- missing glest.ini during make install (this file is handled by the data install)
- properly handles destdir for all installed files
- customizable paths for all installation destinations (the following can now be set):
MEGAGLEST_BIN_INSTALL_PATH - "bin/" - "The installation path for binaries (this is appended to the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX)")
MEGAGLEST_DATA_INSTALL_PATH - "share/megaglest/" - "The installation path for data files (this is appended to the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX)")
MEGAGLEST_DESKTOP_INSTALL_PATH - "share/applications/" - "The installation path for desktop files (this is appended to the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX)")
MEGAGLEST_ICON_INSTALL_PATH - "share/pixmaps/" - "The installation path for icon files (this is appended to the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX)")
CUSTOM_DATA_INSTALL_PATH - "'\\\"${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${MEGAGLEST_DATA_INSTALL_PATH}\\\"'" - "The FULL installation path for data files (this is build automatically by combining CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX and MEGAGLEST_DATA_INSTALL_PATH)")
- Fixed startup scripts for tools (remove bin folder)
- Fixed source and data tarball scripts to include required files (missed the proper main ini files)
- Debian can now easily package up megaglest and build deb files
- updated authors for tilesets that we replaced sounds for
- updated source code release archive building script with improvements from svenstaro
- added commondata folder to data and install scripts
- cmake system changes (after doing a make you may go: sudo make install to install in standard linux paths)
- updates to various pathing in order to more robustly support lhs
*WARNING, Linux dev's should run cmake like the following to avoid pathing issues as the default now is lhs paths:
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= .. (notice the SPACE before the ..)
* have two separate 'docs' directories (source code + game data) whose contents can be safely combined for distribution (no duplicate file names, meningful file names)
* somewhat standard file names
* minimum redundant data
* user-friendly README-file to display in installer
How things were moved around etc.:
Delete docs/copyright.txt (previous version)
Move and rename data/glest_game/docs/LICENSE to docs/copyright.txt
Move and rename data/glest_game/docs/README to docs/README.txt
Move and rename data/glest_game/docs/CHANGELOG to docs/CHANGELOG.txt
Rename data/glest_game/docs/{AUTHORS,AUTHORS.data.txt}
Rename data/glest_game/docs/{data_license_readme.txt,README.data-license.txt}
Rename data/glest_game/docs/{data_license.txt,cc-by-sa-3.0-unported.txt}
Symlink data/glest_game/docs/CHANGELOG.txt to docs/CHANGELOG.txt
Symlink data/glest_game/docs/README.txt to docs/README.txt
Rename docs/{copyright.txt,COPYRIGHT.source_code.txt}
Rename docs/{code_license.txt,gnu_gpl_3.0.txt}
Rename docs/{readme_windows.txt,README.compiling-windows.txt}
Rename docs/{readme_linux.txt,README.compiling-linux.txt}
Create docs/AUTHORS.source_code.txt
Create data/glest_game/docs/COPYRIGHT.data.txt
build-mg-win32.sh: Use all CPU available cores when building.
- remove jquery minified from svn because:
<pabs> also because they are minified, that means that the source code isn't included, which violates DFSG item 2: http://www.debian.org/social_contract#guidelines
- Now we use curl to download these files if the user runs the setupDeps.sh script (mentioned in the header of the main pl file)