# nz_worley2s Returns 2D [Worley noise](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worley_noise) values `[cell_x, cell_y, noise]` at (x, y) coordinates. It divides the space into grids. The nucleus of each cell is randomly placed in a grid. ![nz_worley2s](images/lib2x-nz_worley2s-1.JPG) **Since:** 2.3 ## Parameters - `points` : A list of `[x, y]` coordinates. - `seed` : The random seed. If it's ignored, a randomized value will be used. - `grid_w` : The grid width. Default to 10. Smaller `grid_w` makes more cells. - `dist` : The noise value of each point is based on its distance to other cells. Different distance strategies make different noises. The `dist` parameter accepts `"euclidean"`, `"manhattan"`, `"chebyshev"` or `"border"`. ## Examples use ; size = [100, 50]; grid_w = 10; dist = "euclidean"; // [euclidean, manhattan, chebyshev, border] seed = 51; points = [ for(y = [0:size[1] - 1]) for(x = [0:size[0] - 1]) [x, y] ]; cells = nz_worley2s(points, seed, grid_w, dist); for(i = [0:len(cells) - 1]) { h = norm([cells[i][0], cells[i][1]]) % 10; color([h, h, h] / 10) linear_extrude(h) translate(points[i]) square(1); } ![nz_worley2s](images/lib2x-nz_worley2s-2.JPG)