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Quick Reference

If you are familiar with mini.css and want a cheat sheet, you've come to the right place. Below you will find a quick overview of the framework and examples to help you brush up on your website-building skills. For more detailed instructions on modules, check out the modules page.

All examples showcased refer to the mini-default flavor, some class names and styles might differ based on the flavor you're using.

Setup & usage

You can import the default flavor of mini.css in your webpage by simply adding the following reference inside your HTML page's <head> tag:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

If you want to download the package using your favorite package manager, you can use either Bower or NPM:

bower install mini.css
npm install mini.css

We strongly suggest you add the following line inside your HTML page's <head> to utilize the viewport meta tag:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">


Headings  View on Codepen

<h1>Heading 1<small>Subheading</small></h1>
<h2>Heading 2<small>Subheading</small></h2>
<h3>Heading 3<small>Subheading</small></h3>
<h4>Heading 4<small>Subheading</small></h4>
<h5>Heading 5<small>Subheading</small></h5>
<h6>Heading 6<small>Subheading</small></h6>


  • Basic reset and fix rules applied, based on Normalize.css v5.0.0
  • A native font stack is used
  • The colors are set to background: #f5f5f5; and color: #212121;
  • The font-size is 16px for the root element
  • The line-height is 1.5
  • All HTML headings are pre-styled
  • Styling provided for <small> elements inside headings
  • Common HTML elements like paragraphs, horizontal rules, lists and code elements are pre-styled
  • Images are responsive by default

Common textual elements  View on Codepen

<p>This is a paragraph with some <strong>bold text</strong> and some <em>italics text</em>.</p>
<a href="#">This is a link.</a>
<small>This is some small text.</small>
<code>Inline code</code>
<kbd>Keyboard Input</kbd>
<pre>This is some preformatted text.</pre>
<blockquote cite="Quotation source">
  This is some quoted text from another website or person.

Lists & images View on Codepen


  <li>Wake up</li>
  <li>Eat breakfast</li>
  <li>Go to work</li>

<img src="...">


Basic layout  View on Codepen

<div class="container">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-1">
    <div class="col-sm-11">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-2">
    <div class="col-sm-10">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-3">
    <div class="col-sm-9">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-4">
    <div class="col-sm-8">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-5">
    <div class="col-sm-7">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-6">
    <div class="col-sm-6">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-12">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm">
    <div class="col-sm">


  • Based on the Flexbox Layout Module
  • Grid structured as follows:
    1. .container serves as the grid system's wrapper
    2. Multiple .row elements serve as the grid system's rows
    3. Multiple .col-SCR_SZ and/or .col-SCR_SZ-COL_WD elements specify serve as the grid system's columns (fluid and preset respectively)
  • SCR_SZ values:
    • sm for screens below 768px wide
    • md for screens between 768px(inclusive) and 1280px(exclusive)
    • lg for screens wider than 1280px
  • COL_WD can be any integer value between 1 and 12 (both inclusive)
  • Fluid columns can create irregularly-sized columns in a layout
  • You can nest rows inside columns, but not columns inside columns or rows inside rows
  • An element can be a row and column at the same time
  • You can mix preset and fluid columns
  • Always wrap content in columns, never leave content unwrapped inside a row
  • Do not mix rows or columns with unwrapped content on the same level

Screen-specific layouts  View on Codepen

<div class="container">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-3 col-lg-2">
    <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-5 col-lg-7">
    <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-3">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm">


  • Apply multiple column classes to the same element, one for each screen size, to define different layouts
  • Mobile-first approach, styles specified for smaller screen sizes apply to larger screen sizes if no override is specified
  • Try to make page content vertical for smaller devices, using .col-sm-12 and transition to two or three columns on larger screen sizes
  • Combine with offsets and reordering as shown below
  • You can omit the style of a screen size if it is the same one as the one applied in the immediately smaller screen size
  • Always start with a .col-sm or .col-sm-COL_WD style, otherwise smaller devices will not display your content properly

Predefined layouts  View on Codepen

<div class="row cols-sm-6">


  • Available both as fluid column layouts, using .cols-SCR_SZ, replacing SCR_SZ with one of the available screen size names and fixed width column layouts, using .col-SCR_SZ-COL_WD, replacing SCR_SZ with one of the available screen size names and COL_WD with a number from 1 to 12 specifying the width of the columns
  • Can define screen-specific predefined layouts
  • Can be combined with offsets and reordering, but not normal grid layout classes

Column offsets  View on Codepen

<div class="container">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm col-sm-offset-2">
<div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-6 col-sm-offset-3">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-4">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-5 col-sm-offset-1">
    <div class="col-sm-5 col-sm-offset-1">


