# line3d Creates a 3D line from two points. ## Parameters - `p1` : 3 element vector `[x, y, z]`. - `p2` : 3 element vector `[x, y, z]`. - `thickness` : The line thickness. - `p1Style` : The end-cap style of the point `p1`. The value must be `"CAP_BUTT"`, `"CAP_CIRCLE"` or `"CAP_SPHERE"`. The default value is `"CAP_CIRCLE"`. - `p2Style` : The end-cap style of the point `p2`. The value must be `"CAP_BUTT"`, `"CAP_CIRCLE"` or `"CAP_SPHERE"`. The default value is `"CAP_CIRCLE"`. - `$fa`, `$fs`, `$fn` : Used by the `circle` or `sphere` module internally. Check [the circle module](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSCAD_User_Manual/Using_the_2D_Subsystem#circle) or [the sphere module](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSCAD_User_Manual/Primitive_Solids#sphere) for more details. ## Examples include ; line3d( p1 = [0, 0, 0], p2 = [10, 2, 10], thickness = 1, $fn = 24 ); ![line3d](images/lib-line3d-1.JPG) include ; line3d( p1 = [0, 0, 0], p2 = [10, 2, 10], thickness = 1, p1Style = "CAP_BUTT", p2Style = "CAP_BUTT", $fn = 24 ); ![line3d](images/lib-line3d-2.JPG) include ; line3d( p1 = [0, 0, 0], p2 = [10, 2, 10], thickness = 1, p1Style = "CAP_SPHERE", p2Style = "CAP_SPHERE", $fn = 24 ); ![line3d](images/lib-line3d-3.JPG)