2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
< ? php
2009-11-17 13:48:46 +00:00
* e107 website system
2013-04-15 12:44:56 +02:00
* Copyright ( C ) 2008 - 2013 e107 Inc ( e107 . org )
2009-11-17 13:48:46 +00:00
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License ( http :// www . gnu . org / licenses / gpl . txt )
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
2015-06-17 20:09:26 -07:00
if ( ! defined ( 'e107_INIT' ))
require_once ( '../../class2.php' );
2011-04-25 14:13:45 +00:00
2015-06-17 20:09:26 -07:00
if ( ! e107 :: isInstalled ( 'forum' ))
2011-03-13 14:15:51 +00:00
header ( 'Location: ' . e_BASE . 'index.php' );
exit ;
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
2015-06-17 20:09:26 -07:00
class forumStats
2007-02-27 20:26:13 +00:00
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
2015-06-17 20:09:26 -07:00
private $from = 0 ;
private $view = 20 ;
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
2007-02-27 20:26:13 +00:00
2015-06-17 20:09:26 -07:00
function __construct ()
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
2015-08-22 16:40:38 +02:00
e107 :: lan ( 'forum' , " front " , true );
2015-06-17 20:09:26 -07:00
e107 :: css ( 'forum' , 'forum.css' );
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
2011-04-25 14:13:45 +00:00
2015-06-17 20:09:26 -07:00
function init ()
2011-04-25 14:13:45 +00:00
2015-06-17 20:09:26 -07:00
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$tp = e107 :: getParser ();
$ns = e107 :: getRender ();
$frm = e107 :: getForm ();
require_once ( e_PLUGIN . 'forum/forum_class.php' );
$gen = e107 :: getDate ();
$forum = new e107forum ;
$total_posts = $sql -> count ( 'forum_post' );
$total_topics = $sql -> count ( 'forum_thread' );
$total_replies = $total_posts - $total_topics ;
$total_views = 0 ;
$query = 'SELECT sum(thread_views) AS total FROM `#forum_thread` ' ;
if ( $sql -> gen ( $query ))
$row = $sql -> fetch ();
$total_views = $row [ 'total' ];
$firstpost = $sql -> select ( 'forum_post' , 'post_datestamp' , 'post_datestamp > 0 ORDER BY post_datestamp ASC LIMIT 0,1' , 'default' );
$fp = $sql -> fetch ();
$open_ds = $fp [ 'post_datestamp' ];
$open_date = $gen -> convert_date ( $open_ds , 'long' );
$open_since = $gen -> computeLapse ( $open_ds );
$open_days = floor (( time () - $open_ds ) / 86400 );
$postsperday = ( $open_days < 1 ? $total_posts : round ( $total_posts / $open_days ));
global $mySQLdefaultdb ;
$query = " SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM ` { $mySQLdefaultdb } ` " ;
$sql -> gen ( $query );
$array = $sql -> db_getList ();
foreach ( $array as $table )
if ( $table [ 'Name' ] == MPREFIX . 'forum_post' )
$db_size = eHelper :: parseMemorySize ( $table [ 'Data_length' ]);
$avg_row_len = eHelper :: parseMemorySize ( $table [ 'Avg_row_length' ]);
break ;
$query = "
SELECT ft . thread_id , ft . thread_user , ft . thread_name , ft . thread_total_replies , ft . thread_datestamp , f . forum_sef , f . forum_class , u . user_name , u . user_id FROM #forum_thread as ft
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON ft.thread_user = u.user_id
LEFT JOIN #forum AS f ON f.forum_id = ft.thread_forum_id
WHERE ft . thread_active > 0
AND f . forum_class IN ( " .USERCLASS_LIST. " )
ORDER BY ft . thread_total_replies DESC LIMIT 0 , 10 " ;
$sql -> gen ( $query );
$most_activeArray = $sql -> db_getList ();
$query = "
SELECT ft .* , f . forum_class , f . forum_sef , u . user_name , u . user_id FROM #forum_thread as ft
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON ft.thread_user = u.user_id
LEFT JOIN #forum AS f ON f.forum_id = ft.thread_forum_id
WHERE f . forum_class IN ( " .USERCLASS_LIST. " )
ORDER BY ft . thread_views DESC LIMIT 0 , 10 " ;
$sql -> gen ( $query );
