- [How to make a (GameBoy) emulator?](https://github.com/gb-archive/salvage/blob/master/misc/Petar-V-emulation.pdf) by Petar Veličković, University of Cambridge.
- [Open Game Boy Documentation Project](https://mgba-emu.github.io/gbdoc/) - WIP documentation effort. Similar to Pan Docs but corrected and in a single page.
- [Game Boy CPU Manual](http://marc.rawer.de/Gameboy/Docs/GBCPUman.pdf) - Assembly language commands, timings and opcodes. Has some inaccuracies and errors.
- [GBZ80 to items](http://issotm.github.io/gbz80toitems3/) - An online converter, translates Game Boy assembly into Pokémon R/B/Y items ([Source](https://github.com/ISSOtm/gbz80-to-items)).
- [GB ASM Tips](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gb-archive/salvage/master/txt-files/gb-asm-tips.txt) - Some tips for coding in Assembly by Jeff Frohwein.
- [GB Instructions](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gb-archive/salvage/master/txt-files/gb-instructions.txt) Game Boy Assembly commands.