mirror of https://github.com/adambard/learnxinyminutes-docs.git synced 2025-02-06 08:09:13 +01:00
Tom Duff 087dbecb2f Add more examples and explanations
Added some clarifying examples to sections on echo(), constants, and
cleaned up formatting on others. Added further explanation about the
spaceship operator.
2015-10-18 20:21:42 -04:00

811 lines
18 KiB

language: PHP
- ["Malcolm Fell", "http://emarref.net/"]
- ["Trismegiste", "https://github.com/Trismegiste"]
filename: learnphp.php
This document describes PHP 5+.
<?php // PHP code must be enclosed with <?php tags
// If your php file only contains PHP code, it is best practice
// to omit the php closing tag to prevent accidental output.
// Two forward slashes start a one-line comment.
# So will a hash (aka pound symbol) but // is more common
Surrounding text in slash-asterisk and asterisk-slash
makes it a multi-line comment.
// Use "echo" or "print" to print output
print('Hello '); // Prints "Hello " with no line break
// () are optional for print and echo
echo "World\n"; // Prints "World" with a line break
// (all statements must end with a semicolon)
// Anything outside <?php tags is echoed automatically
Hello World Again!
* Types & Variables
// Variables begin with the $ symbol.
// A valid variable name starts with a letter or underscore,
// followed by any number of letters, numbers, or underscores.
// Boolean values are case-insensitive
$boolean = true; // or TRUE or True
$boolean = false; // or FALSE or False
// Integers
$int1 = 12; // => 12
$int2 = -12; // => -12
$int3 = 012; // => 10 (a leading 0 denotes an octal number)
$int4 = 0x0F; // => 15 (a leading 0x denotes a hex literal)
// Floats (aka doubles)
$float = 1.234;
$float = 1.2e3;
$float = 7E-10;
// Delete variable
// Arithmetic
$sum = 1 + 1; // 2
$difference = 2 - 1; // 1
$product = 2 * 2; // 4
$quotient = 2 / 1; // 2
// Shorthand arithmetic
$number = 0;
$number += 1; // Increment $number by 1
echo $number++; // Prints 1 (increments after evaluation)
echo ++$number; // Prints 3 (increments before evaluation)
$number /= $float; // Divide and assign the quotient to $number
// Strings should be enclosed in single quotes;
$sgl_quotes = '$String'; // => '$String'
// Avoid using double quotes except to embed other variables
$dbl_quotes = "This is a $sgl_quotes."; // => 'This is a $String.'
// Special characters are only escaped in double quotes
$escaped = "This contains a \t tab character.";
$unescaped = 'This just contains a slash and a t: \t';
// Enclose a variable in curly braces if needed
$money = "I have $${number} in the bank.";
// Since PHP 5.3, nowdocs can be used for uninterpolated multi-liners
$nowdoc = <<<'END'
Multi line
// Heredocs will do string interpolation
$heredoc = <<<END
Multi line
// String concatenation is done with .
echo 'This string ' . 'is concatenated';
// Strings can be passed in as parameters to echo
echo 'Multiple', 'Parameters', 'Valid'; // Returns 'MultipleParametersValid'
* Constants
// A constant is defined by using define()
// and can never be changed during runtime!
// a valid constant name starts with a letter or underscore,
// followed by any number of letters, numbers, or underscores.
define("FOO", "something");
// access to a constant is possible by calling the choosen name without a $
echo FOO; // Returns 'something'
echo 'This outputs '.FOO; // Returns 'This ouputs something'
* Arrays
// All arrays in PHP are associative arrays (hashmaps),
// Associative arrays, known as hashmaps in some languages.
// Works with all PHP versions
$associative = array('One' => 1, 'Two' => 2, 'Three' => 3);
// PHP 5.4 introduced a new syntax
$associative = ['One' => 1, 'Two' => 2, 'Three' => 3];
echo $associative['One']; // prints 1
// List literals implicitly assign integer keys
$array = ['One', 'Two', 'Three'];
echo $array[0]; // => "One"
// Add an element to the end of an array
$array[] = 'Four';
// or
array_push($array, 'Five');
// Remove element from array
* Output
echo('Hello World!');
// Prints Hello World! to stdout.