$most_viewedArray = $sql -> db_getList ();
/* $sql -> db_Select ( " user " , " user_id, user_name, user_forums " , " ORDER BY user_forums DESC LIMIT 0, 10 " , " no_where " );
$posters = $sql -> db_getList ();
$top_posters = array ();
foreach ( $posters as $poster )
$percen = round (( $poster [ 'user_forums' ] / $total_posts ) * 100 , 2 );
$top_posters [] = array ( " user_id " => $poster [ 'user_id' ], " user_name " => $poster [ 'user_name' ], " user_forums " => $poster [ 'user_forums' ], " percentage " => $percen );
} */
// get all replies
$query = "
SELECT COUNT ( fp . post_id ) AS post_count , u . user_name , u . user_id , fp . post_thread FROM #forum_post as fp
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON fp.post_user = u.user_id
GROUP BY fp . post_user
ORDER BY post_count DESC LIMIT 0 , 10 " ;
$sql -> gen ( $query );
$top_repliers_data = $sql -> db_getList ( 'ALL' , false , false , 'user_id' );
// build top posters meanwhile
$top_posters = array ();
foreach ( $top_repliers_data as $poster )
$percent = round (( $poster [ 'post_count' ] / $total_posts ) * 100 , 2 );
$top_posters [] = array ( " user_id " => $poster [ 'user_id' ], " user_name " => $poster [ 'user_name' ], " user_forums " => $poster [ 'post_count' ], " percentage " => $percent );
// end build top posters
$ids = implode ( ',' , array_keys ( $top_repliers_data ));
// find topics by top 10 users
$query = "
SELECT COUNT ( ft . thread_id ) AS thread_count , u . user_id FROM #forum_thread as ft
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON ft.thread_user = u.user_id
WHERE u . user_id IN ({ $ids })
GROUP BY ft . thread_user " ;
$sql -> gen ( $query );
$top_repliers_data_c = $sql -> db_getList ( 'ALL' , false , false , 'user_id' );
$top_repliers = array ();
foreach ( $top_repliers_data as $uid => $poster )
$poster [ 'post_count' ] = $poster [ 'post_count' ] - $top_repliers_data_c [ $uid ][ 'thread_count' ];
$percent = round (( $poster [ 'post_count' ] / $total_replies ) * 100 , 2 );
$top_repliers_sort [ $uid ] = $poster [ 'post_count' ];
//$top_repliers[$uid] = $poster;
$top_repliers_data [ $uid ][ 'user_forums' ] = $poster [ 'post_count' ];
$top_repliers_data [ $uid ][ 'percentage' ] = $percent ;
//$top_repliers_data[$uid] = array("user_id" => $poster['user_id'], "user_name" => $poster['user_name'], "user_forums" => $poster['post_count'], "percentage" => $percent);
// sort
arsort ( $top_repliers_sort , SORT_NUMERIC );
// build top repliers
foreach ( $top_repliers_sort as $uid => $c )
$top_repliers [] = $top_repliers_data [ $uid ];
// get all replies
$query = "
SELECT COUNT ( ft . thread_id ) AS thread_count , u . user_name , u . user_id FROM #forum_thread as ft
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON ft.thread_user = u.user_id
GROUP BY ft . thread_user
ORDER BY thread_count DESC LIMIT 0 , 10 " ;
$sql -> gen ( $query );
$top_topic_starters_data = $sql -> db_getList ();
$top_topic_starters = array ();
foreach ( $top_topic_starters_data as $poster )
$percent = round (( $poster [ 'thread_count' ] / $total_topics ) * 100 , 2 );
$top_topic_starters [] = array ( " user_id " => $poster [ 'user_id' ], " user_name " => $poster [ 'user_name' ], " user_forums " => $poster [ 'thread_count' ], " percentage " => $percent );
$query = "
SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX ( thread_user , '.' , 1 ) AS t_user , COUNT ( SUBSTRING_INDEX ( ft . thread_user , '.' , 1 )) AS ucount , u . user_name , u . user_id FROM #forum_t as ft
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON SUBSTRING_INDEX(ft.thread_user,'.',1) = u.user_id
WHERE ft . thread_parent = 0
GROUP BY t_user
LIMIT 0 , 10 " ;
$sql -> db_Select_gen ( $query );
$posters = $sql -> db_getList ();
$top_topic_starters = array ();
