# torus_knot Generate a path of [The (p,q)-torus knot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torus_knot). **Since:** 1.2. ![torus_knot](images/lib3x-torus_knot-1.JPG) ## Parameters - `p` : The p parameter of The (p,q)-torus knot. - `q` : The q parameter of The (p,q)-torus knot. - `phi_step` : The amount when increasing phi. ## Examples use ; use ; use ; p = 2; q = 3; phi_step = 0.05; star_radius = 0.5; pts = torus_knot(p, q, phi_step); shape_pentagram_pts = shape_pentagram(star_radius); path_extrude( shape_pentagram_pts, [each pts, pts[0]], closed = true, method = "EULER_ANGLE" ); ![torus_knot](images/lib3x-torus_knot-2.JPG)