# shape_taiwan Returns shape points of [Taiwan](https://www.google.com.tw/maps?q=taiwan&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjai9XrqurTAhVIopQKHbEHClwQ_AUICygC). They can be used with xxx_extrude modules of dotSCAD. The shape points can be also used with the built-in polygon module. ## Parameters - `h` : The height of Taiwan. - `distance` : Used for simplifying the shape. If the distance between a point and its previous points is not greater than `distance`, the point will be kept. Default to 0. **Since:** 1.3. ## Examples use ; polygon(shape_taiwan(10)); ![shape_taiwan](images/lib3x-shape_taiwan-1.JPG) use ; use ; mirror_taiwan = [for(pt = shape_taiwan(15)) [pt[0] * -1, pt[1]]]; golden_spiral_extrude( mirror_taiwan, from = 1, to = 10, point_distance = 2.5, scale = 10 ); ![shape_taiwan](images/lib3x-shape_taiwan-2.JPG) use ; use ; r1 = 15; r2 = 100; levels = 3; level_dist = 50; helix_extrude(shape_taiwan(80), radius = [r1, r2], levels = levels, level_dist = level_dist, vt_dir = "SPI_DOWN", rt_dir = "CLK", scale = 0.1 ); ![shape_taiwan](images/lib3x-shape_taiwan-3.JPG)