foreach ( $posters as $poster )
$percen = round (( $poster [ 'ucount' ] / $total_topics ) * 100 , 2 );
$top_topic_starters [] = array ( " user_id " => $poster [ 'user_id' ], " user_name " => $poster [ 'user_name' ], " user_forums " => $poster [ 'ucount' ], " percentage " => $percen );
} */
$query = "
SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX ( thread_user , '.' , 1 ) AS t_user , COUNT ( SUBSTRING_INDEX ( ft . thread_user , '.' , 1 )) AS ucount , u . user_name , u . user_id FROM #forum_t as ft
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON SUBSTRING_INDEX(ft.thread_user,'.',1) = u.user_id
WHERE ft . thread_parent != 0
GROUP BY t_user
LIMIT 0 , 10 " ;
$sql -> db_Select_gen ( $query );
$posters = $sql -> db_getList ();
$top_repliers = array ();
foreach ( $posters as $poster )
$percen = round (( $poster [ 'ucount' ] / $total_replies ) * 100 , 2 );
$top_repliers [] = array ( " user_id " => $poster [ 'user_id' ], " user_name " => $poster [ 'user_name' ], " user_forums " => $poster [ 'ucount' ], " percentage " => $percen );
$text_0 = "
< table style = 'width: 100%;' class = 'fborder table' >
< tr >< td style = 'width: 50%; text-align: right;' >< b > " .LAN_FORUM_6001. " :</ b >& nbsp ; & nbsp ; </ td >< td style = 'width: 50%;' > { $open_date } </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td style = 'width: 50%; text-align: right;' >< b > " .LAN_FORUM_6002. " :</ b >& nbsp ; & nbsp ; </ td >< td style = 'width: 50%;' > { $open_since } </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td style = 'width: 50%; text-align: right;' >< b > " .LAN_FORUM_6003. " :</ b >& nbsp ; & nbsp ; </ td >< td style = 'width: 50%;' > { $total_posts } </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td style = 'width: 50%; text-align: right;' >< b > " .LAN_FORUM_1007. " :</ b >& nbsp ; & nbsp ; </ td >< td style = 'width: 50%;' > { $total_topics } </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td style = 'width: 50%; text-align: right;' >< b > " .LAN_FORUM_6004. " :</ b >& nbsp ; & nbsp ; </ td >< td style = 'width: 50%;' > { $total_replies } </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td style = 'width: 50%; text-align: right;' >< b > " .LAN_FORUM_6005. " :</ b >& nbsp ; & nbsp ; </ td >< td style = 'width: 50%;' > { $total_views } </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td style = 'width: 50%; text-align: right;' >< b > " .LAN_FORUM_6014. " :</ b >& nbsp ; & nbsp ; </ td >< td style = 'width: 50%;' > { $postsperday } </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td style = 'width: 50%; text-align: right;' >< b > " .LAN_FORUM_6006. " :</ b >& nbsp ; & nbsp ; </ td >< td style = 'width: 50%;' > { $db_size } </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td style = 'width: 50%; text-align: right;' >< b > " .LAN_FORUM_6007. " :</ b >& nbsp ; & nbsp ; </ td >< td style = 'width: 50%;' > { $avg_row_len } </ td ></ tr >
</ table > " ;
$text_1 = "
< table style = 'width: 100%;' class = 'fborder table' >
< thead >
< tr >
< th style = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;' class = 'fcaption' > " .LAN_FORUM_6008. " </ th >
< th style = 'width: 40%;' class = 'fcaption' > " .LAN_FORUM_1003. " </ th >
< th style = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;' class = 'fcaption' > " .LAN_FORUM_0003. " </ th >
< th style = 'width: 20%; text-align: center;' class = 'fcaption' > " .LAN_FORUM_6009. " </ th >
< th style = 'width: 20%; text-align: center;' class = 'fcaption' > " .LAN_DATE. " </ th >
</ tr >
</ thead >
" ;
$count = 1 ;
foreach ( $most_activeArray as $ma )
if ( $ma [ 'user_name' ])
$uinfo = " <a href=' " . e_BASE . " user.php?id. { $ma [ 'user_id' ] } '> { $ma [ 'user_name' ] } </a> " ; //TODO SEf Url .
