Creates a polyline from a list of `x`, `y` coordinates. When the end points are `CAP_ROUND`, you can use `$fa`, `$fs` or `$fn` to controll the circle module used internally.
-`startingStyle` : The end-cap style of the starting point. The value must be `"CAP_BUTT"`, `"CAP_SQUARE"` or `"CAP_ROUND"`. The default value is `"CAP_SQUARE"`.
-`endingStyle` : The end-cap style of the ending point. The value must be `"CAP_BUTT"`, `"CAP_SQUARE"` or `"CAP_ROUND"`. The default value is `"CAP_SQUARE"`.
-`joinStyle`: Applies to the vertex where two lines join. The value must be `"JOIN_ROUND"`, `"JOIN_MITER"` or `"JOIN_BEVEL"`. The default value is `"JOIN_ROUND"`. Since 2.4.
-`$fa`, `$fs`, `$fn` : Check [the circle module]( for more details. The final fragments of a circle will be a multiple of 4 to fit edges if possible.