This function returns cell data of a square maze. The data is a 2-dimension list of cells. A cell has the data structure `[x, y, type]`. `x` and `y` are 0-based. `x` means the x-th column and `y` means y-th row for a cell. The value of `type` can be `0`, `1`, `2`, `3` or `4`. Setting them to constants is convenient.
NO_WALL = 0; // the cell has no wall
TOP_WALL = 1; // the cell has a top wall
RIGHT_WALL = 2; // the cell has a right wall
TOP_RIGHT_WALL = 3; // the cell has a top wall and a right wall
MASK = 4; // the cell is masked.
The cell data is seperated from views. You can use cell data to construct [different types of mazes](
**Since:** 3.3
## Parameters
-`rows` : The number of rows.
-`columns` : The number of columns.
-`start` : The start point to travel the maze. Default to `[0, 0]`.
-`init_cells` : You can define your own initial cell data, a 2-dimension list of `[x, y, type, visited]`. `visited` means the cell is visited or not. A visited cell won't be visited when traveling the maze. If you don't provide `init_cells`, `mz_square` will generate one automatically. If you provide `init_cells`, `rows` and `columns` will be ignored.
-`x_wrapping` : Default to `false`. If you want to wrap the maze in the x direction, set it to `true`. The last column of cells will be adjacent to the first column of cells.
-`y_wrapping` : Default to `false`. If you want to wrap the maze in the y direction, set it to `true`. The last row of cells will be adjacent to the first row of cells.
-`seed` : The maze is traveling randomly. Use `seed` to initialize the pseudorandom number generator.