$tmp = explode ( chr ( 1 ), $ma [ 'thread_anon' ]);
$uinfo = $tp -> toHTML ( $tmp [ 0 ]);
$ma [ 'thread_sef' ] = eHelper :: title2sef ( $ma [ 'thread_name' ], 'dashl' );
$url = e107 :: url ( 'forum' , 'topic' , $ma );
$text_1 .= "
< tr >
< td style = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;' class = 'forumheader3' > $count </ td >
< td style = 'width: 40%;' class = 'forumheader3' >< a href = '".$url."' > { $ma [ 'thread_name' ]} </ a ></ td >
< td style = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;' class = 'forumheader3' > { $ma [ 'thread_total_replies' ]} </ td >
< td style = 'width: 20%; text-align: center;' class = 'forumheader3' > { $uinfo } </ td >
< td style = 'width: 20%; text-align: center;' class = 'forumheader3' > " . $gen->convert_date ( $ma['thread_datestamp'] , " forum " ). " </ td >
</ tr >
" ;
$count ++ ;
$text_1 .= " </table> " ;
$text_2 = "
< table style = 'width: 100%;' class = 'fborder table' >
< thead >
< tr >
< th style = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;' class = 'fcaption' > " .LAN_FORUM_6008. " </ th >
< th style = 'width: 40%;' class = 'fcaption' > " .LAN_FORUM_1003. " </ th >
< th style = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;' class = 'fcaption' > " .LAN_FORUM_1005. " </ th >
< th style = 'width: 20%; text-align: center;' class = 'fcaption' > " .LAN_FORUM_6009. " </ th >
< th style = 'width: 20%; text-align: center;' class = 'fcaption' > " .LAN_DATE. " </ th >
</ tr >
</ thead >
" ;
$count = 1 ;
foreach ( $most_viewedArray as $ma )
if ( $ma [ 'user_name' ])
$uinfo = " <a href=' " . e_BASE . " user.php?id. { $ma [ 'user_id' ] } '> " . $ma [ 'user_name' ] . " </a> " ; //TODO SEf Url .
$tmp = explode ( chr ( 1 ), $ma [ 'thread_anon' ]);
$uinfo = $tp -> toHTML ( $tmp [ 0 ]);
$ma [ 'thread_sef' ] = eHelper :: title2sef ( $ma [ 'thread_name' ], 'dashl' );
$url = e107 :: url ( 'forum' , 'topic' , $ma );
$text_2 .= "
< tr >
< td style = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;' class = 'forumheader3' > $count </ td >
< td style = 'width: 40%;' class = 'forumheader3' >< a href = '".$url."' > " . $ma['thread_name'] . " </ a ></ td >
< td style = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;' class = 'forumheader3' > " . $ma['thread_views'] . " </ td >
< td style = 'width: 20%; text-align: center;' class = 'forumheader3' > " . $uinfo . " </ td >
< td style = 'width: 20%; text-align: center;' class = 'forumheader3' > " . $gen->convert_date ( $ma['thread_datestamp'] , " forum " ). " </ td >
</ tr >
" ;
$count ++ ;
$text_2 .= " </table> " ;
$text_3 = "
< table style = 'width: 100%;' class = 'fborder table' >
< thead >
< tr >
< th style = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;' class = 'fcaption' > " .LAN_FORUM_6008. " </ th >
< th style = 'width: 20%;' class = 'fcaption' > " .LAN_NAME. " </ th >
< th style = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;' class = 'fcaption' > " .LAN_FORUM_2032. " </ th >
< th style = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;' class = 'fcaption' >%</ th >
< th style = 'width: 50%; text-align: center;' class = 'fcaption' >& nbsp ; </ th >
</ tr >
</ thead >
< tbody >
" ;
$count = 1 ;
foreach ( $top_posters as $ma )
extract ( $ma ); // TODO Remove me.
