mirror of https://github.com/e107inc/e107.git synced 2025-03-14 01:19:44 +01:00

admin db tools : added checkup for rate and comment table, still experimental !!

This commit is contained in:
lia 2007-03-15 15:55:08 +00:00
parent cd1e10ab03
commit c3d30d3591
2 changed files with 333 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
| GNU General Public License (http://gnu.org).
| $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_admin/db.php,v $
| $Revision: 1.2 $
| $Date: 2007-02-14 21:17:03 $
| $Author: e107steved $
| $Revision: 1.3 $
| $Date: 2007-03-15 15:55:08 $
| $Author: lisa_ $
@ -76,7 +76,11 @@ if (isset($_POST['plugin_scan']) || e_QUERY == "plugin" || $_POST['delplug']) {
if (isset($_POST['verify_sql_record']) || isset($_POST['check_verify_sql_record']) || isset($_POST['delete_verify_sql_record']) ) {
@ -116,6 +120,12 @@ $text = "<div style='text-align:center'>
<td class='forumheader3' style='width:30%;text-align:center'><input class='button' style='width: 100%' type='submit' name='backup_core' value='".DBLAN_9."' />
<input type='hidden' name='sqltext' value='$sqltext' />
<td style='width:70%' class='forumheader3'>".DBLAN_35."</td>
<td class='forumheader3' style='width:30%;text-align:center'><input class='button' style='width: 100%' type='submit' name='verify_sql_record' value='".DBLAN_36."' /></td>
@ -299,6 +309,304 @@ function delete_plugin_entry()
$ns -> tablerender($caption,$message);
function verify_sql_record(){
global $ns, $sql, $sql2, $tp;
if(!is_object($sql)){ $sql = new db; }
if(!is_object($sql2)){ $sql2 = new db; }
if(!is_object($sql3)){ $sql3 = new db; }
$tables = array();
$tables[] = 'rate';
$tables[] = 'comments';
$text = "<div style='font-weight:bold; text-align:center;'>";
$text .= "ok, so you want to delete some records? not a problem at all!<br />";
$text .= "but, since this is still an experimental procedure, i won't actually delete anything<br />";
$text .= "instead, i will show you the queries that would be performed<br />";
$text .= "<br />";
foreach($_POST['del_dbrec'] as $k=>$v){
$keys = implode(", ", array_keys($v));
$qry .= "DELETE * FROM rate WHERE rate_id IN (".$keys.")<br />";
$keys = implode(", ", array_keys($v));
$qry .= "DELETE * FROM comments WHERE comment_id IN (".$keys.")<br />";
$text .= $qry;
$text .= "<br />
<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."'>
<table border=0 align='center'>
<tr><td><input class='button' type='submit' name='back' value='".DBLAN_13."' /></td></tr>
$ns->tablerender($caption, $text);
//select table to verify
$text = "
<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."'>
<table border=0 align='center'>
<tr><td>".DBLAN_37."<br /><br />";
foreach($tables as $t){
$text .= "<input type='checkbox' name='table_{$t}' />{$t}<br /";
$text .= "
<br />
<input class='button' name='check_verify_sql_record' type='submit' value='".DBLAN_38."' />
<input class='button' type='submit' name='back' value='".DBLAN_13."' />
$ns->tablerender(DBLAN_39, $text);
//function to sort the results
function verify_sql_record_cmp($a, $b) {
$orderby=array('type'=>'asc', 'itemid'=>'asc');
$result= 0;
foreach( $orderby as $key => $value ) {
if( $a[$key] == $b[$key] ) continue;
$result = ($a[$key] < $b[$key])? -1 : 1;
if( $value=='desc' ) $result = -$result;
return $result;
//function to display the results
//$err holds the error data
//$ctype holds the tablename
function verify_sql_record_displayresult($err, $ctype){
usort($err, 'verify_sql_record_cmp');
$text = '';
if(is_array($err) && !empty($err)){
$text .= "
<table class='fborder' style='".ADMIN_WIDTH."'>
<tr><td class='fcaption' colspan='4'>".DBLAN_40." ".$ctype."</td></tr>
<td class='fcaption' style='width:20%;'>".DBLAN_41."</td>
<td class='fcaption' style='width:10%;'>".DBLAN_42."</td>
<td class='fcaption' style='width:50%;'>".DBLAN_43."</td>
<td class='fcaption' style='width:20%;'>".DBLAN_44."</td>
foreach($err as $k=>$v){
$delkey = $v['sqlid'];
$text .= "
<td class='forumheader3'>".$v['type']."</td>
<td class='forumheader3'>".$v['itemid']."</td>
<td class='forumheader3'>".($v['table_exist'] ? DBLAN_45 : DBLAN_46)."</td>
<td class='forumheader3'><input type='checkbox' name=\"del_dbrec[$ctype][$delkey][]\" value='1' /> ".DBLAN_47."</td>
$text .= "
<td class='fcaption' colspan='3'></td>
<td class='fcaption'>
<input class='button' name='delete_verify_sql_record' type='submit' value='".DBLAN_48."' />
<input class='button' type='submit' name='back' value='".DBLAN_13."' />
</table><br />";
return $text;
function verify_sql_record_gettables(){
global $sql2;
//array which will hold all db tables
$dbtables = array();
//get all tables in the db
$sql2 -> db_Select_gen("SHOW TABLES");
$dbtables[] = $row2[0];
return $dbtables;
$text = '';
//validate rate table records
$query = "
FROM #rate AS r
WHERE r.rate_id!=''
ORDER BY r.rate_table, r.rate_itemid";
$data = array('type'=>'rate', 'table'=>'rate_table', 'itemid'=>'rate_itemid', 'id'=>'rate_id');
if(!$sql -> db_Select_gen($query)){
$text = DBLAN_49;
//the master error array
//array which will hold all db tables
$dbtables = verify_sql_record_gettables();
$ctype = $data['type'];
$cid = $row[$data['id']];
$citemid = $row[$data['itemid']];
$ctable = $row[$data['table']];
//if the rate_table is an existing table, we need to do more validation
//else if the rate_table is not an existing table, this is an invalid reference
if(in_array($ctable, $dbtables)){
$sql3 -> db_Select_gen("SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$ctable}");
//find the auto_increment field, since that's the most likely key used
$aif = $row3['Field'];
//we need to check if the itemid (still) exists in this table
//if the record is not found, this could well be an obsolete record
//if the record is found, we need to keep this record since it's a valid reference
if(!$sql2 -> db_Select("{$ctable}", "*", "{$aif}='{$citemid}' ORDER BY {$aif} ")){
$err[] = array('type'=>$ctable, 'sqlid'=>$cid, 'table'=>$ctable, 'itemid'=>$citemid, 'table_exist'=>TRUE);
$err[] = array('type'=>$ctable, 'sqlid'=>$cid, 'table'=>$ctable, 'itemid'=>$citemid, 'table_exist'=>FALSE);
$text .= verify_sql_record_displayresult($err, $ctype);
//validate comments table records
$query = "
FROM #comments AS c
WHERE c.comment_id!=''
ORDER BY c.comment_type, c.comment_item_id";
$data = array('type'=>'comments', 'table'=>'comment_type', 'itemid'=>'comment_item_id', 'id'=>'comment_id');
if(!$sql -> db_Select_gen($query)){
$text = DBLAN_49;
//the master error array
//array which will hold all db tables
$dbtables = verify_sql_record_gettables();
//get all e_comment files and variables
$cobj = new comment;
$e_comment = $cobj->get_e_comment();
$ctype = $data['type'];
$cid = $row[$data['id']];
$citemid = $row[$data['itemid']];
$ctable = $row[$data['table']];
//for each comment we need to validate the referencing record exists
//we need to check if the itemid (still) exists in this table
//if the record is not found, this could well be an obsolete record
//if the record is found, we need to keep this record since it's a valid reference
// news
if($ctable == "0"){
if(!$sql2 -> db_Select("news", "*", "news_id='{$citemid}' ")){
$err[] = array('type'=>'news', 'sqlid'=>$cid, 'table'=>$ctable, 'itemid'=>$citemid, 'table_exist'=>TRUE);
// article, review or content page
}elseif($ctable == "1"){
// downloads
}elseif($ctable == "2"){
if(!$sql2 -> db_Select("download", "*", "download_id='{$citemid}' ")){
$err[] = array('type'=>'download', 'sqlid'=>$cid, 'table'=>$ctable, 'itemid'=>$citemid, 'table_exist'=>TRUE);
// poll
}elseif($ctable == "4"){
if(!$sql2 -> db_Select("polls", "*", "poll_id='{$citemid}' ")){
$err[] = array('type'=>'polls', 'sqlid'=>$cid, 'table'=>$ctable, 'itemid'=>$citemid, 'table_exist'=>TRUE);
// userprofile
}elseif($ctable == "profile"){
if(!$sql2 -> db_Select("user", "*", "user_id='{$citemid}' ")){
$err[] = array('type'=>'user', 'sqlid'=>$cid, 'table'=>$ctable, 'itemid'=>$citemid, 'table_exist'=>TRUE);
//else if this is a plugin comment
}elseif(isset($e_comment[$ctable]) && is_array($e_comment[$ctable])){
$var = $e_comment[$ctable];
//new method must use the 'qry' variable
if(isset($var) && $var['qry']!=''){
if($installed = $sql2 -> db_Select("plugin", "*", "plugin_path = '".$var['plugin_path']."' AND plugin_installflag = '1' ")){
$qryp = str_replace("{NID}", $citemid, $var['qry']);
if(!$sql2 -> db_Select_gen($qryp)){
$err[] = array('type'=>$ctable, 'sqlid'=>$cid, 'table'=>$ctable, 'itemid'=>$citemid, 'table_exist'=>TRUE);
//old method
if(!$sql2 -> db_Select($var['db_table'], $var['db_title'], $var['db_id']." = '{$citemid}' ")){
$err[] = array('type'=>$ctable, 'sqlid'=>$cid, 'table'=>$ctable, 'itemid'=>$citemid, 'table_exist'=>TRUE);
//in all other cases
$err[] = array('type'=>$ctable, 'sqlid'=>$cid, 'table'=>$ctable, 'itemid'=>$citemid, 'table_exist'=>FALSE);
$text .= verify_sql_record_displayresult($err, $ctype);
$text = "<form method='post' name='deleteform' action='".e_SELF."?".e_QUERY."'>".$text."</form>";

View File

@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
| e107 website system - Language File.
| $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_languages/English/admin/lan_db.php,v $
| $Revision: 1.2 $
| $Date: 2007-02-14 21:17:15 $
| $Author: e107steved $
| $Revision: 1.3 $
| $Date: 2007-03-15 15:55:08 $
| $Author: lisa_ $
define("DBLAN_1", "Core settings backed up in database.");
@ -44,5 +44,22 @@ define("DBLAN_32", "Error");
define("DBLAN_33", "Inaccessible");
define("DBLAN_34", "Not checked");
define("DBLAN_35", "Click button to check validity of e107 database records");
define("DBLAN_36", "Check database record validity");
define("DBLAN_37", "Choose table(s) to validate");
define("DBLAN_38", "Start Verify");
define("DBLAN_39", "Database Record Validation");
define("DBLAN_40", "Record Validation : ");
define("DBLAN_41", "table");
define("DBLAN_42", "id");
define("DBLAN_43", "remark");
define("DBLAN_44", "options");
define("DBLAN_45", "Id Not Found!");
define("DBLAN_46", "Table Not Found!");
define("DBLAN_47", "delete");
define("DBLAN_48", "Delete Checked");
define("DBLAN_49", "no records present in the table, so nothing to validate");
define("DBLAN_50", "Sql Record Validation");