`lsystem3` is a 3D implementation of [L-system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L-system). It's based on the algorithm of turtle grahpics. Instructions for generation of rules are as follows:
-`rules` : A list of production rules. The first element of each rule is the predecessor, and the second is the successor.
-`n` : Iteration times.
-`angle` : Used when turing.
-`leng` : Used when forwarding. Default to `1`.
-`heading` : The initial angle of the turtle. Default to `0`.
-`start` : The starting point of the turtle. Default to `[0, 0]`.
-`forward_chars` : Chars used for forwarding after the last iteration. Default to `'F'`.
-`rule_prs` : The probabilities for taking rules. If each rule is chosen with a certain probability, it's a stochastic L-system. Each probability value for a rule ranges from 0 to 1.
[lsystem3-collections.scad](https://github.com/JustinSDK/dotSCAD/blob/master/examples/turtle/lsystem3_collection.scad) collects several L-system grammars. Here's one of them.