bearing_length(bearing)) + circlip_thickness(clip)) / 2)
translate([-width/2 - 0.1,0,0])
screw(S2, S2L);
translate([0,-(H-h) + chamfer - 0.1,0])
screw(S2, S2L);
module sbr_bearing_block_hole_positions(type) { //! Place children at hole positions
y = sbr_hole_offset(type) - sbr_side_height(type);
screw_separation_x = sbr_screw_separation_x(type);
screw_separation_z = sbr_screw_separation_z(type);
for(x = [-screw_separation_x, screw_separation_x], z = [-screw_separation_z, screw_separation_z])
translate([x / 2, y, z / 2])
rotate([-90, 0, 0])
module sbr_bearing_block_assembly(type, part_thickness, screw_type) { //! Assembly with screws in place
I = type[11]; // screw length
screw_type = is_undef(screw_type) ? sbr_screw(type) : screw_type;
G = sbr_size(type)[1];
screw_length = screw_shorter_than(I + part_thickness);
screw(screw_type, screw_length);
/* Generic bearing block functions */
module right_trapezoid(base, top, height, h = 0, center = true) {//! A right angled trapezoid with the 90&deg; corner at the origin. 3D when `h` is nonzero, otherwise 2D
extrude_if(h, center = center)
polygon(points = [ [0,0], [base, 0], [top, height], [0, height] ]);