// Stdout is the web page if running in a browser.
print('Hello World!'); // The same as echo
// echo and print are language constructs too, so you can drop the parentheses
echo 'Hello World!';
print 'Hello World!';
$paragraph = 'paragraph';
echo 100; // Echo scalar variables directly
echo $paragraph; // or variables
// If short open tags are configured, or your PHP version is
// 5.4.0 or greater, you can use the short echo syntax
<p><?= $paragraph ?></p>
$x = 1;
$y = 2;
$x = $y; // $x now contains the same value as $y
$z = &$y;
// $z now contains a reference to $y. Changing the value of
// $z will change the value of $y also, and vice-versa.
// $x will remain unchanged as the original value of $y
echo $x; // => 2
echo $z; // => 2
$y = 0;
echo $x; // => 2
echo $z; // => 0
// Dumps type and value of variable to stdout
var_dump($z); // prints int(0)
// Prints variable to stdout in human-readable format
print_r($array); // prints: Array ( [0] => One [1] => Two [2] => Three )
* Logic
$a = 0;
$b = '0';
$c = '1';
$d = '1';
// assert throws a warning if its argument is not true
// These comparisons will always be true, even if the types aren't the same.
assert($a == $b); // equality
assert($c != $a); // inequality
assert($c <> $a); // alternative inequality
assert($a < $c);
assert($c > $b);
assert($a <= $b);
assert($c >= $d);
// The following will only be true if the values match and are the same type.
assert($c === $d);
assert($a !== $d);
assert(1 === '1');
assert(1 !== '1');
// 'Spaceship' operator (since PHP 7)
// Returns 0 if values on either side are equal
// Returns 1 if value on the left is greater
// Returns -1 if the value on the right is greater
$a = 100;
$b = 1000;
echo $a <=> $a; // 0 since they are equal
echo $a <=> $b; // -1 since $a < $b
echo $b <=> $a; // 1 since $b > $a
// Variables can be converted between types, depending on their usage.
$integer = 1;
echo $integer + $integer; // => 2
$string = '1';
echo $string + $string; // => 2 (strings are coerced to integers)
$string = 'one';
echo $string + $string; // => 0
// Outputs 0 because the + operator cannot cast the string 'one' to a number
// Type casting can be used to treat a variable as another type
$boolean = (boolean) 1; // => true
$zero = 0;
$boolean = (boolean) $zero; // => false
// There are also dedicated functions for casting most types
$integer = 5;
$string = strval($integer);
$var = null; // Null value
* Control Structures
if (true) {
print 'I get printed';
if (false) {
print 'I don\'t';
} else {
print 'I get printed';
if (false) {
print 'Does not get printed';
} elseif(true) {
print 'Does';
// ternary operator
print (false ? 'Does not get printed' : 'Does');
// ternary shortcut operator since PHP 5.3
// equivalent of "$x ? $x : 'Does'""
$x = false;
print($x ?: 'Does');
// null coalesce operator since php 7
$a = null;
$b = 'Does print';
echo $a ?? 'a is not set'; // prints 'a is not set'
echo $b ?? 'b is not set'; // prints 'Does print'
$x = 0;
if ($x === '0') {
print 'Does not print';
} elseif($x == '1') {
print 'Does not print';
} else {
print 'Does print';
// This alternative syntax is useful for templates:
<?php if ($x): ?>
This is displayed if the test is truthy.
<?php else: ?>
This is displayed otherwise.