//TODO SEf Url .
$text_3 .= " <tr>
< td style = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;' class = 'forumheader3' > $count </ td >
< td style = 'width: 20%;' class = 'forumheader3' >< a href = '".e_BASE."user.php?id.".$ma[' user_id ']."' > " . $ma['user_name'] . " </ a ></ td >
< td style = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;' class = 'forumheader3' > $user_forums </ td >
< td style = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;' class = 'forumheader3' > $percentage %</ td >
< td style = 'width: 50%;' class = 'forumheader3' > " . $this->showBar ( $percentage ). "
</ td >
</ tr >
" ;
$count ++ ;
$text_3 .= " </tbody>
</ table >
" ;
$text_4 = "
< table style = 'width: 100%;' class = 'fborder table' >
< thead >
< tr >
< th style = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;' class = 'fcaption' > " .LAN_FORUM_6008. " </ th >
< th style = 'width: 20%;' class = 'fcaption' > " .LAN_NAME. " </ th >
< th style = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;' class = 'fcaption' > " .LAN_FORUM_2032. " </ th >
< th style = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;' class = 'fcaption' >%</ th >
< th style = 'width: 50%; text-align: center;' class = 'fcaption' >& nbsp ; </ th >
</ tr >
</ thead >
" ;
$count = 1 ;
foreach ( $top_topic_starters as $ma )
extract ( $ma ); // TODO Remove me.
//TODO SEf Url .
$text_4 .= " <tr>
< td style = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;' class = 'forumheader3' > $count </ td >
< td style = 'width: 20%;' class = 'forumheader3' >< a href = '".e_BASE."user.php?id.$user_id' > $user_name </ a ></ td >
< td style = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;' class = 'forumheader3' > $user_forums </ td >
< td style = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;' class = 'forumheader3' > $percentage %</ td >
< td style = 'width: 50%; text-align: center;' class = 'forumheader3' > " . $this->showBar ( $percentage ). " </ td >
</ tr >
" ;
$count ++ ;
$text_4 .= " </table> " ;
$text_5 = "
< table style = 'width: 100%;' class = 'fborder table' >
< thead >
< tr >
< th style = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;' class = 'fcaption' > " .LAN_FORUM_6008. " </ th >
< th style = 'width: 20%;' class = 'fcaption' > " .LAN_NAME. " </ th >
< th style = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;' class = 'fcaption' > " .LAN_FORUM_2032. " </ th >
< th style = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;' class = 'fcaption' >%</ th >
< th style = 'width: 50%; text-align: center;' class = 'fcaption' >& nbsp ; </ th >
</ tr >
</ thead >
" ;
$count = 1 ;
foreach ( $top_repliers as $ma )
extract ( $ma ); // TODO Remove me.
//TODO SEf Url .
