# t2d An implementation of Turtle Graphics with Fluent API. It moves on the xy plane. You can get the cooridinate `[x, y]` or `angle` of its current position. **Since:** 2.1 ## Parameters - `t` : The data of a turtle. `t2d()` with no arguments will return a turtle with the point `[0, 0]` and the angle `0`. - `cmd` : It accepts a string or a list of commands. - Given a string: `"turn"`, `"forward"`, `"point"` or `"angle"`. If `"turn"` is provided, the `angle` parameter is required. If `"forward"` is provided, `leng` is required. `"point"` and `"angle"` are used to get respective data from a turtle. - Given a list: `[[cmd1, value], [cmd2, value2], ...]`. For example, `[["forward", 10], ["turn", 120]]` will forward a turtle 10mm and turn it 120 degrees. - `point` : Set the position of a turtle. - `angle` : Set the angle of a turtle if `cmd` is not provided. Turn a turtle if `cmd` is `"turn"`. - `leng` : Forward a turtle if `cmd` is `"forward"`. ## Examples use ; use ; module turtle_spiral(t, times, side_leng, angle, width) { $fn = 24; if(times != 0) { t1 = t2d(t, "turn", angle = angle); t2 = t2d(t1, "forward", leng = side_leng); line2d( t2d(t, "point"), t2d(t2, "point"), width, p1Style = "CAP_ROUND", p2Style = "CAP_ROUND" ); turtle_spiral(t2, times - 1, side_leng, angle, width); } } turtle_spiral( t2d(point = [0, 0], angle = 0), times = 5, side_leng = 10, angle = 144, width = 1 ); The code below creates the same drawing. use ; use ; module turtle_spiral(t, times, side_leng, angle, width) { $fn = 24; if(times != 0) { t1 = t2d(t, [ ["turn", angle], ["forward", side_leng] ]); line2d( t2d(t, "point"), t2d(t1, "point"), width, p1Style = "CAP_ROUND", p2Style = "CAP_ROUND" ); turtle_spiral(t1, times - 1, side_leng, angle, width); } } turtle_spiral( t2d(point = [0, 0], angle = 0), times = 5, side_leng = 10, angle = 144, width = 1 ); ![t2d](images/lib2x-t2d-1.JPG) use ; use ; side_leng = 100; min_leng = 4; thickness = 0.5; sierpinski_triangle( t2d(point = [0, 0], angle = 0), side_leng, min_leng, thickness, $fn = 3 ); module triangle(t, side_leng, thickness) { t2 = t2d(t, "forward", leng = side_leng); t3 = t2d(t2, [ ["turn", 120], ["forward", side_leng] ]); hull_polyline2d( [for(turtle = [t, t2, t3, t]) t2d(turtle, "point")], thickness ); } module sierpinski_triangle(t, side_leng, min_leng, thickness) { triangle(t, side_leng, thickness); if(side_leng >= min_leng) { half_leng = side_leng / 2; t2 = t2d(t, "forward", leng = half_leng); t3 = t2d(t, [ ["turn", 60], ["forward", half_leng], ["turn", -60] ]); for(turtle = [t, t2, t3]) { sierpinski_triangle(turtle, half_leng, min_leng, thickness); } } } ![t2d](images/lib2x-t2d-2.JPG)