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Useful import scripts
OliE edited this page 2024-11-17 15:03:20 +01:00
MiFit 'BODY' file --> openScale CSV file
by Martin1887 see https://github.com/oliexdev/openScale/issues/669
import argparse
import csv
import datetime
OPENSCALE_HEADER = '"biceps","bone","caliper1","caliper2","caliper3","calories","chest","comment","dateTime","fat","hip","lbm","muscle","neck","thigh","visceralFat","waist","water","weight"'
_MIFIT_BODY_HEADER = 'timestamp,weight,height,bmi,fatRate,bodyWaterRate,boneMass,metabolism,muscleRate,visceralFat,impedance'
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args()
with open(args.mifit_BODY_csv_file_path, 'r') as inp:
reader = csv.DictReader(inp)
with open(args.output_path, 'w') as outp:
writer = csv.DictWriter(outp, OPENSCALE_HEADER.replace('"', '').split(','))
for line in reader:
timestamp = int(line['timestamp'])
output_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
weight = line['weight']
writer.writerow({'dateTime': output_date, 'weight': weight})
Libra CSV file --> openScale CSV file
initial script by feclare see https://github.com/oliexdev/openScale/issues/28
modified script by abatula see https://github.com/oliexdev/openScale/issues/1050
#!/usr/bin/env python
Simple script to transform libra csv file to openscale format
Optional argument to convert lbs to kg for correct import
Sample usage:
# Does not modify the Libra values
python libra_to_openscale.py Libra_2024-06-04.csv
# Convert Libra values from lbs to kg
python libra_to_openscale.py Libra_2024-06-04.csv lbs
import sys
import csv
from dateutil.parser import parse
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print('Missing file to transform')
if (len(sys.argv) > 2) and (sys.argv[2] == 'lbs'):
print('Converting Libra data from lbs to kg')
weight_scalar = 0.453592
print('Leaving Libra data as-is (kg)')
weight_scalar = 1
with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as inputfile:
r = csv.reader(inputfile, delimiter=";")
lines = list(r)
with open('openScale_data_Libra.csv', 'w') as outputfile:
writer = csv.writer(outputfile, delimiter=",")
for w in lines:
if len(w) == 0 or w[0].startswith("#"):
time = w[0]
weight_float = float(w[1]) * weight_scalar
weight = f'{weight_float:.1f}'
comment = w[5]
d = parse(time)
writer.writerow([d.strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M'), weight, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, comment])
openScale CSV file --> Garmin format
by jowlo see https://github.com/oliexdev/openScale/issues/777
#!/usr/bin/env python
Simple script to transform openscale csv export files to a format accepted by garmin connect at
Note: When importing the language needs to be set to English, otherwise the import fails.
Set everything to metric units and to YYYY-MM-DD date format.
If you want to compute BMI for the file give your height (im meters) as second parameter.
import sys
import csv
from dateutil.parser import parse
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print ("Missing file to transform\n")
bmi = lambda size: 0;
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
bmi = lambda weight: weight/(float(sys.argv[2])**2)
with open("openScale_garmin_connect_import.csv", "w") as outfile, open(sys.argv[1], "r") as infile:
reader = csv.DictReader(infile, delimiter=",")
writer = csv.writer(outfile, delimiter=",")
for row in reader:
Garmin format --> openScale CSV file
by antonmosich see https://github.com/oliexdev/openScale/issues/879
import csv
import json
import datetime
import argparse
OPENSCALE_HEADER = '"biceps","bone","caliper1","caliper2","caliper3","calories","chest","comment","dateTime","fat","hip","lbm","muscle","neck","thigh","visceralFat","waist","water","weight"'
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args()
with open(args.input, 'r') as input_file:
input_json = json.load(input_file)
filtered = [entry for entry in input_json if "weight" in entry]
with open(args.output, 'w') as output_file:
writer = csv.DictWriter(output_file, OPENSCALE_HEADER.replace('"', '').split(','))
for entry in filtered:
timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(entry['weight']['timestampGMT'].ljust(23,'0'))
weight = entry['weight']['weight'] / 1000
writer.writerow({'dateTime': timestamp, 'weight': weight})
Google Fit CSV file --> openScale CSV file
by sainigma see https://github.com/oliexdev/openScale/issues/1040
#!/usr/bin/env python
import csv
from dateutil.parser import parse
with open('Daily activity metrics.csv', newline='') as input_csv:
csv_reader = csv.reader(input_csv, delimiter=',')
rows = []
for row in csv_reader:
headers = rows[0]
data = rows[1:]
date_idx = headers.index('Date')
weight_idx = headers.index('Average weight (kg)')
with open('openscale_data.csv', 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as output_csv:
output_writer = csv.writer(output_csv, delimiter=',')
output_writer.writerow(["dateTime", "weight"])
for fragment in data:
date = fragment[date_idx]
weight = fragment[weight_idx]
if (weight and date):
output_writer.writerow([parse(date).strftime('%d.%m.%Y 08:00'), round(float(weight), 2)])