$text_5 .= "
< tr >
< td style = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;' class = 'forumheader3' > $count </ td >
< td style = 'width: 20%;' class = 'forumheader3' >< a href = '".e_BASE."user.php?id.$user_id' > $user_name </ a ></ td >
< td style = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;' class = 'forumheader3' > $user_forums </ td >
< td style = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;' class = 'forumheader3' > $percentage %</ td >
< td style = 'width: 50%; text-align: center;' class = 'forumheader3' > " . $this->showBar ( $percentage ). " </ td >
</ tr >
" ;
$count ++ ;
$text_5 .= '</table>' ;
if ( deftrue ( 'BOOTSTRAP' ))
$tabs = array ();
$tabs [ 0 ] = array ( 'caption' => LAN_FORUM_6000 , 'text' => $text_0 );
$tabs [ 1 ] = array ( 'caption' => LAN_FORUM_0011 , 'text' => $text_1 );
$tabs [ 2 ] = array ( 'caption' => LAN_FORUM_6010 , 'text' => $text_2 );
$tabs [ 3 ] = array ( 'caption' => LAN_FORUM_0010 , 'text' => $text_3 );
$tabs [ 4 ] = array ( 'caption' => LAN_FORUM_6011 , 'text' => $text_4 );
$tabs [ 5 ] = array ( 'caption' => LAN_FORUM_6012 , 'text' => $text_5 );
$frm = e107 :: getForm ();
$breadarray = array (
array ( 'text' => e107 :: pref ( 'forum' , 'title' , LAN_PLUGIN_FORUM_NAME ), 'url' => e107 :: url ( 'forum' , 'index' ) ),
array ( 'text' => LAN_FORUM_6013 , 'url' => null )
$text = $frm -> breadcrumb ( $breadarray );
$text = " <div id='forum-stats'> " . $text . e107 :: getForm () -> tabs ( $tabs ) . " </div> " ;
$text = "
< h3 > " .LAN_FORUM_6000. " </ h3 > " . $text_0 .
" <h3> " . LAN_FORUM_0011 . " </h3> " . $text_1 .
" <h3> " . LAN_FORUM_6010 . " </h3> " . $text_2 .
" <h3> " . LAN_FORUM_0010 . " </h3> " . $text_3 .
" <h3> " . LAN_FORUM_6011 . " </h3> " . $text_4 .
" <h3> " . LAN_FORUM_6012 . " </h3> " . $text_5 ;
$text .= " <div class='center'> " . e107 :: getForm () -> pagination ( e107 :: url ( 'forum' , 'index' ), LAN_BACK ) . " </div> " ;
$ns -> tablerender ( LAN_FORUM_6013 , $text );
2011-04-25 14:13:45 +00:00
2015-06-17 20:09:26 -07:00
2011-04-25 14:13:45 +00:00
2015-06-17 20:09:26 -07:00
function showBar ( $perc )
return e107 :: getForm () -> progressBar ( 'prog' , $perc );
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
2015-06-17 20:09:26 -07:00
function topPosters () // from top.php - unused.
$pref = e107 :: pref ( 'core' );
$rank = e107 :: getRank ();
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$sql2 = e107 :: getDb ( 'sql2' );
$ns = e107 :: getRender ();
$tp = e107 :: getParser ();
define ( 'IMAGE_rank_main_admin_image' , ( $pref [ 'rank_main_admin_image' ] && file_exists ( THEME . " forum/ " . $pref [ 'rank_main_admin_image' ]) ? " <img src=' " . THEME_ABS . " forum/ " . $pref [ 'rank_main_admin_image' ] . " ' alt='' /> " : " <img src=' " . e_PLUGIN_ABS . " forum/images/ " . IMODE . " /main_admin.png' alt='' /> " ));
define ( 'IMAGE_rank_admin_image' , ( $pref [ 'rank_admin_image' ] && file_exists ( THEME . " forum/ " . $pref [ 'rank_admin_image' ]) ? " <img src=' " . THEME_ABS . " forum/ " . $pref [ 'rank_admin_image' ] . " ' alt='' /> " : " <img src=' " . e_PLUGIN_ABS . " forum/images/ " . IMODE . " /admin.png' alt='' /> " ));
