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rework of the tutorial

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ven 2014-12-24 18:22:48 +01:00
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commit f323083ba4

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@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ my $variable;
## * Scalars. They represent a single value. They start with a `$`
my $str = 'String';
my $str2 = "String"; # double quotes allow for interpolation
# double quotes allow for interpolation (which we'll see later):
my $str2 = "String";
# variable names can contain but not end with simple quotes and dashes,
# and can contain (and end with) underscores :
@ -66,23 +67,13 @@ my @keys = 0, 2;
@array[@keys] = @letters; # Assign using an array
say @array; #=> a 6 b
# There are two more kinds of lists: Parcel and Arrays.
# Parcels are immutable lists (you can't modify a list that's not assigned).
# This is a parcel:
(1, 2, 3); # Not assigned to anything. Changing an element would provoke an error
# This is a list:
my @a = (1, 2, 3); # Assigned to `@a`. Changing elements is okay!
# Lists flatten (in list context). You'll see below how to apply item context
# or use arrays to have real nested lists.
## * Hashes. Key-Value Pairs.
# Hashes are actually arrays of Pairs (`Key => Value`),
# except they get "flattened", removing duplicated keys.
## * Hashes, or key-value Pairs.
# Hashes are actually arrays of Pairs
# (you can construct a Pair object using the syntax `Key => Value`),
# except they get "flattened" (hash context), removing duplicated keys.
my %hash = 1 => 2,
3 => 4;
my %hash = autoquoted => "key", # keys *can* get auto-quoted
my %hash = autoquoted => "key", # keys get auto-quoted
"some other" => "value", # trailing commas are okay
my %hash = <key1 value1 key2 value2>; # you can also create a hash
@ -112,6 +103,63 @@ sub say-hello-to(Str $name) { # You can provide the type of an argument
say "Hello, $name !";
## It can also have optional arguments:
sub with-optional($arg?) { # the "?" marks the argument optional
say "I might return `(Any)` if I don't have an argument passed,
or I'll return my argument";
with-optional; # returns Any
with-optional(); # returns Any
with-optional(1); # returns 1
## You can also give them a default value when they're not passed:
sub hello-to($name = "World") {
say "Hello, $name !";
hello-to; #=> Hello, World !
hello-to(); #=> Hello, World !
hello-to('You'); #=> Hello, You !
## You can also, by using a syntax akin to the one of hashes (yay unified syntax !),
## pass *named* arguments to a `sub`.
# They're optional, and will default to "Any" (Perl's "null"-like value).
sub with-named($normal-arg, :$named) {
say $normal-arg + $named;
with-named(1, named => 6); #=> 7
# There's one gotcha to be aware of, here:
# If you quote your key, Perl 6 won't be able to see it at compile time,
# and you'll have a single Pair object as a positional paramater,
# which means this fails:
with-named(1, 'named' => 6);
with-named(2, :named(5)); #=> 7
# To make a named argument mandatory, you can use `?`'s inverse, `!`
sub with-mandatory-named(:$str!) {
say "$str !";
with-mandatory-named(str => "My String"); #=> My String !
with-mandatory-named; # run time error: "Required named parameter not passed"
with-mandatory-named(3); # run time error: "Too many positional parameters passed"
## If a sub takes a named boolean argument ...
sub takes-a-bool($name, :$bool) {
say "$name takes $bool";
# ... you can use the same "short boolean" hash syntax:
takes-a-bool('config', :bool); # config takes True
takes-a-bool('config', :!bool); # config takes False
## You can also provide your named arguments with defaults:
sub named-def(:$def = 5) {
say $def;
named-def; #=> 5
named-def(:10def); #=> 10
named-def(def => 15); #=> 15
# Since you can omit parenthesis to call a function with no arguments,
# you need "&" in the name to capture `say-hello`.
my &s = &say-hello;
@ -136,74 +184,6 @@ sub concat3($a, $b, $c) {
concat3(|@array); #=> a, b, c
# `@array` got "flattened" as a part of the argument list
## It can also have optional arguments:
sub with-optional($arg?) { # the "?" marks the argument optional
say "I might return `(Any)` if I don't have an argument passed,
or I'll return my argument";
with-optional; # returns Any
with-optional(); # returns Any
with-optional(1); # returns 1
## You can also give them a default value when they're not passed:
sub hello-to($name = "World") {
say "Hello, $name !";
hello-to; #=> Hello, World !
hello-to(); #=> Hello, World !
hello-to('You'); #=> Hello, You !
