2019-05-02 13:44:50 +02:00
function tan(x) {
return(sin(x) / cos(x))
function min(x, y) {
if (x < y) return(x)
else return(y)
function calculateThreadlibSpecs() {
Designator = $3;
2021-10-08 22:51:52 +02:00
DesignatorLong = $2;
2019-05-02 13:44:50 +02:00
P = $4;
H = P / 2 / tan(phi / 2);
DPitchExt = ($8 + $9) / 2;
DSupportExt = ($10 + $11) / 2;
DValleyExt = $11;
DCrestExt = ($6 + $7) / 2;
ZValleyExt = (DPitchExt + H - DValleyExt) / 2 * tan(phi / 2);
ZCrestExt = (DPitchExt + H - DCrestExt) / 2 * tan(phi / 2);
DPitchInt = ($15 + $16) / 2;
DSupportInt = ($17 + $18) / 2;
DValleyInt = $18;
DCrestInt = ($13 + $14) / 2;
# for some reason, the data sometimes has dRMax > H. We have to fix this:
dRMax = min((DValleyInt - DPitchInt + H) / 2, 0.99 * H);
DValleyInt = DPitchInt - H + 2 * dRMax;
# now, continue as usual
ZValleyInt = dRMax * tan(phi / 2);
ZCrestInt = (DCrestInt - DPitchInt + H) / 2 * tan(phi / 2);
2021-10-08 22:51:52 +02:00
function printExternalThreadSpecs() {
printf P "," # pitch
printf "%.4f,", DValleyExt / 2 # Rrot
printf "%.4f,", DSupportExt # Dsupport
printf 0 "," # r0
printf "%.4f,", -ZValleyExt # z0
printf 0 "," # r1
printf "%.4f,", +ZValleyExt # z1
printf "%.4f,", (DCrestExt - DValleyExt) / 2 # r2
printf "%.4f,", +ZCrestExt # z2
printf "%.4f,", (DCrestExt - DValleyExt) / 2 # r3
printf "%.4f\n", -ZCrestExt; # z3
function printInternalThreadSpecs() {
printf P "," # pitch
printf "%.4f,", -DValleyInt / 2 # Rrot
printf "%.4f,", DSupportInt # Dsupport
printf 0 "," # r0
printf "%.4f,", +ZValleyInt # z0
printf 0 "," # r1
printf "%.4f,", -ZValleyInt # z1
printf "%.4f,", -(DCrestInt - DValleyInt) / 2 # r2
printf "%.4f,", -ZCrestInt # z2
printf "%.4f,", -(DCrestInt - DValleyInt) / 2 # r3
printf "%.4f\n", +ZCrestInt; # z3
2019-05-02 13:44:50 +02:00
FS = "\t";
pi = atan2(0, -1);
deg = pi / 180;
phi = 60 * deg;
/^[^#]/ {
# External thread:
2021-10-08 22:51:52 +02:00
printf Designator "-ext," # designator such as "M4-ext"
2022-01-05 18:33:15 +01:00
if (DesignatorLong != Designator) {
printf DesignatorLong "-ext," # designator such as "M4x0.7-ext"
2019-05-02 13:44:50 +02:00
# Internal thread:
2021-10-08 22:51:52 +02:00
printf Designator "-int," # designator such as "M4-int"
2019-05-02 13:44:50 +02:00
2022-01-05 18:33:15 +01:00
if (DesignatorLong != Designator) {
printf DesignatorLong "-int," # designator such as "M4x0.7-int"
2021-10-08 22:51:52 +02:00