mirror of https://github.com/e107inc/e107.git synced 2025-03-14 01:19:44 +01:00

pdo class cleanup

This commit is contained in:
Cameron 2019-02-09 12:31:27 -08:00
parent de01d80586
commit b061e05c2a
2 changed files with 124 additions and 197 deletions

View File

@ -103,4 +103,58 @@
public function db_Connect($mySQLserver, $mySQLuser, $mySQLpassword, $mySQLdefaultdb, $newLink = false, $mySQLPrefix = MPREFIX)
if(!$this->connect($mySQLserver, $mySQLuser, $mySQLpassword, $newLink))
return 'e1';
if (!$this->database($mySQLdefaultdb,$mySQLPrefix))
return 'e2';
return true;
public function db_UpdateArray($table, $vars=array(), $arg='', $debug = false, $log_type = '', $log_remark = '')
$vars['WHERE'] = str_replace('WHERE', '', $arg);
return $this->update($table,$vars,$debug,$log_type,$log_remark);
public function db_CopyRow($table, $fields = '*', $args='')
return $this->copyRow($table,$fields,$args);
public function db_CopyTable($oldtable, $newtable, $drop = false, $data = false)
return $this->copyTable($oldtable, $newtable, $drop, $data);
public function db_FieldList($table, $prefix = '', $retinfo = FALSE)
return $this->fields($table, $prefix, $retinfo);
public function db_ResetTableList()
return $this->resetTableList();
public function db_QueryCount()
return $this->queryCount();
public function db_Write_log($log_type = '', $log_remark = '', $log_query = '')
$this->log($log_type, $log_remark, $log_query);

