When using this module, you should use points to represent the 2D shape. If your 2D shape is not solid, indexes of triangles are required. See [polysections](https://openhome.cc/eGossip/OpenSCAD/lib2x-polysections.html) for details.
-`closed` : If the first point and the last point of `path_pts` has the same coordinate, setting `closed` to `true` will connect them automatically.
-`method` : Which method does `path_extrude` take to **guess** how to generate sections? It accepts two value, `"AXIS_ANGLE"` (default) and `"EULER_ANGLE"`. **Since:** 1.3.
If you want to extrude a shape along a path precisely, providing enough information about how to rotate sections is necessary. If you want to extrude a shape along a helix, `helix_extrude` is more suitable because it knows how to dig out necessary data for rotating sections precisely.
If you have only points, what `path_extrude` can do is to **guess** data about rotations. The different algorithm will dig out different data. For example:
You might think this is wrong. Actually, it's not. It's the correct/default behavior of `path_extrude`. Because **you don't provide other information**, what `path_extrude` can do is to **guess** how to generate sections from points. You think it's a bug in `path_extrude` because your brain has information that path points do not provide.
The `method` parameter is default to `"AXIS_ANGLE"`, a way to guess information from points. It accepts `"EULER_ANGLE"`, too.
`"EULER_ANGLE"` generates the same section at the same point. You might think the model is correct. But, that's because what it guesses from points just match your expectation.
`"EULER_ANGLE"` will generate an abrupt when the path is exactly vertical. [The problem happened in (older) Blender, too.](https://download.blender.org/documentation/htmlI/ch09s04.html)
So, which is the correct method? Both methods are correct when you provide only points. `method` is just a way you tell `path_extrude` how to guess more information when extruding.
`"EULER_ANGLE"` will generate an abrupt when the path is exactly vertical. Some users might think it's a bug so `"AXIS_ANGLE"` is the default value.
`"EULER_ANGLE"`, however, generates the same section at the same point. This means that you don't have to adjust sections if you want to extrude along a closed path. It's an advantage when extruding. For example: