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synced 2025-03-16 04:10:14 +01:00
New books in several categories (#3509)
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@ -411,8 +411,10 @@
* [Data Mining Algorithms In R](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Data_Mining_Algorithms_In_R) - Wikibooks
* [Internet Advertising: An Interplay among Advertisers, Online Publishers, Ad Exchanges and Web Users](http://arxiv.org/pdf/1206.1754v2.pdf) (PDF)
* [Introduction to Data Science](https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6iefdnF22XQeVZDSkxjZ0Z5VUE/edit?pli=1) - Jeffrey Stanton
* [Introduction to Data Science](https://leanpub.com/datasciencebook) - Rafael A Irizarry *(Leanpub account or valid email requested)*
* [Mining of Massive Datasets](http://www.mmds.org)
* [School of Data Handbook](http://schoolofdata.org/handbook/)
* [Statistical inference for data science](https://leanpub.com/LittleInferenceBook/read) - Brian Caffo
* [Theory and Applications for Advanced Text Mining](http://www.intechopen.com/books/theory-and-applications-for-advanced-text-mining)
@ -440,6 +442,7 @@
* [Deep Learning](http://www.deeplearningbook.org) - Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville
* [Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning](http://www.gaussianprocess.org/gpml/)
* [Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms](http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/itila/)
* [Interpretable Machine Learning](https://christophm.github.io/interpretable-ml-book/) - Christoph Molnar
* [Introduction to Machine Learning](http://arxiv.org/abs/0904.3664v1) - Amnon Shashua
* [Learn Tensorflow](https://bitbucket.org/hrojas/learn-tensorflow) - Jupyter Notebooks
* [Learning Deep Architectures for AI](https://mila.quebec/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/TR1312.pdf) (PDF)
@ -716,6 +719,7 @@ Kerridge (PDF) (email address *requested*, not required)
* [How to deal with Passwords](https://github.com/MHM5000/pass)
* [Intrusion Detection Systems with Snort](http://ptgmedia.pearsoncmg.com/images/0131407333/downloads/0131407333.pdf) (PDF)
* [OpenSSL Cookbook](https://www.feistyduck.com/library/openssl-cookbook/)
* [OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide](https://mobile-security.gitbook.io/mobile-security-testing-guide/) - Bernhard Mueller et al.
* [OWASP Testing Guide 4.0](https://www.owasp.org/images/1/19/OTGv4.pdf) (PDF)
* [OWASP Top 10 for .NET Developers](http://www.troyhunt.com/2011/12/free-ebook-owasp-top-10-for-net.html)
* [Security Engineering](http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rja14/book.html)
@ -1584,6 +1588,7 @@ Kerridge (PDF) (email address *requested*, not required)
* [AngularJs vs EmberJs](http://angularjs-emberjs-compare.bguiz.com)
* [AngularJS with Ruby on Rails](http://angular-rails.com)
* [Developing with Angular](https://leanpub.com/developing-with-angular/) - Denys Vuika *(Leanpub account or valid email requested)*
* [Practical Angular: Build your first web apps with Angular 8](https://leanpub.com/practical-angular) - Ahmed Bouchefra *(Leanpub account or valid email requested)*
* [Recipes with Angular.js](https://leanpub.com/recipes-with-angular-js/read) - Frederik Dietz
* [Seven-Part Introduction to Angular](http://ngokevin.com/blog/angular-1/)
* [Unit Testing Best Practices in AngularJS](http://andyshora.com/unit-testing-best-practices-angularjs.html)
@ -2109,6 +2114,7 @@ Kerridge (PDF) (email address *requested*, not required)
* [PowerShell 2.0 – One CMDLET At A Time](http://www.jonathanmedd.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/PowerShell_2_One_Cmdlet_at_a_Time.pdf) (PDF)
* [PowerShell Notes for Professionals](http://books.goalkicker.com/PowerShellBook/) - Compiled from StackOverflow documentation (3.x)
* [PowerShell Succinctly, Syncfusion](https://www.syncfusion.com/resources/techportal/ebooks/powershell) (PDF, Kindle) (email address *requested*, not required)
* [PowerShell Tips to Write By](https://leanpub.com/powershelltips) - Adam Bertram *(Leanpub account or valid email requested)* (:construction: *in process*)
* [Secrets of PowerShell Remoting](https://www.gitbook.com/book/devopscollective/secrets-of-powershell-remoting/details) (PDF, ePub, MOBI)
* [The Big Book of PowerShell Error Handling](https://www.gitbook.com/book/devopscollective/the-big-book-of-powershell-error-handling/details) (PDF, ePub, MOBI)
* [The Big Book of PowerShell Gotchas](https://www.gitbook.com/book/devopscollective/the-big-book-of-powershell-gotchas/details) (PDF, ePub, MOBI)
@ -2298,6 +2304,8 @@ Kerridge (PDF) (email address *requested*, not required)
* [Advanced R Programming](http://adv-r.had.co.nz) - Hadley Wickham
* [An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R](http://www-bcf.usc.edu/~gareth/ISL/) - Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani (PDF)
* [Cookbook for R](http://www.cookbook-r.com) - Winston Chang
* [Data Analysis for the Life Sciences](https://leanpub.com/dataanalysisforthelifesciences) - Rafael A Irizarry, Michael I Love *(Leanpub account or valid email requested)*
* [Exploratory Data Analysis with R](https://leanpub.com/exdata) - Roger D. Peng *(Leanpub account or valid email requested)*
* [Introduction to Probability and Statistics Using R](https://github.com/gjkerns/IPSUR) - G. Jay Kerns (PDF)
* [Learning Statistics with R](https://web.archive.org/web/20170625184412/http://health.adelaide.edu.au/psychology/ccs/teaching/lsr/) - Daniel Navarro
* [Machine Learning with R](https://www.packtpub.com/packt/free-ebook/r-machine-learning) - Brett Lantz, Packt. (email address *requested*, not required)
@ -2365,6 +2373,7 @@ Kerridge (PDF) (email address *requested*, not required)
* [The Bastards Book of Ruby](http://ruby.bastardsbook.com)
* [The Definitive Ruby Tutorial For Complete Beginners](https://www.rubyguides.com/ruby-tutorial/) - Jesus Castello
* [The Unofficial Ruby Usage Guide (at Google)](http://www.caliban.org/ruby/rubyguide.shtml) - Ian Macdonald
* [Using Blocks in Ruby](https://www.oreilly.com/programming/free/using-blocks-in-ruby.csp) - Jay McGavren (email address *requested*)
* [Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby](http://poignant.guide)
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