2020-04-05 16:20:23 +08:00
# contours
Computes contour polygons by applying [marching squares](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marching_squares) to a rectangular list of numeric values.
**Since:** 2.3
## Parameters
2021-02-24 14:25:59 +08:00
- `points` : A list of points `[x, y, z]`. See examples below.
2020-04-05 16:20:23 +08:00
- `threshold` : When applying a threshold value, the function returns isolines. When applying upper and lower threshold values, it returns isobands.
## Examples
use <hull_polyline2d.scad>;
2021-07-03 11:53:58 +08:00
use <surface/sf_thicken.scad>;
2020-04-05 16:20:23 +08:00
use <contours.scad>;
min_value = 1;
max_value = 360;
resolution = 10;
function f(x, y) = sin(x) * cos(y) * 30;
points = [
for(y = [min_value:resolution:max_value])
for(x = [min_value:resolution:max_value])
[x, y, f(x, y)]
2021-07-03 11:53:58 +08:00
sf_thicken(points, 1);
2020-04-05 16:20:23 +08:00
translate([max_value, 0, 0])
for(z = [-30:5:30]) {
translate([0, 0, z])
for(isoline = contours(points, z)) {
hull_polyline2d(isoline, width = 1);
translate([0, max_value])
for(z = [-30:5:30]) {
linear_extrude(35 + z)
for(isoband = contours(points, [z, z + 5])) {
polygon([for(p = isoband) [p[0], p[1]]]);
2021-02-24 21:09:54 +08:00