# hull_polyline3d Creates a 3D polyline from a list of `[x, y, z]` coordinates. As the name says, it uses the built-in hull operation for each pair of points (created by the `sphere` module). It's slow. However, it can be used to create metallic effects for a small `$fn`, large `$fa` or `$fs`. ## Parameters - `points` : The list of `[x, y, z]` points of the polyline. The points are indexed from 0 to n-1. - `thickness` : The line thickness. - `$fa`, `$fs`, `$fn` : Check [the sphere module](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSCAD_User_Manual/Primitive_Solids#sphere) for more details. ## Examples use ; hull_polyline3d( points = [ [1, 2, 3], [4, -5, -6], [-1, -3, -5], [0, 0, 0] ], thickness = 1, $fn = 3 ); ![polyline3d](images/lib2x-hull_polyline3d-1.JPG) use ; r = 50; points = [ for(a = [0:180]) [ r * cos(-90 + a) * cos(a), r * cos(-90 + a) * sin(a), r * sin(-90 + a) ] ]; for(i = [0:7]) { rotate(45 * i) hull_polyline3d(points, 2, $fn = 3); } ![polyline3d](images/lib2x-hull_polyline3d-2.JPG)