Every module or function is located in the file which has the same name as the module or the function. For examples, if you want to use the `line2d` module to draw a line, `include <line2d.scad>` first.
include <line2d.scad>;
line2d(p1 = [0, 0], p2 = [5, 0], width = 1);
Some modules may depend on other modules. For example, the `polyline2d` module depends on the `line2d` module, so you also have to `include <line2d.scad>` besides `include <polyline3d.scad>`.
I've been using OpenSCAD for years and created some funny things. Some of them include several important ideas and details. To prevent forgetfulness, I decided to [write them down](https://openhome.cc/eGossip/OpenSCAD/). Some examples developed in the documentation are useful so I elaborate them into this library.