  • Create offsets using the .col-SCR_SZ-offset-COL_WD classes
  • COL_WD can be any integer from 0 to 11 (both inclusive)
  • You can mix offset columns and non-offset columns
  • Specify offsets in combination with existing column styling, not instead
  • Mobile-first approach, styles specified for smaller screen sizes apply to larger screen sizes if no override is specified
  • You can omit offsets whenever not needed, but you will have to override existing offsets for larger screen sizes, using .col-SCR_SZ-offset-0

Column reordering  View on Codepen

<div class="container">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm col-md-last col-lg-normal">
    <div class="col-sm-first col-md-normal">
    <div class="col-sm col-md-first col-lg-normal">


  • Create reorders using .col-SCR_SZ-first, .col-SCR_SZ-last and .col-SCR_SZ-normal classes for first, last and normal ordering respectively
  • Default ordering is based on order of appearance
  • Specify reorders in combination with existing column styling, not instead
  • Mobile-first approach, styles specified for smaller screen sizes apply to larger screen sizes if no override is specified
  • You can use multiple .col-SCR_SZ-first and .col-SCR_SZ-last elements to group your elements according to the desired layout
  • You can omit reorders whenever not needed, but you will have to override existing reorders for larger screen sizes, using .col-SCR_SZ-normal

Media object pattern View on Codepen

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-sm-1">
    <img src="...">
  <div class="col-sm">
    <h2>Media object heading</h2>
    <p>Media object content...</p>


  • Not a new component, rather a popular pattern
  • Use two columns, one for the media (i.e. <img>) and one for the textual content
  • Compatible with most elements
  • Can use screen-specific layouts, reordering and offsets
  • Media objects can easily be nested inside each other


Header  View on Codepen

  <a href="#" class="logo">Logo</a>
  <a href="#" class="button">News</a>


  • Use the .logo class for the first child (either textual element or image)
  • The rest of the elements inside the <header> must be button elements (i.e. <button>, <input type="button">, role="button" or .button)
  • Use <span> elements as separators
  • You can mix buttons, links and labels inside the header, as long as all of them are styled as buttons
  • The logo element should not be a <button> element or of the .button class
  • Header is not displayed as fixed by default

Navigation bar  View on Codepen

  <a href="#">Home</a>
  <a href="#" class="sublink-1">New Courses</a>
  <a href="#" class="sublink-1">Certifications</a>
  <span class="sublink-1">Events</span>
  <a href="#" class="sublink-2">Course Showcase - 12th, Dec</a>
  <a href="#" class="sublink-2">Staff AMA - 16th, Dec</a>
  <a href="#" class="sublink-1">Policy Update</a>
  <a href="#">About</a>
  <a href="#">Contact</a>


  • Use <nav> element, populate it with links
  • Use .sublink-1 and .sublink-2 classes to create subcategories in your navigation menu
  • Combine the navigation bar with grid reordering to display aside from text on larger displays or at the bottom on smaller displays

Footer  View on Codepen

  <p>&copy; 2001-2016 Web Corporation | <a href="#">About</a> | <a href="#">Terms of use</a></p>


  • Simple syntax and structure, add content as normal

Sticky headers and footers  View on Codepen

<header class="sticky">
  <a href="#" class="logo">Logo</a> <button>Home</button> <button>About</button>

<footer class="sticky">
  <p>&copy; 2001-2016 Web Corporation | <a href="#">About</a> | <a href="#">Terms of use</a></p>


  • Use .sticky class to create
  • Compatible with modern browsers, support for position:sticky is growing

 Input Control

Forms & input  View on Codepen

    <legend>Simple form</legend>
    <div class="input-group fluid">
      <label for="username">username</label>
      <input type="email" value="" id="username" placeholder="username">
    <div class="input-group fluid">
      <label for="pwd">password</label>
      <input type="password" value="" id="pwd" placeholder="password">


  • Link <label> elements to their respective <input> elements for ease-of-use
  • Use of the <fieldset> and <legend> elements is highly recommended
  • Forms are inline by default, use .input-group to align elements inside them
  • Non-standard input types are not stylized like the rest
  • Checkboxes and radio buttons are stylized differently, as shown below
  • You can use the grid module's column classes to align form elements or make them responsive
  • Avoid using .input-group in aligned forms
  • Make .input-groups responsive by adding the .fluid class

Checkboxes & radio buttons  View on Codepen

<div class="input-group">
  <input type="checkbox" id="check1" tabindex="0">
  <label for="check1">Checkbox</label>

