diff --git a/examples/maze/stereographic_hex_maze.scad b/examples/maze/stereographic_hex_maze.scad
index 17176733..fa47356d 100644
--- a/examples/maze/stereographic_hex_maze.scad
+++ b/examples/maze/stereographic_hex_maze.scad
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+use <polyline2d.scad>;
 use <stereographic_extrude.scad>;
-use <square_maze.scad>;
+use <experimental/mz_blocks.scad>;
 x_cells = 10;
 cell_radius = 20;
@@ -8,6 +9,108 @@ fn = 24;
 shadow = "YES"; // [YES, NO]
 wall_height = 1;
+module build_hex_maze(y_cells, x_cells, maze_vector, cell_radius, wall_thickness, left_border = true, bottom_border = true) {
+    // NO_WALL = 0;       
+	// UPPER_WALL = 1;    
+	// RIGHT_WALL = 2;    
+	function no_wall(block) = get_wall_type(block) == 0;
+	function upper_wall(block) = get_wall_type(block) == 1;
+	function right_wall(block) = get_wall_type(block) == 2;
+	function upper_right_wall(block) = get_wall_type(block) == 3;
+	function block(x, y, wall_type, visited) = [x, y, wall_type, visited];
+	function get_x(block) = block[0];
+	function get_y(block) = block[1];
+	function get_wall_type(block) = block[2];
+	function cell_position(x_cell, y_cell) =
+		let(
+			grid_h = 2 * cell_radius * sin(60),
+			grid_w = cell_radius + cell_radius * cos(60)
+		)
+		[grid_w * x_cell, grid_h * y_cell + (x_cell % 2 == 0 ? 0 : grid_h / 2), 0];
+    module hex_seg(begin, end) {
+		polyline2d(
+			[for(a = [begin:60:end]) 
+				[cell_radius * cos(a), cell_radius * sin(a)]], 
+			wall_thickness,
+			startingStyle = "CAP_ROUND", endingStyle = "CAP_ROUND"
+		);
+	}
+	module build_upper_right() { hex_seg(0, 60); }
+	module build_upper() { hex_seg(60, 120); }
+	module build_upper_left() { hex_seg(120, 180);	}		
+	module build_down_left() { hex_seg(180, 240); }
+	module build_down() { hex_seg(240, 300); }
+	module build_down_right() { hex_seg(300, 360); }	
+	module build_cell(block) {
+		module build_right_wall(x_cell) {
+			if(x_cell % 2 != 0) {
+				build_down_right();
+			}
+			else {
+				build_upper_right();
+			}
+		}
+		module build_row_wall(x_cell, y_cell) {
+			if(x_cell % 2 != 0) {
+				build_upper_right();
+				build_upper_left();
+			}
+			else {
+				build_down_right();
+			}
+		}
+		x = get_x(block) - 1;
+		y = get_y(block) - 1;
+		translate(cell_position(x, y)) {
+			build_row_wall(x, y); 
+			if(upper_wall(block) || upper_right_wall(block)) {
+				build_upper();
+			}
+			if(right_wall(block) || upper_right_wall(block)) {
+				build_right_wall(x);
+			}  
+		}
+	}
+	// create the wall of maze
+	for(block = maze_vector) {
+		build_cell(block);
+	}  
+    if(left_border) {
+		for(y = [0:y_cells - 1]) {
+			translate(cell_position(0, y)) {
+				build_upper_left();
+				build_down_left();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+    if(bottom_border) {
+		for(x = [0:x_cells - 1]) {
+			translate(cell_position(x, 0)) {
+				build_down();
+				if(x % 2 == 0) {
+					build_down_left();
+					build_down_right();
+				}
+			}
+		}	
+	}
 module hex_maze_stereographic_projection(x_cells, cell_radius, wall_thickness, fn, wall_height, shadow) {
     y_cells = round(0.866 * x_cells - 0.211);
@@ -22,7 +125,10 @@ module hex_maze_stereographic_projection(x_cells, cell_radius, wall_thickness, f
     pyramid_height = square_w / sqrt(2);
     // create a maze     
-    maze_vector = go_maze(1, 1, starting_maze(y_cells, x_cells), y_cells, x_cells);
+    maze_vector = mz_blocks(
+        [1, 1],  
+        y_cells, x_cells
+    );
     stereographic_extrude(square_w, $fn = fn) 
     translate([grid_w - square_w / 2, grid_h - square_w / 2, 0])