## You can also, by using a syntax akin to the one of hashes (yay unification !),
## pass *named* arguments to a `sub`.
sub with-named($normal-arg, :$named) {
say $normal-arg + $named;
with-named(1, named => 6); #=> 7
# There's one gotcha to be aware of, here:
# If you quote your key, Perl 6 won't be able to see it at compile time,
# and you'll have a single Pair object as a positional paramater.
with-named(2, :named(5)); #=> 7
with-named(3, :4named); #=> 7
# (special colon pair syntax for numbers,
# to be used with s// and such, see later)
with-named(3); # warns, because we tried to use the undefined $named in a `+`:
# by default, named arguments are *optional*
# To make a named argument mandatory, you can use `?`'s inverse, `!`
sub with-mandatory-named(:$str!) {
say "$str !";
with-mandatory-named(str => "My String"); #=> My String !
with-mandatory-named; # run time error: "Required named parameter not passed"
with-mandatory-named(3); # run time error: "Too many positional parameters passed"
## If a sub takes a named boolean argument ...
sub takes-a-bool($name, :$bool) {
say "$name takes $bool";
# ... you can use the same "short boolean" hash syntax:
takes-a-bool('config', :bool); # config takes True
takes-a-bool('config', :!bool); # config takes False
# or you can use the "adverb" form:
takes-a-bool('config'):bool; #=> config takes True
takes-a-bool('config'):!bool; #=> config takes False
# You'll learn to love (or maybe hate, eh) that syntax later.
## You can also provide your named arguments with defaults:
sub named-def(:$def = 5) {
say $def;
named-def; #=> 5
named-def(:10def); #=> 10
named-def(def => 15); #=> 15
# -- Note: we're going to learn *more* on subs really soon,
# but we need to grasp a few more things to understand their real power. Ready?
### Containers
# In Perl 6, values are actually stored in "containers".
# The assignment operator asks the container on the left to store the value on
@ -220,17 +200,13 @@ sub mutate($n is rw) {
# A sub itself returns a container, which means it can be marked as rw:
my $x = 42;
sub mod() is rw { $x }
mod() = 52; # in this case, the parentheses are mandatory
# (else Perl 6 thinks `mod` is a "term")
sub x-store() is rw { $x }
x-store() = 52; # in this case, the parentheses are mandatory
# (else Perl 6 thinks `mod` is an identifier)
say $x; #=> 52
### Control Flow Structures
# You don't need to put parenthesis around the condition,
# but that also means you always have to use brackets (`{ }`) for their body:
## Conditionals
# - `if`
@ -247,30 +223,38 @@ unless False {
say "It's not false !";
# As you can see, you don't need parentheses around conditions.
# However, you do need the brackets around the "body" block:
# if (true) say; # This doesn't work !
# You can also use their postfix versions, with the keyword after:
say "Quite truthy" if True;
# if (true) say; # This doesn't work !
# - Ternary conditional, "?? !!" (like `x ? y : z` in some other languages)
my $a = $condition ?? $value-if-true !! $value-if-false;
# - `given`-`when` looks like other languages `switch`, but much more
# powerful thanks to smart matching and thanks to Perl 6's "topic variable", $_.
# This variable contains the default argument of a block,
# a loop's current iteration (unless explicitly named), etc.
# `given` simply puts its argument into `$_` (like a block would do),
# and `when` compares it using the "smart matching" (`~~`) operator.
# Since other Perl 6 constructs use this variable (as said before, like `for`,
# blocks, etc), this means the powerful `when` is not only applicable along with
# a `given`, but instead anywhere a `$_` exists.
given "foo bar" {
when /foo/ { # Don't worry about smart matching -- just know `when` uses it.
say $_; #=> foo bar
when /foo/ { # Don't worry about smart matching yet just know `when` uses it.
