This function maps keys to values. You can use the following to process the returned map.
- [util/map/hashmap_put]( : Puts an element to the map. It returns a new map.
- [util/map/hashmap_get]( : Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or `undef` if the map contains no mapping for the key.
- [util/map/hashmap_del]( : Deletes the mapping for the specified key from a map if present.
- [util/map/hashmap_len]( : Returns the length of the map.
- [util/map/hashmap_keys]( : Returns a list containing all keys in the map.
- [util/map/hashmap_values]( : Returns a list containing all values in the map.
- [util/map/hashmap_entries]( : Returns a list containing all `[key, value]`s in the map.
**Since:** 3.0
## Parameters
-`kv_lt` : Constructs a new map containing the `[key, value]`s in the specified list. It can be ignored if you want an empty map.
-`eq` : A equality function. If it's ignored, use `==` to compare elements.
-`hash` : A hash function. If it's ignored, convert each element to a string and hash it.
-`number_of_buckets` : The function uses a hash table internally. Change the number of buckets if you're trying to do optimization.