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synced 2025-02-25 12:12:25 +01:00
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213 lines
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// ==============================================================
// This file is part of Glest (www.glest.org)
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Marti<74>o Figueroa
// You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version
// ==============================================================
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <typeinfo>
#include "font.h"
#include "leak_dumper.h"
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using Shared::Graphics::Font2D;
namespace Glest{ namespace Game{
class GraphicComponent;
// ===========================================================
// class GraphicComponent
// OpenGL renderer GUI components
// ===========================================================
class GraphicComponent {
static const float animSpeed;
static const float fadeSpeed;
static std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, GraphicComponent *> > registeredGraphicComponentList;
int x, y, w, h;
string text;
const Font2D *font;
bool enabled;
bool editable;
bool visible;
static float anim;
static float fade;
string instanceName;
GraphicComponent(std::string containerName="", std::string objName="");
virtual ~GraphicComponent(){}
static void clearRegisteredComponents(std::string containerName="");
static void clearRegisterGraphicComponent(std::string containerName, std::string objName);
static void clearRegisterGraphicComponent(std::string containerName, std::vector<std::string> objNameList);
virtual void registerGraphicComponent(std::string containerName, std::string objName);
static GraphicComponent * findRegisteredComponent(std::string containerName, std::string objName);
static void applyAllCustomProperties(std::string containerName);
virtual void applyCustomProperties(std::string containerName);
static bool saveAllCustomProperties(std::string containerName);
virtual bool saveCustomProperties(std::string containerName);
virtual void init(int x, int y, int w, int h);
virtual int getX() const {return x;}
virtual int getY() const {return y;}
virtual int getW() const {return w;}
virtual int getH() const {return h;}
virtual const string &getText() const {return text;}
virtual const Font2D *getFont() const {return font;}
virtual bool getEnabled() const {return enabled;}
virtual bool getEditable() const {return editable;}
virtual bool getVisible() const {return visible;}
virtual void setX(int x) {this->x= x;}
virtual void setY(int y) {this->y= y;}
virtual void setText(const string &text) {this->text= text;}
virtual void setFont(const Font2D *font) {this->font= font;}
virtual void setEnabled(bool enabled) {this->enabled= enabled;}
virtual void setEditable(bool editable) {this->editable= editable;}
virtual void setVisible(bool value) {this->visible = value;}
virtual bool mouseMove(int x, int y);
virtual bool mouseClick(int x, int y);
static void update();
static void resetFade();
static float getAnim() {return anim;}
static float getFade() {return fade;}
// ===========================================================
// class GraphicLabel
// ===========================================================
class GraphicLabel: public GraphicComponent {
static const int defH;
static const int defW;
bool centered;
void init(int x, int y, int w=defW, int h=defH, bool centered= false);
bool getCentered() const {return centered;}
void setCentered(bool centered) {this->centered= centered;}
// ===========================================================
// class GraphicButton
// ===========================================================
class GraphicButton: public GraphicComponent {
static const int defH;
static const int defW;
bool lighted;
void init(int x, int y, int w=defW, int h=defH);
bool getLighted() const {return lighted;}
void setLighted(bool lighted) {this->lighted= lighted;}
virtual bool mouseMove(int x, int y);
// ===========================================================
// class GraphicListBox
// ===========================================================
class GraphicListBox: public GraphicComponent {
static const int defH;
static const int defW;
GraphicButton graphButton1, graphButton2;
vector<string> items;
int selectedItemIndex;
void init(int x, int y, int w=defW, int h=defH);
int getItemCount() const {return items.size();}
string getItem(int index) const {return items[index];}
int getSelectedItemIndex() const {return selectedItemIndex;}
string getSelectedItem() const {return items[selectedItemIndex];}
const GraphicButton *getButton1() const {return &graphButton1;}
const GraphicButton *getButton2() const {return &graphButton2;}
void pushBackItem(string item);
void setItems(const vector<string> &items);
void setSelectedItemIndex(int index, bool errorOnMissing=true);
void setSelectedItem(string item, bool errorOnMissing=true);
void setEditable(bool editable);
virtual bool mouseMove(int x, int y);
virtual bool mouseClick(int x, int y);
// ===========================================================
// class GraphicMessageBox
// ===========================================================
class GraphicMessageBox: public GraphicComponent {
static const int defH;
static const int defW;
GraphicButton button1;
GraphicButton button2;
int buttonCount;
string header;
void init(const string &button1Str, const string &button2Str);
void init(const string &button1Str);
int getButtonCount() const {return buttonCount;}
const GraphicButton *getButton1() const {return &button1;}
const GraphicButton *getButton2() const {return &button2;}
string getHeader() const {return header;}
virtual void setX(int x);
virtual void setY(int y);
void setHeader(string header) {this->header= header;}
virtual bool mouseMove(int x, int y);
virtual bool mouseClick(int x, int y);
bool mouseClick(int x, int y, int &clickedButton);
}}//end namespace