# This is equivalent to `if $_ ~~ /foo/`.
say "Yay !";
when $_.chars > 50 { # smart matching anything with True (`$a ~~ True`) is True,
# so you can also put "normal" conditionals.
# This when is equivalent to this `if`:
# if ($_.chars > 50) ~~ True {...}
say "Quite a long string !";
default { # same as `when *` (using the Whatever Star)
@ -281,7 +265,7 @@ given "foo bar" {
## Looping constructs
# - `loop` is an infinite loop if you don't pass it arguments,
# but can also be a c-style `for`:
# but can also be a C-style `for` loop:
loop {
say "This is an infinite loop !";
last; # last breaks out of the loop, like the `break` keyword in other languages
@ -296,7 +280,7 @@ loop (my $i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
# - `for` - Passes through an array
for @array -> $variable {
say "I've found $variable !";
say "I've got $variable !";
# As we saw with given, for's default "current iteration" variable is `$_`.
@ -316,22 +300,15 @@ for @array {
last if $_ == 5; # Or break out of a loop (like `break` in C-like languages).
# Note - the "lambda" `->` syntax isn't reserved to `for`:
# The "pointy block" syntax isn't specific to for.
# It's just a way to express a block in Perl6.
if long-computation() -> $result {
say "The result is $result";
## Loops can also have a label, and be jumped to through these.
OUTER: while 1 {
say "hey";
while 1 {
OUTER.last; # All the control keywords must be called on the label itself
# Now that you've seen how to traverse a list, you need to be aware of something:
# List context (@) flattens. If you traverse nested lists, you'll actually be traversing a
# shallow list (except if some sub-list were put in item context ($)).
# shallow list.
for 1, 2, (3, (4, ((5)))) {
say "Got $_.";
} #=> Got 1. Got 2. Got 3. Got 4. Got 5.
@ -348,9 +325,14 @@ for [1, 2, 3, 4] {
say "Got $_.";
} #=> Got 1 2 3 4.
# The other difference between `$()` and `[]` is that `[]` always returns a mutable Array
# whereas `$()` will return a Parcel when given a Parcel.
# You need to be aware of when flattening happens exactly.
# The general guideline is that argument lists flatten, but not method calls.
# Also note that `.list` and array assignment flatten (`@ary = ...`) flatten.
((1,2), 3, (4,5)).map({...}); # iterates over three elements (method call)
map {...}, ((1,2),3,(4,5)); # iterates over five elements (argument list is flattened)
(@a, @b, @c).pick(1); # picks one of three arrays (method call)
pick 1, @a, @b, @c; # flattens argument list and pick one element
### Operators
@ -394,9 +376,6 @@ $arg ~~ &bool-returning-function; # `True` if the function, passed `$arg`
1 ~~ True; # smart-matching against a boolean always returns that boolean
# (and will warn).
# - `===` is value identity and uses `.WHICH` on the objects to compare them
# - `=:=` is container identity and uses `VAR()` on the objects to compare them
# You also, of course, have `<`, `<=`, `>`, `>=`.
# Their string equivalent are also avaiable : `lt`, `le`, `gt`, `ge`.
3 > 4;
@ -559,6 +538,21 @@ map(sub ($a, $b) { $a + $b + 3 }, @array); # (here with `sub`)
# Note : those are sorted lexicographically.
# `{ $^b / $^a }` is like `-> $a, $b { $b / $a }`
## About types...
# Perl6 is gradually typed. This means you can specify the type
# of your variables/arguments/return types, or you can omit them
# and they'll default to "Any".
# You obviously get access to a few base types, like Int and Str.
# The constructs for declaring types are "class", "role",
# which you'll see later.
# For now, let us examinate "subset":
# a "subset" is a "sub-type" with additional checks.
# For example: "a very big integer is an Int that's greater than 500"
# You can specify the type you're subtyping (by default, Any),
# and add additional checks with the "where" keyword:
subset VeryBigInteger of Int where * > 500;
## Multiple Dispatch
# Perl 6 can decide which variant of a `sub` to call based on the type of the
# arguments, or on arbitrary preconditions, like with a type or a `where`:
@ -567,20 +561,19 @@ map(sub ($a, $b) { $a + $b + 3 }, @array); # (here with `sub`)
multi sub sayit(Int $n) { # note the `multi` keyword here
say "Number: $n";
multi sayit(Str $s) } # the `sub` is the default
multi sayit(Str $s) } # a multi is a `sub` by default
say "String: $s";
sayit("foo"); # prints "String: foo"
sayit(True); # fails at *compile time* with
# "calling 'sayit' will never work with arguments of types ..."
# with arbitrary precondition:
# with arbitrary precondition (remember subsets?):
multi is-big(Int $n where * > 50) { "Yes !" } # using a closure
multi is-big(Int $ where 10..50) { "Quite." } # Using smart-matching
# (could use a regexp, etc)
multi is-big(Int $) { "No" }
# You can also name these checks, by creating "subsets":
subset Even of Int where * %% 2;
multi odd-or-even(Even) { "Even" } # The main case using the type.
