# in_shape Checks whether a point is inside a shape. **Since:** 1.3 ## Parameters - `shapt_pts` : The shape points. - `pt` : The point to be checked. - `include_edge` : If a point is on the edge of the shape, the function is default to return `false`. If `include_edge` is `true`, the function returns `true`. - `epsilon` : An upper bound on the relative error due to rounding in floating point arithmetic. Default to 0.0001. ## Examples use use points = shape_taiwan(30); %polygon(points); n = 200; xs = rands(-9, 9, n); ys = rands(-16, 16, n); pts = [ for(i = [0:n - 1]) let(p = [xs[i], ys[i]]) if(in_shape(points, p, true)) p ]; for(p = pts) { translate(p) circle(.2); } ![in_shape](images/lib3x-in_shape-1.JPG)