4.4 KiB
Cadmus ToDo List
- Main Executable
- Add support for different configs
- Main Help
- Aliases
- SubFunctions
- HOLD [#A] NoteFind.sh
- Search
- tags
- tools
- export
- convert
- misc
- publish
- preview
- AutoComplete in Fish
- Write a set of Fish Functions for Aliases
- Packaging
- Exit Codes
- Footnotes
Main Executable
TODO [B] Add support for different configs
Basically I would like to be able to change the note directory to manage seperate knowledge bases, for example:
- Personal Wiki
- Static Site
- Wiki for Project
- School Project public knowledge base etc.
This should be fed in as a -c
Main Help
TODO [C] Move Emojis
I should move the emojis to the end so that they don't interfere when using tty
TODO [B] Should interactive elements of scripts be preserved and use the clipboard
As opposed to having no feedback and just operating on STDIN and STDOUT. Could a similar effect be acheived using /tmp or /dev/shm?
TODO [A] Should subscripts be exptected to be relative or absolute?
TODO [A] Should the Notes directory be a global variable or an argument
TODO Should we set the Notes directory in a TOML?
see the stoml package.
TODO Why do I keep getting Argument has no definition?
[B] Readme
Add Recommended Aliases to the readme as well as fish functions.
TODO Restructure
should I restructure the subfunctions to accept only 1 argument either help or directory and fail in the absence of any given argument?
- Much Simpler to implement and maintain
- Less clean to pass in functions
- Less Extensible
HOLD [#A] NoteFind.sh
cadmus find
Should print help when no arguments
Completed this by calling help and exiting if the arguments are empty in cadmus.
TODO [A] Search
recoll should use seperate config
Recoll should be called with regard to a config, the idea being i could run:
cadmus -c personal
cadmus -c uni
cadmus -c work
and have different note bases
TODO Pipe preview through ripgrep to highlight any occuring words.
Take the command query and change white spaces into |
characters, this way search terms will be highlighted in matches.
TODO [A] tags
TODO Standardise
These desperately need to be standardised like search and NoteFind have been
TODO Move the scripts into PATH
Currently all the tag scripts call a relative script, not in the PATH, maybe this is actually OK? it means 0 install…
TODO [A] Add support for WikiJS Tags
WikiJS uses a broken yaml implementation but they can be extracted with some ripgrep, this should represent a further option in FilterNotesByTMSUTag.sh.
rg --pcre2 '(?<=[---\n[\s\S]ags:).*[,\s|:\s][a-z]+' -t markdown -o | sd -s ':' ' ' | sd -s ',' ' ' | sed s/^/tmsu\ tag\ /
TODO [A] tools
Link Markdown Notes
Should this do grep or recoll?
Probably grep just in case recoll ever brakes.
TODO [A] export
TODO [A] convert
TODO [A] misc
TODO [A] publish
TODO [A] preview
TODO [A] AutoComplete in Fish
TODO [A] Write a set of Fish Functions for Aliases
Exit Codes
Number | Description |
3 | File not found |
4 | directory not found |
5 | unrecognized option |
6 | Missing Dependency |
Exit Code Number ∉ {1, 2, 126, 127, 128, 130, 255}