mirror of https://github.com/JustinSDK/dotSCAD.git synced 2025-01-17 22:28:16 +01:00

add walk_torus83_fort

This commit is contained in:
Justin Lin 2019-09-25 10:21:46 +08:00
parent f29e410654
commit 33a09d4332

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@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
include <shape_starburst.scad>;
include <hollow_out.scad>;
// It works but some math is still required.
thickness = 4;
height = 20;
radius = 75;
// The idea is from Walk Torus83 Fort.
// https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/walk-torus83-fort-44dc701f676d40f7aa1bee874db6fde9
walk_torus83_fort(radius, thickness, height, $fn = 36);
wall(radius, height, thickness, $fn = 36);
module wall(radius, height, thickness) {
bk_number = 8;
half_thickness = thickness / 2;
ro = radius - half_thickness;
ri = ro * 0.541196;
leng = radius * 0.458804;
bk_w = leng / bk_number / 2;
module bk() {
for(i = [0:bk_number]) {
translate([(2 * i + 1) * bk_w, 0])
square(bk_w, center = true);
module eight_pts_star(r, th) {
hollow_out(shell_thickness = th)
intersection() {
polygon(shape_starburst(ro, ri, 8));
eight_pts_star(ro - thickness, thickness);
translate([0, 0, height])
difference() {
eight_pts_star(ro - thickness, thickness / 4);
union() {
for(i = [0:7]) {
rotate(22.5 + i * 45)
translate([-ro, 0]) rotate(-22.5) {
rotate(45) bk();
module walk_torus83_fort(radius, thickness, height) {
stair_number = 13;
leng = radius * 0.458804;
module tower(leng, radius, height) {
translate([0, 0, height])
module stairs(height, n) {
w = height / n;
half_w = w / 2;
for(i = [0:n - 1]) {
translate([w * i + w / 2, w * i + w / 2])
square(w, center = true);
module walkway(leng, thickness, height, wall_thickness, stair_number) {
half_leng = leng / 2;
half_h = height / 2;
r = thickness * 1.25;
door_w = thickness * 3.5;
p = [0, 0, -thickness * 2];
module door_df() {
translate([0, -thickness * 2])
square(door_w, center = true);
module half_door_df() {
door_w = thickness;
door_h = thickness * 3.5 - door_w;
half_dw = door_w / 2;
translate([-thickness * 1.75, -half_h]) {
square([door_w, door_h]);
translate([half_dw, door_h])
tri_points = [[0, 0], [0, height], [-height, 0]];
leng2 = leng * 0.75;
half_leng2 = leng2 / 2;
rotate([90, 0, 0])
linear_extrude(thickness, center = true) {
// walkway with doors
difference() {
hull() {
translate([half_leng, 0, 0])
square([leng, height], center = true);
translate([-half_leng, -half_h])
translate([-leng / 2.125, 0])
translate([-half_leng - height, -half_h])
stairs(height, stair_number);
// walkway without doors
translate([-leng * 1.75, 0]) rotate([180, 0, 180]) {
translate([half_leng2, 0])
square([leng2, height], center = true);
translate([0, -half_h])
translate([-leng * 0.625, -half_h + half_h / stair_number])
square([leng / 2, height / stair_number], center = true);
translate([-height, -half_h])
stairs(height, stair_number);
module one_burst(leng, thickness, height, stair_number) {
half_thickness = thickness / 2;
offset = leng / 2 + half_thickness;
half_h = height / 2;
translate([leng, - thickness / 4])
tower(leng, thickness, height * 1.125);
road_width = thickness / 1.5;
translate([0, -half_thickness - road_width / 2, half_h - half_h / stair_number])
walkway(leng, road_width, height / stair_number * (stair_number - 1), thickness, stair_number);
offset = leng / 1.325;
for(i = [0:7]) {
rotate(45 * i)
translate([offset, offset, 0])
one_burst(leng, thickness, height, stair_number);