View File

@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ class e_db_pdo implements e_db
* @param string $newLink force a new link connection if TRUE. Default FALSE
* @param string $mySQLPrefix Tables prefix. Default to $mySQLPrefix from e107_config.php
* @return null|string error code
public function db_Connect($mySQLserver, $mySQLuser, $mySQLpassword, $mySQLdefaultdb, $newLink = FALSE, $mySQLPrefix = MPREFIX)
global $db_ConnectionID, $db_defaultPrefix;
@ -137,31 +137,27 @@ class e_db_pdo implements e_db
if(strpos($mySQLserver,':')!==false && substr_count($mySQLserver, ':')===1)
list($this->mySQLserver,$this->mySQLport) = explode(':',$mySQLserver,2);
$this->mySQLaccess = new PDO("mysql:host=".$this->mySQLserver."; port=".$this->mySQLport, $this->mySQLuser, $this->mySQLpassword, array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION));
catch(PDOException $ex)
$this->mySQLlastErrText = $ex->getMessage();
$this->mySQLlastErrNum = $ex->getCode();
return 'e1';
if(strpos($mySQLserver,':')!==false && substr_count($mySQLserver, ':')===1)
list($this->mySQLserver,$this->mySQLport) = explode(':',$mySQLserver,2);
$this->mySQLaccess = new PDO("mysql:host=".$this->mySQLserver."; port=".$this->mySQLport, $this->mySQLuser, $this->mySQLpassword, array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION));
catch(PDOException $ex)
$this->mySQLlastErrText = $ex->getMessage();
$this->mySQLlastErrNum = $ex->getCode();
return 'e1';
$this->mySqlServerInfo = $this->mySQLaccess->query('select version()')->fetchColumn(); // We always need this for db_Set_Charset() - so make generally available
// Set utf8 connection?
//@TODO: simplify when yet undiscovered side-effects will be fixed
// if ($this->pdo!== true && !@mysql_select_db($this->mySQLdefaultdb, $this->mySQLaccess))
@ -181,7 +177,7 @@ class e_db_pdo implements e_db
return true;
@ -233,7 +229,7 @@ class e_db_pdo implements e_db
// $this->mySqlServerInfo = $this->mySQLaccess->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_INFO);
$this->mySqlServerInfo = $this->mySQLaccess->query('select version()')->fetchColumn();
@ -317,33 +313,38 @@ class e_db_pdo implements e_db
* @deprecated
* @return void
* @desc Enter description here...
* @access private
function db_Show_Performance()
// e107::getDebug()-Show_P
// return $db_debug->Show_Performance();
* @return void
* @desc add query to dblog table
* @access private
function db_Write_log($log_type = '', $log_remark = '', $log_query = '')
function log($log_type = '', $log_remark = '', $log_query = '')
global $tp, $e107;
$tp = e107::getParser();
list($time_usec, $time_sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
$uid = (USER) ? USERID : '0';
$userstring = ( USER === true ? USERNAME : "LAN_ANONYMOUS");
$ip = e107::getIPHandler()->getIP(FALSE);
$qry = $tp->toDB($log_query);
$this->insert('dblog', "0, {$time_sec}, {$time_usec}, '{$log_type}', 'DBDEBUG', {$uid}, '{$userstring}', '{$ip}', '', '{$log_remark}', '{$qry}'");
$insert = array(
// 'dblog_id' => 0,
'dblog_datestamp' => $time_sec,
'dblog_microtime' => $time_usec,
'dblog_type' => $log_type,
'dblog_eventcode' => 'DBDEBUG',
'dblog_user_id' => $uid,
'dblog_user_name' => $userstring,
'dblog_ip' => $ip,
'dblog_caller' => '',
'dblog_title' => $log_remark,
'dblog_remarks' => $qry
$this->insert('dblog', $insert);
// $this->insert('dblog', "0, {$time_sec}, {$time_usec}, '{$log_type}', 'DBDEBUG', {$uid}, '{$userstring}', '{$ip}', '', '{$log_remark}', '{$qry}'");
@ -378,7 +379,7 @@ class e_db_pdo implements e_db
if ($log_type != '')
$this->db_Write_log($log_type, $log_remark, $query);
$this->log($log_type, $log_remark, $query);
@ -1079,7 +1080,7 @@ class e_db_pdo implements e_db
function _getTypes(&$arg)
private function _getTypes(&$arg)
@ -1105,7 +1106,7 @@ class e_db_pdo implements e_db
* @access private
function _getFieldValue($fieldKey, $fieldValue, &$fieldTypes)
private function _getFieldValue($fieldKey, $fieldValue, &$fieldTypes)
if($fieldValue === '_NULL_') { return 'NULL';}
$type = (isset($fieldTypes[$fieldKey]) ? $fieldTypes[$fieldKey] : $fieldTypes['_DEFAULT']);
@ -1275,46 +1276,6 @@ class e_db_pdo implements e_db
Similar to db_Update(), but splits the variables and the 'WHERE' clause.
$vars may be an array (fieldname=>newvalue) of fields to be updated, or a simple list.
$arg is usually a 'WHERE' clause
The way the code is written at the moment, a call to db_Update() with just the first two parameters specified can be
converted simply by changing the function name - it will still work.
Deprecated routine - use db_Update() with array parameters
function db_UpdateArray($table, $vars, $arg='', $debug = FALSE, $log_type = '', $log_remark = '')
$table = $this->hasLanguage($table);
$this->mySQLcurTable = $table;
$new_data = '';
if (is_array($vars))
$spacer = '';
foreach ($vars as $fn => $fv)
$new_data .= $spacer."`{$fn}`='{$fv}'";
$spacer = ', ';
