mirror of
synced 2025-01-17 20:58:30 +01:00
#6 - LAN clean-up (HTML removal, double quotes, generic) - done upto/i admin/lan_p
This commit is contained in:
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ switch ($action)
$add = ($pref['mailer']) ? " (".strtoupper($pref['mailer']).")" : ' (PHP)';
$sendto = trim($_POST['testaddress']);
if (!sendemail($sendto, LAN_MAILOUT_113." ".SITENAME.$add, LAN_MAILOUT_114,LAN_MAILOUT_189))
if (!sendemail($sendto, LAN_MAILOUT_113." ".SITENAME.$add, str_replace("[br]", "\n", LAN_MAILOUT_114),LAN_MAILOUT_189))
$mes->addError(($pref['mailer'] == 'smtp') ? LAN_MAILOUT_67 : LAN_MAILOUT_106);
@ -2,14 +2,12 @@
* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2008-2009 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Copyright (C) 2008-2013 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* Administration Area - Meta Tags
* $URL$
* $Id$
@ -60,7 +58,6 @@ if (isset($_POST['metasubmit']))
$admin_log->log_event('META_01', 'meta_news_summary=>'.$pref['meta_news_summary'].'[!br!]'.e_LANGUAGE, E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, '');
//$mes->add(METLAN_1." (".e_LANGUAGE.")", E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS);
$meta = vartrue($pref['meta_tag']);
@ -2,18 +2,14 @@
* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2008-2009 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Copyright (C) 2008-2013 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_admin/modcomment.php,v $
* $Revision$
* $Date$
* $Author$
// Moc: up for removal? Replaced by /e107_admin/comment.php
if (!getperms("B")) {
@ -25,7 +21,7 @@ include_lan(e_LANGUAGEDIR.e_LANGUAGE.'/admin/lan_'.e_PAGE);
$cobj = new comment;
global $tp;
$tp = e107::getParser();
$tmp = explode(".", e_QUERY);
$table = $tmp[0];
@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ class news_admin_ui extends e_admin_ui
protected $fields = array(
'checkboxes' => array('title' => '', 'type' => null, 'width' => '3%', 'thclass' => 'center first', 'class' => 'center', 'nosort' => true, 'toggle' => 'news_selected', 'forced' => TRUE),
'news_id' => array('title' => LAN_NEWS_45, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => '5%', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class' => 'center', 'nosort' => false, 'readParms'=>'link=sef&target=blank'),
'news_id' => array('title' => LAN_ID, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => '5%', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class' => 'center', 'nosort' => false, 'readParms'=>'link=sef&target=blank'),
'news_thumbnail' => array('title' => NWSLAN_67, 'type' => 'method', 'width' => '110px', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class' => "center", 'nosort' => false, 'readParms'=>'thumb=60&thumb_urlraw=0&thumb_aw=60','readonly'=>false),
'news_title' => array('title' => LAN_TITLE, 'type' => 'text', 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false),
'news_summary' => array('title' => LAN_NEWS_27, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false),
@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ class admin_newspost
$this->fields = array(
'checkboxes' => array('title' => '', 'type' => null, 'data'=> false, 'width' => '3%', 'thclass' => 'center first', 'class' => 'center', 'nosort' => true, 'toggle' => 'news_selected', 'forced' => TRUE),
'news_id' => array('title' => LAN_NEWS_45, 'type' => 'number', 'data'=> 'int', 'width' => '5%', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class' => 'center', 'nosort' => false),
'news_id' => array('title' => LAN_ID, 'type' => 'number', 'data'=> 'int', 'width' => '5%', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class' => 'center', 'nosort' => false),
'news_thumbnail' => array('title' => NWSLAN_67, 'type' => 'image', 'data'=> 'str', 'width' => '110px', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class' => "center", 'nosort' => false, 'readParms'=>'thumb=60&thumb_urlraw=0&thumb_aw=60','writeParams' => 'path={e_MEDIA}','readonly'=>false),
'news_title' => array('title' => LAN_TITLE, 'type' => 'text', 'data'=> 'str','width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false),
'news_summary' => array('title' => LAN_NEWS_27, 'type' => 'text', 'data'=> 'str','width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false),
@ -2035,7 +2035,7 @@ class admin_newspost
<input type='text' name='news_title' value=\"". $tp->post_toForm(vartrue($_POST['news_title']))."\" class='tbox' style='width:90%' required='required' />
@ -2354,7 +2354,7 @@ class admin_newspost
if($pref['trackbackEnabled']){ // FIXME onclick expandit not working
$text .= "
@ -2362,7 +2362,7 @@ class admin_newspost
<a class='e-pointer' onclick='expandit(this);'>".LAN_NEWS_35."</a>
<div class='e-hideme'>
<div class='field-spacer'>
<span class='smalltext'>".LAN_NEWS_37."</span>
<span class='field-help>".LAN_NEWS_37."</span>
<div class='field-spacer'>
<textarea class='tbox textarea' name='trackback_urls' style='width:95%' cols='80' rows='5'>".$_POST['trackback_urls']."</textarea>
@ -2712,7 +2712,7 @@ class admin_newspost
<th class='center'>".LAN_NEWS_45."</th>
<th class='center'>".LAN_ID."</th>
<th class='center'>".LAN_ICON."</th>
<th>Manage Permissions</th>
@ -3027,7 +3027,7 @@ class admin_newspost
<div class='field-spacer center nowrap'>
".$frm->admin_button("category_view_{$row['submitnews_id']}", NWSLAN_27, 'action', '', array('id'=>false, 'other'=>"onclick=\"expandit('submitted_".$row['submitnews_id']."')\""))."