@ -724,7 +717,7 @@ role PrintableVal {
# you "use" a mixin with "does" :
# you "import" a mixin (a "role") with "does":
class Item does PrintableVal {
has $.val;
@ -1083,9 +1076,7 @@ postcircumfix:<{ }>(%h, $key, :delete); # (you can call operators like that)
# It's a prefix meta-operator that takes a binary functions and
# one or many lists. If it doesn't get passed any argument,
# it either return a "default value" for this operator
# (a value that wouldn't change the result if passed as one
# of the element of the list to be passed to the operator),
# or `Any` if there's none (examples below).
# (a meaningless value) or `Any` if there's none (examples below).
# Otherwise, it pops an element from the list(s) one at a time, and applies
# the binary function to the last result (or the list's first element)
@ -1107,9 +1098,7 @@ say [//] Nil, Any, False, 1, 5; #=> False
# Default value examples:
say [*] (); #=> 1
say [+] (); #=> 0
# In both cases, they're results that, were they in the lists,
# wouldn't have any impact on the final value
# (since N*1=N and N+0=N).
# meaningless values, since N*1=N and N+0=N.
say [//]; #=> (Any)
# There's no "default value" for `//`.
@ -1163,90 +1152,6 @@ say @fib[^10]; #=> 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55
# That's why `@primes[^100]` will take a long time the first time you print
# it, then be instant.
## * Sort comparison
# They return one value of the `Order` enum : `Less`, `Same` and `More`
# (which numerify to -1, 0 or +1).
1 <=> 4; # sort comparison for numerics
'a' leg 'b'; # sort comparison for string
$obj eqv $obj2; # sort comparison using eqv semantics
## * Generic ordering
3 before 4; # True
'b' after 'a'; # True
## * Short-circuit default operator
# Like `or` and `||`, but instead returns the first *defined* value :
say Any // Nil // 0 // 5; #=> 0
## * Short-circuit exclusive or (XOR)
# Returns `True` if one (and only one) of its arguments is true
say True ^^ False; #=> True
## * Flip Flop
# The flip flop operators (`ff` and `fff`, equivalent to P5's `..`/`...`).
# are operators that take two predicates to test:
# They are `False` until their left side returns `True`, then are `True` until
# their right side returns `True`.
# Like for ranges, you can exclude the iteration when it became `True`/`False`
# by using `^` on either side.
# Let's start with an example :
for <well met young hero we shall meet later> {
# by default, `ff`/`fff` smart-match (`~~`) against `$_`:
if 'met' ^ff 'meet' { # Won't enter the if for "met"
# (explained in details below).
if rand == 0 ff rand == 1 { # compare variables other than `$_`
say "This ... probably will never run ...";
