# stereographic_extrude Takes a 2D polygon as input and extends it onto a sphere. If you light up a lamp on the north pole of the sphere, the shadow will return to the original 2D polygon. For more information, take a look at [Stereographic projection](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stereographic_projection). The 2D polygon should center at the origin and you have to determine the side length of a square which can cover the 2D polygon. Because the 2D polygon will be extended onto a sphere, you can use `$fa`, `$fs` or `$fn` to controll the sphere resolution. ## Parameters - `shadow_side_leng` : The side length of a square which can cover the 2D polygon. - `$fa`, `$fs`, `$fn` : Check [the sphere module](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSCAD_User_Manual/Primitive_Solids#sphere) for more details. ## Examples use ; dimension = 100; render() stereographic_extrude(shadow_side_leng = dimension) text( "M", size = dimension, valign = "center", halign = "center" ); color("black") text( "M", size = dimension, valign = "center", halign = "center" ); ![stereographic_extrude](images/lib-stereographic_extrude-1.JPG) For more advanced examples, take a look at [my stereographic_projection collection](https://www.thingiverse.com/JustinSDK/collections/stereographic-projection).