// radii conflict example include //example of radii conflict handling and debuging feature function makeRadiiPoints(r1, r2)=[ [0, 0, 0 ], [0, 20, r1 ], [20, 20, r2 ], [20, 0, 0 ] ]; linear_extrude(3){ // the squre shape being 20 wide, two radii of 10 both fit into the shape (just) translate([-25,0,0])polygon(polyRound(makeRadiiPoints(10,10),50)); //radii are too large and are reduced to fit and will be reduce to 10 and 10 translate([0,0,0])polygon(polyRound(makeRadiiPoints(30,30),50)); //radii are too large again and are reduced to fit, but keep their ratios r1 will go from 10 to 4 and r2 will go from 40 to 16 translate([25,0,0])polygon(polyRound(makeRadiiPoints(10,40),50)); //mode 2 = no radii limiting translate([50,0,0])polygon(polyRound(makeRadiiPoints(15,20),50,mode=2)); }