<?php endif; ?>
// Use switch to save some logic.
switch ($x) {
case '0':
print 'Switch does type coercion';
break; // You must include a break, or you will fall through
// to cases 'two' and 'three'
case 'two':
case 'three':
// Do something if $variable is either 'two' or 'three'
// Do something by default
// While, do...while and for loops are probably familiar
$i = 0;
while ($i < 5) {
echo $i++;
}; // Prints "01234"
echo "\n";
$i = 0;
do {
echo $i++;
} while ($i < 5); // Prints "01234"
echo "\n";
for ($x = 0; $x < 10; $x++) {
echo $x;
} // Prints "0123456789"
echo "\n";
$wheels = ['bicycle' => 2, 'car' => 4];
// Foreach loops can iterate over arrays
foreach ($wheels as $wheel_count) {
echo $wheel_count;
} // Prints "24"
echo "\n";
// You can iterate over the keys as well as the values
foreach ($wheels as $vehicle => $wheel_count) {
echo "A $vehicle has $wheel_count wheels";
echo "\n";
$i = 0;
while ($i < 5) {
if ($i === 3) {
break; // Exit out of the while loop
echo $i++;
} // Prints "012"
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
if ($i === 3) {
continue; // Skip this iteration of the loop
echo $i;
} // Prints "0124"
* Functions
// Define a function with "function":
function my_function () {
return 'Hello';
echo my_function(); // => "Hello"
// A valid function name starts with a letter or underscore, followed by any
// number of letters, numbers, or underscores.
function add ($x, $y = 1) { // $y is optional and defaults to 1
$result = $x + $y;
return $result;
echo add(4); // => 5
echo add(4, 2); // => 6
// $result is not accessible outside the function
// print $result; // Gives a warning.
// Since PHP 5.3 you can declare anonymous functions;
$inc = function ($x) {
return $x + 1;
echo $inc(2); // => 3
function foo ($x, $y, $z) {
echo "$x - $y - $z";
// Functions can return functions
function bar ($x, $y) {
// Use 'use' to bring in outside variables
return function ($z) use ($x, $y) {
foo($x, $y, $z);
$bar = bar('A', 'B');
$bar('C'); // Prints "A - B - C"
// You can call named functions using strings
$function_name = 'add';
echo $function_name(1, 2); // => 3
// Useful for programatically determining which function to run.
// Or, use call_user_func(callable $callback [, $parameter [, ... ]]);
// You can get the all the parameters passed to a function
function parameters() {
$numargs = func_num_args();
if ($numargs > 0) {
echo func_get_arg(0) . ' | ';
$args_array = func_get_args();
foreach ($args_array as $key => $arg) {
echo $key . ' - ' . $arg . ' | ';
parameters('Hello', 'World'); // Hello | 0 - Hello | 1 - World |
* Includes
// PHP within included files must also begin with a PHP open tag.
include 'my-file.php';
// The code in my-file.php is now available in the current scope.
// If the file cannot be included (e.g. file not found), a warning is emitted.
include_once 'my-file.php';
// If the code in my-file.php has been included elsewhere, it will
// not be included again. This prevents multiple class declaration errors
require 'my-file.php';
require_once 'my-file.php';
// Same as include(), except require() will cause a fatal error if the
// file cannot be included.
// Contents of my-include.php:
return 'Anything you like.';
// End file
// Includes and requires may also return a value.
$value = include 'my-include.php';
// Files are included based on the file path given or, if none is given,
// the include_path configuration directive. If the file isn't found in
// the include_path, include will finally check in the calling script's
// own directory and the current working directory before failing.
/* */
* Classes
// Classes are defined with the class keyword
class MyClass
const MY_CONST = 'value'; // A constant
static $staticVar = 'static';
// Static variables and their visibility
public static $publicStaticVar = 'publicStatic';
// Accessible within the class only
private static $privateStaticVar = 'privateStatic';
// Accessible from the class and subclasses
protected static $protectedStaticVar = 'protectedStatic';
// Properties must declare their visibility
public $property = 'public';
public $instanceProp;
protected $prot = 'protected'; // Accessible from the class and subclasses
private $priv = 'private'; // Accessible within the class only
// Create a constructor with __construct
public function __construct($instanceProp) {
// Access instance variables with $this
$this->instanceProp = $instanceProp;
// Methods are declared as functions inside a class
public function myMethod()
print 'MyClass';
//final keyword would make a function unoverridable
final function youCannotOverrideMe()
* Declaring class properties or methods as static makes them accessible without
* needing an instantiation of the class. A property declared as static can not
* be accessed with an instantiated class object (though a static method can).
public static function myStaticMethod()
print 'I am static';
// Class constants can always be accessed statically
echo MyClass::MY_CONST; // Outputs 'value';
echo MyClass::$staticVar; // Outputs 'static';
MyClass::myStaticMethod(); // Outputs 'I am static';
// Instantiate classes using new
$my_class = new MyClass('An instance property');
// The parentheses are optional if not passing in an argument.
