# shape_liquid_splitting Returns shape points of two splitting liquid shapes, kind of how cells divide. They can be used with xxx_extrude modules of dotSCAD. The shape points can be also used with the built-in polygon module. **Since:** 2.5 ## Parameters - `radius` : The radius of two circles. - `centre_dist` : The distance between centres of two circles. - `tangent_angle` : The angle of a tangent line. It defaults to 30 degrees. See examples below. - `t_step` : It defaults to 0.1. See [bezier_curve](https://openhome.cc/eGossip/OpenSCAD/lib3x-bezier_curve.html) for details. - `$fa`, `$fs`, `$fn` : Check [the circle module](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSCAD_User_Manual/Using_the_2D_Subsystem#circle) for more details. ## Examples use ; $fn = 36; radius = 10; centre_dist = 30; shape_pts = shape_liquid_splitting(radius, centre_dist); polygon(shape_pts); ![shape_liquid_splitting](images/lib3x-shape_liquid_splitting-1.JPG) use ; $fn = 36; radius = 10; centre_dist = 30; shape_pts = shape_liquid_splitting(radius, centre_dist); width = centre_dist / 2 + radius; rotate_extrude() difference() { polygon(shape_pts); translate([-width, -radius]) square([width, radius * 2]); } ![shape_liquid_splitting](images/lib3x-shape_liquid_splitting-2.JPG) use ; $fn = 36; radius = 10; centre_dist = 30; shape_pts = shape_liquid_splitting(radius, centre_dist); width = centre_dist + radius * 2; rotate_extrude() intersection() { rotate(-90) polygon(shape_pts); translate([radius / 2, 0]) square([radius, width], center = true); } ![shape_liquid_splitting](images/lib3x-shape_liquid_splitting-3.JPG)