$vars = '';
if ($result = $this->mySQLresult = $this->db_Query('UPDATE '.$this->mySQLPrefix.$table.' SET '.$new_data.$vars.' '.$arg, NULL, 'db_UpdateArray', $debug, $log_type, $log_remark))
$result = $this->mySQLresult->rowCount();
if ($result == -1) return FALSE; // Error return from mysql_affected_rows
return $result;
$query = 'UPDATE '.$this->mySQLPrefix.$table.' SET '.$new_data.$vars.' '.$arg;
$this->dbError("Error in deprecated db_UpdateArray method query:($query)");
return FALSE;
* Truncate a table
@ -1655,47 +1616,8 @@ class e_db_pdo implements e_db
* @return unknown
* @param unknown $offset
* @desc Enter description here...
* @access private
/* Function not used
function db_Fieldname($offset)
$result = @mysql_field_name($this->mySQLresult, $offset);
return $result;
* @return unknown
* @desc Enter description here...
* @access private
function db_Field_info()
$result = @mysql_fetch_field($this->mySQLresult);
return $result;
* @return unknown
* @desc Enter description here...
* @access private
/* Function not used
function db_Num_fields()
$result = @mysql_num_fields($this->mySQLresult);
return $result;
@ -1778,7 +1700,7 @@ class e_db_pdo implements e_db
* @param string fields to retrieve
* @desc returns fields as structured array
* @access public
* @return rows of the database as an array.
* @return array rows of the database as an array.
function rows($fields = 'ALL', $amount = FALSE, $maximum = FALSE, $ordermode=FALSE)
@ -1931,33 +1853,12 @@ class e_db_pdo implements e_db
* @return integer
* @desc returns total number of queries made so far
* @access public
function db_QueryCount()
public function queryCount()
global $db_mySQLQueryCount;
return $db_mySQLQueryCount;
@ -1970,7 +1871,7 @@ class e_db_pdo implements e_db
* @param bool $debug
* @return bool
function db_Query_all($query, $debug=false)
public function db_Query_all($query, $debug=false)
$error = "";
@ -2037,7 +1938,7 @@ class e_db_pdo implements e_db
* @param boolean $retinfo = FALSE - just returns array of field names. TRUE - returns all field info
* @return array|boolean - FALSE on error, field list array on success
function db_FieldList($table, $prefix = '', $retinfo = FALSE)
public function fields($table, $prefix = '', $retinfo = FALSE)
@ -2348,8 +2249,10 @@ class e_db_pdo implements e_db
public function db_ResetTableList()
public function resetTableList()
$this->mySQLtableList = array();
$this->mySQLtableListLanguage = array();
@ -2418,7 +2321,7 @@ class e_db_pdo implements e_db
* Duplicate a Table Row in a table.
function db_CopyRow($table,$fields = '*', $args='')
function copyRow($table,$fields = '*', $args='')
if(!$table || !$args )
@ -2443,8 +2346,14 @@ class e_db_pdo implements e_db
function db_CopyTable($oldtable, $newtable, $drop = FALSE, $data = FALSE)
* @param string $oldtable
* @param string $newtable
* @param bool $drop
* @param bool $data
* @return bool|int|PDOStatement|resource
public function copyTable($oldtable, $newtable, $drop = FALSE, $data = FALSE)
$old = $this->mySQLPrefix.strtolower($oldtable);
$new = $this->mySQLPrefix.strtolower($newtable);
@ -2641,14 +2550,12 @@ class e_db_pdo implements e_db
$this->mySQLerror = true;
if($this->mySQLlastErrNum == 0)
if($this->mySQLlastErrNum === 0)
return null;
return $this->mySQLlastErrText;
return $from." :: ".$this->mySQLlastErrText;
@ -2687,57 +2594,23 @@ class e_db_pdo implements e_db
* Check if MySQL version is utf8 compatible and may be used as it accordingly to the user choice
* Set Database charset to utf8
* @TODO Simplify when the conversion script will be available
* @access public
* @param string MySQL charset may be forced in special circumstances
* UTF-8 encoding and decoding is left to the progammer
* @param bool TRUE enter debug mode. default FALSE
* @return string hardcoded error message
* @access private
function db_Set_Charset($charset = '', $debug = FALSE)
public function setCharset($charset = 'utf8')
// Get the default user choice
global $mySQLcharset;
if (isset($mySQLcharset) && $mySQLcharset != 'utf8')
// Only utf8 is accepted
$mySQLcharset = '';
$charset = ($charset ? $charset : $mySQLcharset);
$message = (( ! $charset && $debug) ? 'Empty charset!' : '');
if (!$debug)
$this->db_Query("SET NAMES `$charset`");
// Check if MySQL version is utf8 compatible
preg_match('/^(.*?)($|-)/', $this->mySqlServerInfo, $mysql_version);
if (version_compare($mysql_version[1], '4.1.2', '<'))
// reset utf8
//@TODO reset globally? $mySQLcharset = '';
$charset = '';
$message = 'MySQL version is not utf8 compatible!';
// Use db_Query() debug handler
$this->db_Query("SET NAMES `$charset`", NULL, '', $debug);
$this->db_Query("SET NAMES `$charset`");
// Save mySQLcharset for further uses within this connection
$this->mySQLcharset = $charset;
return $message;
public function getCharset()
return $this->mySQLcharset;
* Get the _FIELD_DEFS and _NOTNULL definitions for a table