<div class="input-group">
  <input type="radio" id="rad1" tabindex="0" name="radio-group-1">
  <label for="rad1">Radio</label>


  • Pre-styled using the checkbox hack, fully accessible
  • Create a <div class="input-group"> containing the checkbox or radio button along with its linked label
  • Add tabindex="0" to the <input> element to make full accessible
  • Add multiple radio buttons in the same group inside the same .input-group wrapper
  • Always use .input-group and follow the code structure provided in the examples
  • Remember to use <label> elements for every single one of your checkbox or radio buttons

Buttons & button groups  View on Codepen

<button>Default button</button>
<input type="button" class="primary" value="Primary button">
<input type="reset" class="secondary" value="Secondary button">
<input type="submit" class="tertiary" value="Tertiary button">
<button class="inverse">Inverse button</button>
<button class="small">Small button</button>
<button class="large">Large button</button>
<button disabled>Disabled button</button>
<a href="#" class="button">Link button</a>
<a href="#" role="button">Link button</a>
<label class="button">Label button</label>
<label role="button">Label button</label>

<div class="button-group">


  • All button types have been stylized
  • Button styles are available for other elements, using the .button class or the role="button" attribute
  • .primary, .secondary, .tertiary and .inverse color variants
  • .small and .large size variants
  • Create responsive button groups by wrapping multiple button elements inside a .button-group wrapper
  • Button groups are responsive, but might be displayed incorrectly in older browsers
  • Mix size and color variants, don't mix two variants of the same type
  • Avoid using different size variants inside a .button-group

File upload buttons  View on Codepen

<input type="file" id="file-input">
<label for="file-input" class="button">Upload file...</label>


  • Link an <input type="file"> element to a <label>
  • The file button will not change text when uploading a file, Javascript may be required
  • Compatible with .input-group


Basic syntax & responsiveness  View on Codepen

      <td data-label="Name">Chad</td>
      <td data-label="Surname">Wilberts</td>
      <td data-label="Alias">MrOne</td>
      <td data-label="Name">Adam</td>
      <td data-label="Surname">Smith</td>
      <td data-label="Alias">TheSmith</td>
      <td data-label="Name">Sophia</td>
      <td data-label="Surname">Canderson</td>
      <td data-label="Alias">Candee</td>


  • Table structure is as follows:
    1. <table> element is the table's root element
    2. <caption> (optional) serves as the table's title and must be the first element inside the table
    3. <thead> serves as the table's header row, populated with <th>
    4. <tfoot> (optional) serves as the table's footer and must be immediately after <thead>
    5. <tbody> is the table's body, populated with <td> elements
  • Tables are responsive and collapse into cards on mobile devices
  • Always specify a data-label for each <td> element corresponding to the column's header to properly display table on mobile devices
  • Avoid having multiline <thead> elements, however if you need to, you can use this fix
  • For horizontal tables or matrices, check the examples below

Horizontal tables  View on Codepen

<table class="horizontal">
      <td data-label="Name">Chad</td>
      <td data-label="Surname">Wilberts</td>
      <td data-label="Alias">MrOne</td>
      <td data-label="Name">Adam</td>
      <td data-label="Surname">Smith</td>
      <td data-label="Alias">TheSmith</td>
      <td data-label="Name">Sophia</td>
      <td data-label="Surname">Canderson</td>
      <td data-label="Alias">Candee</td>


  • Use the .horizontal class to make a <table> horizontal
  • Does not support the <tfoot> element
  • Horizontal tables might not be fully compatible with older browsers

Table variants & matrices  View on Codepen

<table class="preset">
  <caption>Star Wars Character Alignment Table</caption>
      <td>Luke Skywalker</td>
      <td>Boba Fett</td>
      <td>Han Solo</td>
      <td>Darth Vader</td>
      <td>Emperor Palpatine</td>
      <td>Jabba the Hutt</td>

<table class="striped">
    <!-- ... -->
    <!-- ... -->


  • Use the .striped class to make a <table> striped
  • Use the .preset class to make a <table> to create matrices or otherwise preset tables
  • Preset matrix tables might require some CSS tweaks to deal with border styling errors
  • You can combine .striped, .preset and .horizontal, respecting the rules of the combined structures


Basic syntax  View on Codepen

<div class="row">
  <div class="card">
    <div class="section">
      <h3>Card Title</h3>
      <p>Card content...</p>
  <div class="card">
    <div class="section">
      <h3>Card Title</h3>
      <p>Card content...</p>


  • Requires familiarity with the grid module
  • Card structure as follows:
    1. .row element is the outermost wrapper of the cards layout
    2. <div class="card"> elements are the cards
    3. .section elements inside the .card serve as the card's sections
  • Cards are responsive, might be incompatible with older browsers
  • A card can have as many sections as needed, sections can be almost any element
  • Wrap all card content in .section classes
  • Add multiple .card elements in the same .row
  • Cards cannot be rows or columns at the same time, sections can be rows

Sections & media  View on Codepen

<div class="card">
  <img src="..." class="section media">
  <div class="section double-padded"><p>Content</p></div>
  <div class="section dark"><p>Content</p></div>
  <div class="section darker"><p>Content</p></div>

<div class="card inverse">
  <div class="section"><p>Content</p></div>


  • Create media sections for images or video, using the .media class
  • Color variants for sections are available using the .dark and .darker classes
  • Extra padding section variant available using the .double-padded class
  • Card color variant is available using the .inverse class
  • .media sections might not be fully supported in older browsers
  • .media sections have a preset height of 200px

Card sizing & fluidity  View on Codepen

<div class="card small">
  <div class="section">

<div class="card large">
  <div class="section">

<div class="col-sm-12">
  <div class="card fluid">
    <div class="section">


  • Card size variants available using the .large and .small classes
  • Fluid cards available using the .fluid class, require the use of grid columns
  • Fluid cards might not display properly in older browsers and will sometimes slightly disrespect margins on certain layouts
  • Always wrap .fluid cards in columns, don't mix with non-fluid cards


Basic syntax  View on Codepen

<div class="tabs">
  <input type="radio" name="tab-group" id="tab1" checked aria-hidden="true">
  <label for="tab1" aria-hidden="true">Tab 1</label>
    <h3>Tab 1</h3>
    <p>This is the first tab's content.</p>
  <input type="radio" name="tab-group" id="tab2" aria-hidden="true">
  <label for="tab2" aria-hidden="true">Tab 2</label>
    <h3>Tab 2</h3>
    <p>This is the second tab's content.</p>
  <input type="radio" name="tab-group" id="tab3" aria-hidden="true">
  <label for="tab3" aria-hidden="true">Tab 3</label>
    <h3>Tab 3</h3>
    <p>This is the third tab's content.</p>


  • Tabs structure as follows:
    1. .tabs element is the outermost wrapper of the tabbed layout
    2. Multiple <input type="radio"> elements followed by their linked <label> elements are the titles of tabs
    3. Multiple <div> elements, each one after the <label> of the tab it corresponds to, as the content of each tab
  • Tabs are responsive, might be incompatible with some older browsers
  • Make a radio button checked to select the tab open by default
  • Use aria-hidden="true" to input elements to add accessibility
  • Use the syntax exactly as presented in the examples, do not substitute with checkboxes

Stacked tabs  View on Codepen

<div class="tabs stacked">
  <input type="radio" name="accordion" id="a1" checked aria-hidden="true">
  <label for="a1" aria-hidden="true">Accordion section 1</label>
    <h3>Section 1</h3>
    <p>This is the first accordion section's content.</p>
  <input type="radio" name="accordion" id="a2"aria-hidden="true">
  <label for="a2" aria-hidden="true">Accordion section 2</label>
    <h3>Section 2</h3>
    <p>This is the second accordion section's content.</p>

<div class="tabs stacked">
  <input type="checkbox" id="c1" aria-hidden="true">
  <label for="c1" aria-hidden="true">Collapse section 1</label>
    <p>This is the first collapse section's content.</p>
  <input type="checkbox" id="c2" aria-hidden="true">
  <label for="c2" aria-hidden="true">Collapse section 2</label>
    <p>This is the second collapse section's content.</p>


  • Use the .stacked class to create stacked tabs
  • Use aria-hidden="true" to input elements in order to add accessibility
  • Use either checkboxes or radio buttons as the <input> elements of stacked tabs
  • Use single checkbox in a .stacked tabs container, but not a single radio button


Text highlighting  View on Codepen

<mark class="secondary">secondary</mark>
<mark class="tertiary">tertiary</mark>
<mark class="inline-block">long highlight text...</mark>
<mark class="tag">tag</mark>


  • Use the <mark> element for highlighting text
  • .secondary and .tertiary classes offer color variants
  • Highlighted text is inline by default, use the .inline-block class for longer text highlights
  • Use the .tag class for highlighted tags
  • Combine color variants with the .inline-block or .tag class, do not combine color variants or .tag and .inline-block with each other
  • Do not nest <mark> elements, unless the outer element is an .inline-block

Alerts  View on Codepen

<div class="alert">
  <h3>This is an alert</h3>
  <p>Make sure you read this!</p>
<div class="alert urgent">
  <h3>This is an urgent alert</h3>
  <p>Make absolutely sure you read this!</p>
<div class="alert critical">
  <h3>This is a critical alert</h3>
  <p>Make certain you read and actually understand this!</p>


