2017-04-08 08:57:57 +08:00
# bezier_surface
2017-04-08 09:07:28 +08:00
Given a set of control points, the `bezier_surface` function returns points of the Bézier surface. Combined with the `function_grapher` module defined in my library, you can create a Bézier surface.
2017-04-08 08:57:57 +08:00
## Parameters
- `t_step` : The distance between two points of the Bézier path.
- `points` : A set of control points. See examples below.
## Examples
If you have 16 control points and combine with the `function_grapher` module:
include < bezier_curve.scad > ;
include < bezier_surface.scad > ;
include < function_grapher.scad > ;
t_step = 0.05;
thickness = 0.5;
ctrl_pts = [
[[0, 0, 20], [60, 0, -35], [90, 0, 60], [200, 0, 5]],
[[0, 50, 30], [100, 60, -25], [120, 50, 120], [200, 50, 5]],
[[0, 100, 0], [60, 120, 35], [90, 100, 60], [200, 100, 45]],
[[0, 150, 0], [60, 150, -35], [90, 180, 60], [200, 150, 45]]
g = bezier_surface(t_step, ctrl_pts);
function_grapher(g, thickness);
![bezier_surface ](images/lib-bezier_surface-1.JPG )
The following figure shows controll points and bazier curves around the surface.
![bezier_surface ](images/lib-bezier_surface-2.JPG )