Creates all points and angles on the path of a spiral around a sphere. It returns a vector of `[[x, y, z], [ax, ay, az]]`. `[x, y, z]` is actually obtained from rotating `[radius, 0, 0]` by `[ax, ay, az]`. It depends on the `rotate_p` function. Remember to include rotate_p.scad first.
## Parameters
-`radius` : The radius of the sphere.
-`za_step` : The spiral rotates around the z axis. When the rotated angle increases `za_step`, a point will be calculated.
-`z_circles` : The spiral rotates around the z axis. This parameter determines how many circles it will rotate from the top to the end. It defaults to 1.
-`begin_angle` : The default value is 0 which means begins from the north pole of the sphere. See examples below.
-`end_angle` : The default value is 0 which means begins from the sourth pole of the sphere. See examples below.