# ring_extrude Rotational extrusion spins a 2D shape around the Z-axis. It's similar to the built-in `rotate_extrude`; however, it supports `angle`, `twist` and `scale` options. Because we cannot retrieve the shape points of built-in 2D modules, it's necessary to provide `shapt_pts` and `triangles`. If your 2D shape is not solid, indexes of triangles are required. See [polysections](https://openhome.cc/eGossip/OpenSCAD/lib-polysections.html) for details. ## Parameters - `shape_pts` : A list of points represent a shape. See the example below. - `radius` : The circle radius. - `angle` : Defaults to 360. Specifies the number of degrees to sweep, starting at the positive X axis. It also accepts a 2 element vector which defines the central angle. The first element of the vector is the beginning angle in degrees, and the second element is the ending angle. - `twist` : The number of degrees of through which the shape is extruded. - `scale` : Scales the 2D shape by this value over the length of the extrusion. Scale can be a scalar or a vector. - `triangles` : `"SOLID"` (default), `"HOLLOW"` or user-defined indexes. See [polysections](https://openhome.cc/eGossip/OpenSCAD/lib-polysections.html) for details. - `$fa`, `$fs`, `$fn` : Check [the circle module](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSCAD_User_Manual/Using_the_2D_Subsystem#circle) for more details. ## Examples include ; include ; include ; include ; shape_pts = [ [2, -10], [2, 10], [-2, 10], [-2, -10] ]; ring_extrude(shape_pts, radius = 50, twist = 180); ![ring_extrude](images/lib-ring_extrude-1.JPG) include ; include ; include ; include ; shape_pts = [ [2, -10], [2, 10], [-2, 10], [-2, -10] ]; ring_extrude(shape_pts, radius = 50, angle = 180, scale = 2); ![ring_extrude](images/lib-ring_extrude-2.JPG)