// Access class members using ->
echo $my_class->property; // => "public"
echo $my_class->instanceProp; // => "An instance property"
$my_class->myMethod(); // => "MyClass"
// Extend classes using "extends"
class MyOtherClass extends MyClass
function printProtectedProperty()
echo $this->prot;
// Override a method
function myMethod()
print ' > MyOtherClass';
$my_other_class = new MyOtherClass('Instance prop');
$my_other_class->printProtectedProperty(); // => Prints "protected"
$my_other_class->myMethod(); // Prints "MyClass > MyOtherClass"
final class YouCannotExtendMe
// You can use "magic methods" to create getters and setters
class MyMapClass
private $property;
public function __get($key)
return $this->$key;
public function __set($key, $value)
$this->$key = $value;
$x = new MyMapClass();
echo $x->property; // Will use the __get() method
$x->property = 'Something'; // Will use the __set() method
// Classes can be abstract (using the abstract keyword) or
// implement interfaces (using the implements keyword).
// An interface is declared with the interface keyword.
interface InterfaceOne
public function doSomething();
interface InterfaceTwo
public function doSomethingElse();
// interfaces can be extended
interface InterfaceThree extends InterfaceTwo
public function doAnotherContract();
abstract class MyAbstractClass implements InterfaceOne
public $x = 'doSomething';
class MyConcreteClass extends MyAbstractClass implements InterfaceTwo
public function doSomething()
echo $x;
public function doSomethingElse()
echo 'doSomethingElse';
// Classes can implement more than one interface
class SomeOtherClass implements InterfaceOne, InterfaceTwo
public function doSomething()
echo 'doSomething';
public function doSomethingElse()
echo 'doSomethingElse';
* Traits
// Traits are available from PHP 5.4.0 and are declared using "trait"
trait MyTrait
public function myTraitMethod()
print 'I have MyTrait';
class MyTraitfulClass
use MyTrait;
$cls = new MyTraitfulClass();
$cls->myTraitMethod(); // Prints "I have MyTrait"
* Namespaces
// This section is separate, because a namespace declaration
// must be the first statement in a file. Let's pretend that is not the case
// By default, classes exist in the global namespace, and can
// be explicitly called with a backslash.
$cls = new \MyClass();
// Set the namespace for a file
namespace My\Namespace;
class MyClass
// (from another file)
$cls = new My\Namespace\MyClass;
//Or from within another namespace.
namespace My\Other\Namespace;
use My\Namespace\MyClass;
$cls = new MyClass();
// Or you can alias the namespace;
namespace My\Other\Namespace;
use My\Namespace as SomeOtherNamespace;
$cls = new SomeOtherNamespace\MyClass();
* Late Static Binding
* /
class ParentClass {
public static function who() {
echo "I'm a " . __CLASS__ . "\n";
public static function test() {
// self references the class the method is defined within
// static references the class the method was invoked on
I'm a ParentClass
I'm a ParentClass
class ChildClass extends ParentClass {
public static function who() {
echo "But I'm " . __CLASS__ . "\n";
I'm a ParentClass
But I'm ChildClass
* Error Handling
// Simple error handling can be done with try catch block
try {
// Do something
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Handle exception
// When using try catch blocks in a namespaced enviroment use the following
try {
// Do something
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// Handle exception
// Custom exceptions
class MyException extends Exception {}
try {
$condition = true;
if ($condition) {
throw new MyException('Something just happend');
} catch (MyException $e) {
// Handle my exception
## More Information
Visit the [official PHP documentation](http://www.php.net/manual/) for reference
and community input.
If you're interested in up-to-date best practices, visit
[PHP The Right Way](http://www.phptherightway.com/).
If you're coming from a language with good package management, check out
For common standards, visit the PHP Framework Interoperability Group's
[PSR standards](https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards).