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Medisana BS444
OliE edited this page 2021-03-09 15:18:14 +01:00

Medisana BS444 (front)

General device information

  • Device name is a random number
  • HW MAC Address start with: 0xE454EB
  • Hardware revision string: 0x4232
  • Firmware revision string: B.8
  • Manufactor name string: Transtek
  • Software revision string: BLE_BF

Bluetooth 4.x services & characteristics

Only non standard Bluetooth services & characteristics are listed:

  • Weight service UUID 000078b2-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
    • Weight measurement characteristic UUID 00008a21-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb (indication, read-only)
    • Feature measurement characteristic UUID 00008a22-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb (indication, read-only)
    • Custom3 characteristic UUID 00008a20-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb (read-only)
    • CMD characteristic UUID 00008a81-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb (write-only)
    • Custom5 characteristic UUID 00008a82-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb (indication, read-only)

Analysed Bluetooth protocol

Two data packages for each measurements are send from the scale to the app which contains our information.

First package is send from UUID 0x8a21 as follow:


  • byte 0: flag byte
    Bit 2^5 and Bit 2^6 are the unit.
    1d = 0001 1101
    3d = 0011 1101
    5d = 0101 1101
    Bit 5+6: Unit (00=kg, 01=lb, 10=st:lb) also affects weight divider kg=100.

The other are maybe something like timePresent, userPresent, measurePresent, scorePresent. But this is just from comparison with other BLE characteristic.

  • byte 1-2: weight in little endian / 100
  • byte 3-4: unknown
  • byte 5-8: unix date/time stamp in little endian starting from year 2010
  • byte 9-12: unknown
  • byte 13: user id. The scale knows users from 1 to 8. 0xFF = unset/free without user reference. When user != 0xFF the bytes 9+10 are some user scoring based on gender, activity, size and age.
  • byte 14-18: unknown

Second package is send from UUID 0x8a22 as follow:


  • byte 0: flag byte
  • byte 1-4: unix date/time stamp in little endian starting from year 2010
  • byte 5: user
  • byte 6-7: kCal in little endian
  • byte 8-9: fat percentage in little endian / 10 and first byte is masked with 0xF0
  • byte 10-11: water percentage in little endian / 10 and first byte is masked with 0xF0
  • byte 12-13: muscle percentage in little endian / 10 and first byte is masked with 0xF0
  • byte 14-15: bone mass in little endian / 10 and first byte is masked with 0xF0
  • byte 16-18: reserved bytes

To configure the scale do the following:

  1. Set indication on for feature characteristic
  2. Set indication on for weight measurement characteristic
  3. Set indication on for custom5 measurement characteristic
  4. Write magic number 02:7b:7b:f6:0d on CMD measurement characteristics to trigger the scale