# midpt_smooth Given a 2D path, this function constructs a mid-point smoothed version by joining the mid-points of the lines of the path. **Since:** 1.3 ## Parameters - `points` : The path points. - `n` : Perform mid-point smoothing n times. - `closed` : Is the points a 2D shape? If it's `true`, the function takes the last point and the first one to calculate a middle point. Default to `false`. ## Examples use use use taiwan = shape_taiwan(50); smoothed = midpt_smooth(taiwan, 20, true); translate([0, 0, 0]) polyline_join(taiwan) circle(.125); #translate([10, 0, 0]) polyline_join(smoothed) circle(.125); ![midpt_smooth](images/lib3x-midpt_smooth-1.JPG)