define ( 'IMAGE_rank_moderator_image' , ( $pref [ 'rank_moderator_image' ] && file_exists ( THEME . " forum/ " . $pref [ 'rank_moderator_image' ]) ? " <img src=' " . THEME_ABS . " forum/ " . $pref [ 'rank_moderator_image' ] . " ' alt='' /> " : " <img src=' " . e_PLUGIN_ABS . " forum/images/ " . IMODE . " /moderator.png' alt='' /> " ));
if ( $this -> subaction == 'forum' || $this -> subaction == 'all' )
require_once ( e_PLUGIN . 'forum/forum_class.php' );
$forum = new e107forum ();
$qry = "
SELECT ue .* , u .* FROM `#user_extended` AS ue
LEFT JOIN `#user` AS u ON u . user_id = ue . user_extended_id
WHERE ue . user_plugin_forum_posts > 0
ORDER BY ue . user_plugin_forum_posts DESC LIMIT { $this -> from }, { $this -> view }
" ;
// $top_forum_posters = $sql->db_Select("user", "*", "`user_forums` > 0 ORDER BY user_forums DESC LIMIT ".$from.", ".$view."");
$text = "
< div >
< table style = 'width:95%' class = 'table table-striped fborder' >
< tr >
< th style = 'width:10%; text-align:center' class = 'forumheader3' >& nbsp ; </ th >
< th style = 'width:50%' class = 'forumheader3' > " .TOP_LAN_1. " </ th >
< th style = 'width:10%; text-align:center' class = 'forumheader3' > " .TOP_LAN_2. " </ th >
< th style = 'width:30%; text-align:center' class = 'forumheader3' > " .TOP_LAN_6. " </ th >
</ tr > \n " ;
$counter = 1 + $this -> from ;
if ( $sql2 -> gen ( $qry ))
while ( $row = $sql2 -> fetch ())
//$ldata = get_level($row['user_id'], $row['user_plugin_forum_posts'], $row['user_comments'], $row['user_chats'], $row['user_visits'], $row['user_join'], $row['user_admin'], $row['user_perms'], $pref);
$ldata = $rank -> getRanks ( $row , ( USER && $forum -> isModerator ( USERID )));
if ( vartrue ( $ldata [ 'special' ]))
$r = $ldata [ 'special' ];
$r = $ldata [ 'pic' ] ? $ldata [ 'pic' ] : defset ( $ldata [ 'name' ], $ldata [ 'name' ]);
if ( ! $r ) $r = 'n/a' ;
$text .= " <tr>
< td style = 'width:10%; text-align:center' class = 'forumheader3' > { $counter } </ td >
< td style = 'width:50%' class = 'forumheader3' >< a href = '".e107::getUrl()->create(' user / profile / view ', ' id = '.$row[' user_id '].' & name = '.$row[' user_name '])."' > { $row [ 'user_name' ]} </ a ></ td >
< td style = 'width:10%; text-align:center' class = 'forumheader3' > { $row [ 'user_plugin_forum_posts' ]} </ td >
< td style = 'width:30%; text-align:center' class = 'forumheader3' > { $r } </ td >
</ tr > " ;
$counter ++ ;
$text .= " </table> \n </div> " ;
if ( $this -> subaction == 'forum' )
$ftotal = $sql -> count ( 'user' , '(*)' , 'WHERE `user_forums` > 0' );
$parms = " { $ftotal } , { $this -> view } , { $this -> from } , " . e_SELF . '?[FROM].top.forum.' . $this -> view ;
$text .= " <div class='nextprev'> " . $tp -> parseTemplate ( " { NEXTPREV= { $parms } } " ) . '</div>' ;
$ns -> tablerender ( TOP_LAN_0 , $text );
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
2013-03-10 19:44:54 -07:00
2015-06-17 20:09:26 -07:00
function mostActiveTopics () // from top.php - unused.
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
2015-06-17 20:09:26 -07:00
//require_once (e_HANDLER.'userclass_class.php');
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$tp = e107 :: getParser ();
$ns = e107 :: getRender ();
require_once ( e_PLUGIN . 'forum/forum_class.php' );
$forum = new e107forum ();
$forumList = implode ( ',' , $forum -> getForumPermList ( 'view' ));
$qry = "
t .* , u . user_name , ul . user_name AS user_last , f . forum_name
FROM `#forum_thread` as t
LEFT JOIN `#forum` AS f ON f . forum_id = t . thread_forum_id
LEFT JOIN `#user` AS u ON u . user_id = t . thread_user
LEFT JOIN `#user` AS ul ON ul . user_id = t . thread_lastuser
WHERE t . thread_forum_id IN ({ $forumList })
ORDER BY t . thread_views DESC
{ $this -> from }, { $this -> view }
" ;
if ( $sql -> gen ( $qry ))
$text = " <div> \n <table style='width:auto' class='table fborder'> \n " ;
$gen = e107 :: getDate ();
$text .= " <tr>
< th style = 'width:5%' class = 'forumheader' >& nbsp ; </ th >
< th style = 'width:45%' class = 'forumheader' > " .LAN_1. " </ th >
< th style = 'width:15%; text-align:center' class = 'forumheader' > " .LAN_2. " </ th >
< th style = 'width:5%; text-align:center' class = 'forumheader' > " .LAN_3. " </ th >
< th style = 'width:5%; text-align:center' class = 'forumheader' > " .LAN_4. " </ th >
< th style = 'width:25%; text-align:center' class = 'forumheader' > " .LAN_5. " </ th >
</ tr > \n " ;
while ( $row = $sql -> fetch ( MYSQL_ASSOC ))
if ( $row [ 'user_name' ])
$POSTER = " <a href=' " . e107 :: getUrl () -> create ( 'user/profile/view' , " name= { $row [ 'user_name' ] } &id= { $row [ 'thread_user' ] } " ) . " '> { $row [ 'user_name' ] } </a> " ;
$POSTER = $row [ 'thread_user_anon' ];
$LINKTOTHREAD = e107 :: getUrl () -> create ( 'forum/thread/view' , array ( 'id' => $row [ 'thread_id' ])); //$e107->url->getUrl('forum', 'thread', "func=view&id={$row['thread_id']}");
$LINKTOFORUM = e107 :: getUrl () -> create ( 'forum/forum/view' , array ( 'id' => $row [ 'thread_forum_id' ])); //$e107->url->getUrl('forum', 'forum', "func=view&id={$row['thread_forum_id']}");
$lastpost_datestamp = $gen -> convert_date ( $row [ 'thread_lastpost' ], 'forum' );
if ( $row [ 'user_last' ])
$LASTPOST = " <a href=' " . e107 :: getUrl () -> create ( 'user/profile/view' , " name= { $row [ 'user_last' ] } &id= { $row [ 'thread_lastuser' ] } " ) . " '> { $row [ 'user_last' ] } </a><br /> " . $lastpost_datestamp ;
$LASTPOST = $row [ 'thread_lastuser_anon' ] . '<br />' . $lastpost_datestamp ;
$text .= " <tr>
< td style = 'width:5%; text-align:center' class = 'forumheader3' >< img src = '".e_PLUGIN_ABS."forum/images/".IMODE."/new_small.png' alt = '' /></ td >
< td style = 'width:45%' class = 'forumheader3' >< b >< a href = '{$LINKTOTHREAD}' > { $row [ 'thread_name' ]} </ a ></ b > < span class = 'smalltext' > ( < a href = '{$LINKTOFORUM}' > { $row [ 'forum_name' ]} </ a > ) </ span ></ td >
< td style = 'width:15%; text-align:center' class = 'forumheader3' > { $POSTER } </ td >
< td style = 'width:5%; text-align:center' class = 'forumheader3' > { $row [ 'thread_views' ]} </ td >
< td style = 'width:5%; text-align:center' class = 'forumheader3' > { $row [ 'thread_total_replies' ]} </ td >
< td style = 'width:25%; text-align:center' class = 'forumheader3' > { $LASTPOST } </ td >
</ tr > \n " ;
$text .= " </table> \n </div> " ;
$ftotal = $sql -> count ( 'forum_thread' , '(*)' , 'WHERE `thread_parent` = 0' );
$parms = " { $ftotal } , { $this -> view } , { $this -> from } , " . e_SELF . '?[FROM].active.forum.' . $this -> view ;
$text .= " <div class='nextprev'> " . $tp -> parseTemplate ( " { NEXTPREV= { $parms } } " ) . '</div>' ;
$ns -> tablerender ( LAN_7 , $text , 'nfp' );
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
2009-07-30 10:08:05 +00:00
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
2015-06-17 20:09:26 -07:00
$frmStats = new forumStats ;
require_once ( HEADERF );
$frmStats -> init ();
require_once ( FOOTERF );