  • Use the .alert class to create alerts
  • Color variants available using the .urgent and .critical classes
  • Alerts have no pre-defined behavior, use Javascript
  • The .alert class can be applied to <div> elements and textual elements alike
  • Avoid applying the .alert class to non-textual elements, such as images
  • Use either the role="alert" attribute or the role="alertdialog" attribute for accessible alerts

Animated alerts  View on Codepen

<div class="alert animated">
  <h3>Animated alert</h3>
<div class="alert urgent animated">
  <h3>Animated urgent alert</h3>
<div class="alert critical animated">
  <h3>Animated critical alert</h3>


  • Animated alerts are available using the .animated class
  • Compatible with modern browsers, but might cause some problems and bluriness in Webkit-based or older browsers

Tooltips  View on Codepen

<span class="tooltip" aria-label="This is a tooltip">Hover over this text to see a tooltip!</span>
<span class="tooltip bottom" aria-label="This is a tooltip">Hover over this text to see a reverse tooltip!</span>


  • Create using the .tooltip class
  • Put tooltip text in the aria-label attribute's value
  • Use the .bottom class to make a tooltip display at the bottom of its context


Basic progress bar  View on Codepen

<progress value="0" max="1000"></progress>
<progress value="450" max="1000"></progress>
<progress value="1000" max="1000"></progress>


  • Use the <progress> element to create progress bars
  • Set max="1000" and a value between 0 and 1000
  • Do not use floating point values for the progress bar

Progress bar variants  View on Codepen

<progress class="secondary" value="600" max="1000"></progress>
<progress class="tertiary" value="300" max="1000"></progress>
<progress class="nano" value="750" max="1000"></progress>
<progress class="inline" value="150" max="1000"></progress>


  • Color variants available using the .secondary and .tertiary classes
  • Size variants available using the .nano and .inline classes
  • Mix color and size variants, but not multiple of the same type

Donut spinner  View on Codepen

<div class="spinner-donut"></div>


  • Use the .spinner-donut class to create donut spinners
  • Apply class to a <div> or <span> element
  • Do not insert text inside the .spinner-donut element
  • Donut spinners can be displayed inline
  • Use the role="progressbar" attribute to make donut spinner accessible

Donut spinner variants  View on Codepen

<div class="spinner-donut secondary"></div>
<div class="spinner-donut tertiary"></div>
<div class="spinner-donut large"></div>


  • Color variants available using the .secondary and .tertiary classes
  • Alternate size available using the .large class
  • You can mix color variants with the .large class, but not with each other


Visibility helpers  View on Codepen

<span class="hidden">Hidden text</span>
<span class="visually-hidden">Screen-reader-only text</span>


  • Use .hidden to hide elements
  • Use .visually-hidden to show elements only in screen readers
  • Both classes use !important declarations
  • Do not use both classes together

Generic borders & shadows  View on Codepen

<span class="bordered">Bordered</span>
<span class="rounded">Rounded</span>
<span class="circular">Circular</span>
<span class="shadow-none">No shadow</span>
<span class="shadow-small">Small shadow</span>
<span class="shadow-medium">Medium shadow</span>
<span class="shadow-large">Large shadow</span>


  • Create generic borders using .bordered
  • Rounded and circular border radii available using .rounded and .circular classes
  • Generic shadows available using the .shadow-small, .shadow-medium, .shadow-large and .shadow-none classes
  • Combine generic borders, border radii and generic shadows with each other but not with themselves
  • All classes use !important declarations
  • Generic borders work well with buttons

Responsive sizing & spacing classes  View on Codepen

<div class="responsive-padding">Responsive padding</div>
<div class="responsive-margin">Responsive margin</div>


  • Use the .responsive-padding and .responsive-margin classes to apply responsive padding or margin respectively to any element
  • The two classes can be combined
  • Both classes use !important declarations

Breadcrumbs  View on Codepen

<ul class="breadcrumbs">
  <li><a href="#">Root</a></li>
  <li><a href="#">Folder</a></li>


  • To create breadcrumbs, create a <ul> element implementing the .breadcrumbs class
  • Do not use <ol> for breadcrumbs
  • Do not nest lists inside the .breadcrumbs
  • Use the role="navigation" attribute to make breadcrumbs accessible

Close icon  View on Codepen

<span class="close"></span>


  • Use the .close class to create a close icon
  • Use a <span> or <div> element to create a close icon
  • Use a button element implementing the .close class to stylize the close icon as a button