Developer Resources is a collection of all the resources for developers. In this section we're going to cover all the resources for Frontend development from Beginner to Advanced. These will be indicated respectively.
This section will include a table of contents in order for you to navigate to the sections that matter the most to you.
It will also include a Credit section to all the Github repositories from which we could have gotten some of resources listed in here.
We have made an effort to include as many free resources as possible. However we also understand that there are quality resources out there that might cost you a penny but totally worth it. We will be sure to indicate the resources that are paid.
Resources with 💵💵💵 indicate that the resource is a paid resource.
We Invite as many contributions as possible. Be sure to read How To Contribute
Table of Contents
- Summary
- Table of Contents
- Credits
- Roadmap
- How the Internet Works
- Icons
- Fonts and Typography
- Color Inspiration
- Images and Videos
- Hosting Sites
- Design Inspiration
- Portfolio Inspiration
- Youtube Channels
- Podcasts
- Blogs
- Newsletters
- Contributing
- Authors
Some of the resources listed in here were first listed in these amazing repositories:
This is complete roadmap of technologies you need to learn to go from beginner to a competent frontend developer.
How the Internet Works
Documentation and Articles
- MDN - How does the Internet work?
- Stanford - How Does the Internet Work?
- Medium - How the Internet Works
- HowStuffWorks - How does the Internet Work?
- KhanAcademy - What is the Internet
- Youtube - The Internet: Crash Course Computer Science
- Youtube - Computer Networks: Crash Course Computer Science
- Youtube - The World Wide Web: Crash Course Computer Science
- MDN - HTML5 Reference
- Reference - HTML Reference
- CSS-Tricks - HTML Entity Refernce
- W3Schools - Introduction to HTML
- Cheat Sheet - HTML Cheat Sheet
- FreeCodeCamp - Introduction to Basic HTML & HTML5
- W3Schools - HTML Tutorial
- Udacity - Intro to HTML and CSS
- Scrimba - Introduction to HTML
- EDX - HTML5 and CSSS Fundemantals
- Youtube - HTML Full Course
- Udemy - HTML and CSS3 Course 💵💵
- CodeCademy - Learn HTML 💵💵
- Pluralsight - HTML Fundamentals 💵💵
- Team Treehouse - Introduction to HTML and CSS 💵💵
- Reference - CSS Reference
- Extensive CSS Reference
- Getting to Know CSS
- FreeCodeCamp - Introduction to Basic CSS
- W3School - CSS Tutorial
- Scrimba - Introduction to CSS
- CodeCademy - Learn CSS 💵💵
- Team Treehouse - CSS Basics 💵💵
Style Guides
- Clippy - A small tool to help you using the new and powerful clip-path property.
- Can I use - Up-to-date browser support tables for front-end technologies on desktop and mobile browsers.
- CSS-tricks - A wonderful blog site for everything CSS
- Animate.css - A simple CSS library that lates you add animations with ease.
- Responsinator - A quick tool to check the responsiveness of a site across different devices.
- 7 Days, 7 Websites - A challenge site to build 7 websites in 7 days
- CSS Easing functions - An amazing collection of easing functions bo be used in CSS transitions and animations.
- Responsive Grid System - A quick, flexible and easy fluid grid for easy responsive web design.
- CSS reference by Codrops
- CSS for People Who Hate CSS -Excellent guide on how to write better, cleaner and more reusable CSS code.
- Cubic Berzier Function Generator - Free insights about traffic, visitors and conversions.
- Flaticon
- Icons8
- Swift Icons
- Ionicons
- Icomoon
- Fontastic
- Iconjar
- BoxIcons
- Heroicons
- Freepik
- Pngtree
- Icontre
- UXWing
- IconFinder
- Iconshock
- Iconmonstr
- Iconfactory
- Material Icons
- Font Awesome
Fonts and Typography
- Google Fonts
- Fontsquirrel
- MyFonts
- FontSpace
- 1001Fonts
- FFonts
- Befonts
- DaFont
- Unblast
- TypeTester
- FonstSpace
- FontsArena
- Typo Guide
- PinSpiry Fonts
- Abstract Fonts
- Free Script Fonts
- The 100 best fonts by Creative Bloq
Color Inspiration
- 0to255
- Paletton
- Coolors
- Color Hex
- Color Hunt
- UIGradients
- Flat UI Colors
- myColor Space
- Material Palette
- LOL Color Palettes
Images and Videos
- Coverr
- Pexels
- Burst
- Canva
- Flickr
- Reshot
- Pixabay
- Unsplash
- Life of Pix
- The Stocks
- Free Images
- ISO Republic
- Gratisography
- Subtle Patterns
- Startup Stock Photos
Hosting Sites
Design Inspiration
- Dribble
- Site Inspire
- Media Queries
- Call To idea
- Site Inspire
- One Page Love
- Land Book
- Awwwards
- Site Inspire
- Behance
- From Up North
- Template Monster
- Design Inspiration
- Webdesign Inspiration
- UI Movement
Portfolio Inspiration
- Brittany Chiang
- Fidalgo Pedro
- Julia Johnson
- Jack Jeznach
- Matt Farley
- Aral Tasher
- Developer Portfolios
Youtube Channels
- freeCodeCamp
- The Net Ninja
- Clever Programmer
- Academind
- Web Dev Simplified
- Coding Phase
- Dev Ed
- Ben Awad
- Keep On Coding
- Andy Sterkowitz
- Traversy Media
- Programming With Mosh
- Clement Mihailescu
- Syntax
- codeNewbies
- freeCodeCamp
- Modern Web
- Codepen Radio
- Ladybug Podcast
- Commit Your Code
- DevDiscuss
- Fullstack Radio
- The Changelog
- Frontend Happy Hour
- JavaScript Jabber
- freeCodeCamp
- Medium
- Hashnode
- Stackoverflow
- SitePoint
- Front End Front
- Web Designer Depot
- Smashing Magazine
- CSS-Tricks
- Hackernoon
- Hacker News
- Echo.Js
- Scotch
- Codrops
You're very welcome to contribute to this list. Be sure to read How to Contribute