# This will print "young hero we shall meet" (excluding "met"):
# the flip-flop will start returning `True` when it first encounters "met"
# (but will still return `False` for "met" itself, due to the leading `^`
# on `ff`), until it sees "meet", which is when it'll start returning `False`.
# The difference between `ff` (awk-style) and `fff` (sed-style) is that
# `ff` will test its right side right when its left side changes to `True`,
# and can get back to `False` right away
# (*except* it'll be `True` for the iteration that matched) -
# While `fff` will wait for the next iteration to
# try its right side, once its left side changed:
.say if 'B' ff 'B' for <A B C B A>; #=> B B
# because the right-hand-side was tested
# directly (and returned `True`).
# "B"s are printed since it matched that time
# (it just went back to `False` right away).
.say if 'B' fff 'B' for <A B C B A>; #=> B C B
# The right-hand-side wasn't tested until
# `$_` became "C"
# (and thus did not match instantly).
# A flip-flop can change state as many times as needed:
for <test start print it stop not printing start print again stop not anymore> {
.say if $_ eq 'start' ^ff^ $_ eq 'stop'; # exclude both "start" and "stop",
#=> "print this printing again"
# you might also use a Whatever Star,
# which is equivalent to `True` for the left side or `False` for the right:
for (1, 3, 60, 3, 40, 60) { # Note: the parenthesis are superfluous here
# (sometimes called "superstitious parentheses")
.say if $_ > 50 ff *; # Once the flip-flop reaches a number greater than 50,
# it'll never go back to `False`
#=> 60 3 40 60
# You can also use this property to create an `If`
# that'll not go through the first time :
for <a b c> {
.say if * ^ff *; # the flip-flop is `True` and never goes back to `False`,
# but the `^` makes it *not run* on the first iteration
#=> b c
### Regular Expressions
# I'm sure a lot of you have been waiting for this one.
# Well, now that you know a good deal of Perl 6 already, we can get started.
@ -1470,6 +1375,105 @@ multi MAIN('import', File, Str :$as) { ... } # omitting parameter name
# As you can see, this is *very* powerful.
# It even went as far as to show inline the constants.
# (the type is only displayed if the argument is `$`/is named)
### List of things
# It's considered by now you know the Perl6 basics.
# This section is just here to list some common operations,
# but which are not in the "main part" of the tutorial to bloat it up
## Operators
## * Sort comparison
# They return one value of the `Order` enum : `Less`, `Same` and `More`
# (which numerify to -1, 0 or +1).
1 <=> 4; # sort comparison for numerics
'a' leg 'b'; # sort comparison for string
$obj eqv $obj2; # sort comparison using eqv semantics
## * Generic ordering
3 before 4; # True
'b' after 'a'; # True
## * Short-circuit default operator
# Like `or` and `||`, but instead returns the first *defined* value :
say Any // Nil // 0 // 5; #=> 0
## * Short-circuit exclusive or (XOR)
# Returns `True` if one (and only one) of its arguments is true
say True ^^ False; #=> True
## * Flip Flop
# The flip flop operators (`ff` and `fff`, equivalent to P5's `..`/`...`).
# are operators that take two predicates to test:
# They are `False` until their left side returns `True`, then are `True` until
# their right side returns `True`.
# Like for ranges, you can exclude the iteration when it became `True`/`False`
# by using `^` on either side.
# Let's start with an example :
for <well met young hero we shall meet later> {
# by default, `ff`/`fff` smart-match (`~~`) against `$_`:
if 'met' ^ff 'meet' { # Won't enter the if for "met"
# (explained in details below).
if rand == 0 ff rand == 1 { # compare variables other than `$_`
say "This ... probably will never run ...";
# This will print "young hero we shall meet" (excluding "met"):
# the flip-flop will start returning `True` when it first encounters "met"
# (but will still return `False` for "met" itself, due to the leading `^`
# on `ff`), until it sees "meet", which is when it'll start returning `False`.
# The difference between `ff` (awk-style) and `fff` (sed-style) is that
# `ff` will test its right side right when its left side changes to `True`,
# and can get back to `False` right away
# (*except* it'll be `True` for the iteration that matched) -
# While `fff` will wait for the next iteration to
# try its right side, once its left side changed:
.say if 'B' ff 'B' for <A B C B A>; #=> B B
# because the right-hand-side was tested
# directly (and returned `True`).
# "B"s are printed since it matched that time
# (it just went back to `False` right away).
.say if 'B' fff 'B' for <A B C B A>; #=> B C B
# The right-hand-side wasn't tested until
# `$_` became "C"
# (and thus did not match instantly).
# A flip-flop can change state as many times as needed:
for <test start print it stop not printing start print again stop not anymore> {
.say if $_ eq 'start' ^ff^ $_ eq 'stop'; # exclude both "start" and "stop",
#=> "print this printing again"
# you might also use a Whatever Star,
# which is equivalent to `True` for the left side or `False` for the right:
for (1, 3, 60, 3, 40, 60) { # Note: the parenthesis are superfluous here
# (sometimes called "superstitious parentheses")
.say if $_ > 50 ff *; # Once the flip-flop reaches a number greater than 50,
# it'll never go back to `False`
#=> 60 3 40 60
# You can also use this property to create an `If`
# that'll not go through the first time :
for <a b c> {
.say if * ^ff *; # the flip-flop is `True` and never goes back to `False`,
# but the `^` makes it *not run* on the first iteration
#=> b c
# - `===` is value identity and uses `.WHICH` on the objects to compare them
# - `=:=` is container identity and uses `VAR()` on the objects to compare them
If you want to go further, you can: