# golden_spiral Gets all points and angles on the path of a golden spiral based on Fibonacci numbers. The distance between two points is almost constant. It returns a vector of `[[x, y], angle]`. ## Parameters - `from` : The nth Fibonacci number you wanna start from. - `to` : The nth Fibonacci number you wanna go to. - `point_distance` : Distance between two points on the path. - `rt_dir` : `"CT_CLK"` for counterclockwise. `"CLK"` for clockwise. The default value is `"CT_CLK"`. ## Examples use ; pts_angles = golden_spiral( from = 3, to = 10, point_distance = 1 ); for(pt_angle = pts_angles) { translate(pt_angle[0]) sphere(0.5); } ![golden_spiral](images/lib3x-golden_spiral-1.JPG) use ; pts_angles = golden_spiral( from = 5, to = 11, point_distance = 4 ); for(pt_angle = pts_angles) { translate(pt_angle[0]) rotate([90, 0, pt_angle[1]]) linear_extrude(1, center = true) text("A", valign = "center", halign = "center"); } ![golden_spiral](images/lib3x-golden_spiral-2.JPG)