".$frm->admin_button("category_edit_{$row['submitnews_id']}", $buttext, 'action', '', array('id'=>false, 'other'=>"onclick=\"document.location='".e_SELF."?create.sn.{$row['submitnews_id']}'\""))."
".$frm->admin_button("delete[sn_{$row['submitnews_id']}]", LAN_DELETE, 'delete', '', array('id'=>false, 'title'=>$tp->toJS(NWSLAN_38." [".LAN_NEWS_45.": {$row['submitnews_id']} ]")))."
".$frm->admin_button("delete[sn_{$row['submitnews_id']}]", LAN_DELETE, 'delete', '', array('id'=>false, 'title'=>$tp->toJS(NWSLAN_38." [".LAN_ID.": {$row['submitnews_id']} ]")))."
@ -2,16 +2,12 @@
* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2008-2010 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Copyright (C) 2008-2013 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* Administration - Site Preferences
* $URL$
* $Revision$
* $Id$
* $Author$
require_once ("../class2.php");
@ -253,7 +249,7 @@ function sendTest()
$add = ($pref['mailer']) ? " (".strtoupper($pref['mailer']).")" : ' (PHP)';
$sendto = trim($_POST['testaddress']);
if (!sendemail($sendto, LAN_MAILOUT_113." ".SITENAME.$add, LAN_MAILOUT_114,LAN_MAILOUT_189))
if (!sendemail($sendto, LAN_MAILOUT_113." ".SITENAME.$add, str_replace("[br]", "\n", LAN_MAILOUT_114),LAN_MAILOUT_189))
$mes->addError(($pref['mailer'] == 'smtp') ? LAN_MAILOUT_67 : LAN_MAILOUT_106);
@ -1336,7 +1332,7 @@ if(file_exists(e_PLUGIN."geshi/geshi.php"))
".$frm->radio_switch('useGeshi', $pref['useGeshi'])."
<div class='smalltext field-help'>".PRFLAN_119."</div>
<div class='smalltext field-help'>".str_replace("[link]", "http://qbnz.com/highlighter/", PRFLAN_119)."</div>
@ -1,291 +1,284 @@
* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2008-2013 e107 Inc (e107.org), Licensed under GNU GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* Copyright (C) 2008-2013 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* Administration - Site Maintenance
* $URL$
* $Id$
* Admin Language File
define('CORE_DATE_ORDER', 'dmy'); // Temporary until we find somewhere better to put it.
define("CORE_DATE_ORDER", "dmy"); // Temporary until we find somewhere better to put it.
// Defines order of field entry/display in date boxes
// Acceptable values: dmy, mdy, ymd
define('LAN_MAILOUT_01','From Name');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_02','From Email');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_08','Send Email');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_09','Send format');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_10','User Subscribed');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_11','Insert Variables');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_12','All Members');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_13','All Unverified Members ');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_14','Display Name');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_17','Signup link');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_18','User ID');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_19','No target email address specified');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_21','Bulk mailing Entries');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_22','There are currently no saved entries');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_23','userclass: ');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_24','email(s) are ready to be sent');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_25','Bulk mailing controls');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_26', 'Pause bulk mailing every');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_27', 'emails for ');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_28', 'Save Changes');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_29', 'seconds');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_30', 'Used mostly with SMTP keepalive. A pause of more than 30 seconds may cause the browser to time-out');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_31', 'Bounced Email Processing');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_32', 'Email address');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_33', 'Incoming Mail server');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_34', 'Account (user) Name');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_35', 'Password');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_36', 'Delete Bounced Mails after checking');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_37', 'Proceed');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_38', 'Cancel');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_39', 'Emailing');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_40', 'You need to rename <b>e107.htaccess</b> to <b>.htaccess</b> in');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_41', 'before sending mail from this page.');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_42', 'Warning');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_43', 'Username');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_44', 'User Login');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_45', 'User Email');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_46', 'User-Match');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_47', 'contains');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_48', 'equals');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_49', 'Id');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_50', 'Author');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_51', 'Subject');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_52', 'Last mod');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_53', 'Admins');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_54', 'Self');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_55', 'Userclass');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_56', 'Last Visit (dd-mm-yy)');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_57', 'Send bulk SMTP emails in blocks'); // SMTP KeepAlive option
//define('LAN_MAILOUT_58', 'There is a problem with the attachment:');
//define('LAN_MAILOUT_59', 'Mailing Progress');
//define('LAN_MAILOUT_60', 'Sending...');
//define('LAN_MAILOUT_61', 'There are no remaining emails to be sent.');
//define('LAN_MAILOUT_62', 'Emails sent:');
//define('LAN_MAILOUT_63', 'Emails failed:');
//define('LAN_MAILOUT_64', 'Total time elapsed:');
//define('LAN_MAILOUT_65', 'seconds');
//define('LAN_MAILOUT_66', 'Cancelled Successfully');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_67', 'The email could not be sent. Please review your SMTP settings, or select another mailing method and try again.');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_68','Registered Users');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_69','matches, after ');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_70',' duplicates stripped.');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_71','Total emails to send');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_72','Mailshot logging');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_73','No logging');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_74','Logging only (no send)');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_75','Log and send');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_76','Include email info in log');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_77','Supplementary email address sources');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_78','Mailshot Status');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_79','No mailshots to display');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_81','The email has been successfully sent, please check your inbox.');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_82','Mails sent');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_83','Mails to go');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_84','Mail ID');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_87','SMTP Server');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_88','SMTP Username');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_89','SMTP Password');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_90','SMTP Features');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_91','POP before SMTP');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_94','(Use SSL for gmail/googlemail)');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_95','Use VERP for bulk mailing');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_97','Mailer Results');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_98','Orphaned entries');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_99','Confirm retry mailshot');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_101','Email Detail');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_102','Detail of mailshot');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_103','Results of attempts to send');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_104','No attempt to send, or error saving result');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_105','Details of up to 10 failures');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_106','The email could not be sent. It appears that your server is not correctly configured to send emails, please try again using SMTP, or contact your hosts and ask them to check their sendmail / email server settings.');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_109','Show detail');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_110','Send test email');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_111','Email Title (not sent)');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_112','Click to send email to');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_113','Test email from');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_114',"This is a test email, it appears that your email settings are working ok!\n\nRegards\nfrom the e107 website system.");
define('LAN_MAILOUT_115','Emailing method');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_116','If unsure, leave as php');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_118','Click on \'proceed\' to start sending emails. Click on \'cancel\' to stop the run. Once complete, select another page. Unsent emails cal be viewed through the \'Mailshot status\' screen');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_119','Logging only, with errors');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_120','Account type');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_121','Standard POP3');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_122','POP3, TLS disabled');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_123','POP3 with TLS');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_125', 'Text only');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_126', 'Text and HTML');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_127', 'Include theme');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_128', 'Send Error');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_129', 'Expiry Date');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_130', 'Creation Date');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_131', 'Sending Started');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_132', 'Sending Complete');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_133', 'Source');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_134', 'Priority');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_135', 'Title');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_136', 'Mailout Status');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_137', 'Mail Ref');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_138', 'Email status');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_139', 'Date active');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_140', 'Recipient Email');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_141', 'Recipient Name');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_142', 'Recipient User ID');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_143', 'Email ref.');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_144', 'Bounced');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_145', 'New email saved');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_146', 'Error saving email');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_147', 'Email updated');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_148', 'User values');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_149', 'Sender Email');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_150', 'Sender Name');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_151', 'Copy to');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_152', 'Blind copy to');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_153', 'Attachments');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_154', 'Send Format');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_155', 'Selectors');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_156', 'Maximum number of emails to send per scheduler tick');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_157', 'Value will depend on a number of factors, including how often your mail queue scheduler job is triggered and the rate at which your ISP will accept outgoing mail. Zero to clear queue each time');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_158', 'Send now');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_159', 'Hold email');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_160', 'Cancel send');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_161', 'IMPORTANT! This file appears to not exist');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_162', 'IMPORTANT! You need to make this file executable');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_163', 'Edit/Send Mail');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_164', 'Email information not found');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_165', 'Confirm delete the following stored email, including any recipient records');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_166', 'General error deleting mail ref: --ID--');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_167', 'Error deleting mail content ref: --ID--');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_168', 'Mail content deleted ref: --ID--');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_169', 'Error deleting mail recipients ref: --ID--');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_170', 'Deleted --NUM-- recipients for mail ref: --ID--');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_171', 'Confirm email delete');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_172', 'Mail Type/Status');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_173', 'Recipients');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_174', 'Security check fail: --ID-- --CHECK--');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_175', 'Before');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_176', 'Equal to');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_177', 'After');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_178', 'Last site visit');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_179', 'Confirm email send');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_180', 'Selection criteria:');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_181', 'Show recipients');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_182', 'Tidy database tables');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_183', 'Error tidying database');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_184', 'Database tidied');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_185', 'Emails added to send queue');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_186', 'General error putting mail ref: --ID-- on hold');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_187', 'Email --ID-- put on hold');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_188', 'General error sending mail ref: --ID--');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_189', 'Test address');
define("LAN_MAILOUT_01", "From Name");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_02", "From Email");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_03", "To");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_04", "Cc");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_05", "Bcc");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_06", "Subject");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_07", "Attachment");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_08", "Send Email");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_09", "Send format");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_10", "User Subscribed");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_11", "Insert Variables");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_12", "All Members");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_13", "All Unverified Members ");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_14", "Display Name");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_15", "Mailout");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_16", "Username");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_17", "Signup link");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_18", "User ID");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_19", "No target email address specified");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_20", "Sendmail-path");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_21", "Bulk mailing Entries");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_22", "There are currently no saved entries");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_23", "userclass: ");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_24", "email(s) are ready to be sent");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_25", "Bulk mailing controls");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_26", "Pause bulk mailing every");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_27", "emails for ");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_28", "Save Changes");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_29", "seconds");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_30", "Used mostly with SMTP keepalive. A pause of more than 30 seconds may cause the browser to time-out");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_31", "Bounced Email Processing");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_32", "Email address");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_33", "Incoming Mail server");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_34", "Account (user) Name");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_35", "Password");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_36", "Delete Bounced Mails after checking");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_37", "Proceed");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_38", "Cancel");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_39", "Emailing");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_40", "You need to rename <b>e107.htaccess</b> to <b>.htaccess</b> in");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_41", "before sending mail from this page.");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_42", "Warning");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_43", "Username");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_44", "User Login");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_45", "User Email");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_46", "User-Match");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_47", "contains");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_48", "equals");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_49", "Id");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_50", "Author");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_51", "Subject");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_52", "Last mod");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_53", "Admins");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_54", "Self");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_55", "Userclass");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_56", "Last Visit (dd-mm-yy)");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_57", "Send bulk SMTP emails in blocks"); // SMTP KeepAlive option
//define("LAN_MAILOUT_58", "There is a problem with the attachment:");
//define("LAN_MAILOUT_59", "Mailing Progress");
//define("LAN_MAILOUT_60", "Sending...");
//define("LAN_MAILOUT_61", "There are no remaining emails to be sent.");
//define("LAN_MAILOUT_62", "Emails sent:");
//define("LAN_MAILOUT_63", "Emails failed:");
//define("LAN_MAILOUT_64", "Total time elapsed:");
//define("LAN_MAILOUT_65", "seconds");
//define("LAN_MAILOUT_66", "Cancelled Successfully");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_67", "The email could not be sent. Please review your SMTP settings, or select another mailing method and try again.");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_68", "Registered Users");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_69", "matches, after ");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_70", " duplicates stripped.");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_71", "Total emails to send");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_72", "Mailshot logging");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_73", "No logging");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_74", "Logging only (no send)");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_75", "Log and send");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_76", "Include email info in log");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_77", "Supplementary email address sources");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_78", "Mailshot Status");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_79", "No mailshots to display");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_80", "Date");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_81", "The email has been successfully sent, please check your inbox.");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_82", "Mails sent");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_83", "Mails to go");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_84", "Mail ID");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_85", "Originator");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_86", "Re-send");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_87", "SMTP Server");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_88", "SMTP Username");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_89", "SMTP Password");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_90", "SMTP Features");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_91", "POP before SMTP");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_92", "SSL");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_93", "TLS");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_94", "(Use SSL for gmail/googlemail)");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_95", "Use VERP for bulk mailing");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_96", "none");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_97", "Mailer Results");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_98", "Orphaned entries");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_99", "Confirm retry mailshot");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_100", "Message");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_101", "Email Detail");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_102", "Detail of mailshot");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_103", "Results of attempts to send");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_104", "No attempt to send, or error saving result");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_105", "Details of up to 10 failures");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_106", "The email could not be sent. It appears that your server is not correctly configured to send emails, please try again using SMTP, or contact your hosts and ask them to check their sendmail / email server settings.");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_107", "at");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_108", "Result");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_109", "Show detail");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_110", "Send test email");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_111", "Email Title (not sent)");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_112", "Click to send email to");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_113", "Test email from");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_114", "This is a test email, it appears that your email settings are working ok! [br][br] Regards [br] from the e107 website system.");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_115", "Emailing method");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_116", "If unsure, leave as php");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_117", "complete");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_118", "Click on proceed' to start sending emails. Click on 'cancel' to stop the run. Once complete, select another page. Unsent emails cal be viewed through the 'Mailshot status' screen");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_119", "Logging only, with errors");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_120", "Account type");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_121", "Standard POP3");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_122", "POP3, TLS disabled");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_123", "POP3 with TLS");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_124", "IMAP");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_125", "Text only");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_126", "Text and HTML");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_127", "Include theme");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_128", "Send Error");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_129", "Expiry Date");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_130", "Creation Date");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_131", "Sending Started");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_132", "Sending Complete");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_133", "Source");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_134", "Priority");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_135", "Title");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_136", "Mailout Status");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_137", "Mail Ref");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_138", "Email status");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_139", "Date active");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_140", "Recipient Email");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_141", "Recipient Name");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_142", "Recipient User ID");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_143", "Email ref.");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_144", "Bounced");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_145", "New email saved");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_146", "Error saving email");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_147", "Email updated");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_148", "User values");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_149", "Sender Email");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_150", "Sender Name");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_151", "Copy to");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_152", "Blind copy to");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_153", "Attachments");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_154", "Send Format");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_155", "Selectors");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_156", "Maximum number of emails to send per scheduler tick");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_157", "Value will depend on a number of factors, including how often your mail queue scheduler job is triggered and the rate at which your ISP will accept outgoing mail. Zero to clear queue each time");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_158", "Send now");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_159", "Hold email");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_160", "Cancel send");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_161", "IMPORTANT! This file appears to not exist");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_162", "IMPORTANT! You need to make this file executable");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_163", "Edit/Send Mail");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_164", "Email information not found");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_165", "Confirm delete the following stored email, including any recipient records");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_166", "General error deleting mail ref: --ID--");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_167", "Error deleting mail content ref: --ID--");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_168", "Mail content deleted ref: --ID--");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_169", "Error deleting mail recipients ref: --ID--");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_170", "Deleted --NUM-- recipients for mail ref: --ID--");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_171", "Confirm email delete");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_172", "Mail Type/Status");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_173", "Recipients");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_174", "Security check fail: --ID-- --CHECK--");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_175", "Before");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_176", "Equal to");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_177", "After");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_178", "Last site visit");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_179", "Confirm email send");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_180", "Selection criteria:");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_181", "Show recipients");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_182", "Tidy database tables");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_183", "Error tidying database");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_184", "Database tidied");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_185", "Emails added to send queue");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_186", "General error putting mail ref: --ID-- on hold");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_187", "Email --ID-- put on hold");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_188", "General error sending mail ref: --ID--");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_189", "Test address");
// Admin menu text
define('LAN_MAILOUT_190', 'Create/Send Mail');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_191', 'Saved emails');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_192', 'Completed Mailshots');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_193', 'Pending Mailshots');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_194', 'Held Mailshots');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_195', '');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_196', '');
define("LAN_MAILOUT_190", "Create/Send Mail");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_191", "Saved emails");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_192", "Completed Mailshots");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_193", "Pending Mailshots");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_194", "Held Mailshots");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_195", "");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_196", "");
// Block of error messages kept together
define('LAN_MAILOUT_200', 'No subject specified');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_201', 'No meaningful data for email');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_202', 'No text in email body');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_203', 'No sender name specified');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_204', 'No sender email address specified');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_205', 'Email send format error');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_206', 'Invalid mail ID (--ID--) specified');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_207', 'Template load error');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_208', 'Template conversion error');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_209', '');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_210', '');
define("LAN_MAILOUT_200", "No subject specified");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_201", "No meaningful data for email");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_202", "No text in email body");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_203", "No sender name specified");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_204", "No sender email address specified");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_205", "Email send format error");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_206", "Invalid mail ID (--ID--) specified");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_207", "Template load error");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_208", "Template conversion error");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_209", "");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_210", "");
// Block of status messages kept together
define('LAN_MAILOUT_211', 'Sent');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_212', 'Failed');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_213', 'Bounced');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_214', 'To send');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_215', 'Saved');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_216', 'Code error');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_217', 'Held');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_218', 'Cancelled');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_219', 'Partial');
define("LAN_MAILOUT_211", "Sent");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_212", "Failed");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_213", "Bounced");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_214", "To send");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_215", "Saved");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_216", "Code error");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_217", "Held");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_218", "Cancelled");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_219", "Partial");
// General messages continued
define('LAN_MAILOUT_220', 'Email ID --ID-- cancelled');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_221', 'Error cancelling email with ID --ID--');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_222', 'Default email format');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_223', '(Used for some system-generated emails)');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_224', 'Inc. Images');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_225', 'Include images in email');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_226', '--COUNT-- orphaned recipient record(s) removed');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_227', 'Deleted --COUNT-- records from --TABLE--');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_228', '--COUNT-- anomalies in mail_content corrected; records: --RECORDS--');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_229', 'Email ID --ID-- put on hold');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_230', 'Error holding email with ID --ID--');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_231', 'Bounced emails - Processing method');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_232', 'None');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_233', 'Auto-process script');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_234', 'Mail account');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_235', '(Your server has to be configured to use this script)');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_236', 'Last Bounce Processed');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_237', 'Summary counters updated on --COUNT-- emails');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_238', 'Earliest time to send');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_239', 'Latest time to send');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_240', 'Notify me when run complete');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_241', ' (This is in addition to the standard e107 notify options)');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_242', 'Additional options (only when sending)');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_243', 'Notify');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_244', 'Email sent: ');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_245', 'Check for bounces automatically');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_246', 'If checked, you will need to activate the task in the scheduler');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_247', 'Email information:');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_248', 'Completion status: ');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_249', 'Send results:');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_250', '--- End of notification ---');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_251', 'Copy and edit');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_252', 'Does various consistency checks on the data, corrects counts, deletes temporary data');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_253', 'No recipients found - check for database corruption');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_254', 'View templated email');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_255', 'Templated Email, ID: ');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_256', 'Return');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_257', 'Generated template');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_258', 'Template: ');
define('LAN_MAILOUT_259', '');
define("LAN_MAILOUT_220", "Email ID --ID-- cancelled");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_221", "Error cancelling email with ID --ID--");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_222", "Default email format");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_223", "(Used for some system-generated emails)");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_224", "Inc. Images");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_225", "Include images in email");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_226", "--COUNT-- orphaned recipient record(s) removed");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_227", "Deleted --COUNT-- records from --TABLE--");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_228", "--COUNT-- anomalies in mail_content corrected; records: --RECORDS--");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_229", "Email ID --ID-- put on hold");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_230", "Error holding email with ID --ID--");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_231", "Bounced emails - Processing method");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_232", "None");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_233", "Auto-process script");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_234", "Mail account");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_235", "(Your server has to be configured to use this script)");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_236", "Last Bounce Processed");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_237", "Summary counters updated on --COUNT-- emails");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_238", "Earliest time to send");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_239", "Latest time to send");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_240", "Notify me when run complete");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_241", " (This is in addition to the standard e107 notify options)");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_242", "Additional options (only when sending)");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_243", "Notify");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_244", "Email sent: ");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_245", "Check for bounces automatically");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_246", "If checked, you will need to activate the task in the scheduler");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_247", "Email information:");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_248", "Completion status: ");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_249", "Send results:");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_250", "--- End of notification ---");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_251", "Copy and edit");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_252", "Does various consistency checks on the data, corrects counts, deletes temporary data");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_253", "No recipients found - check for database corruption");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_254", "View templated email");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_255", "Templated Email, ID: ");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_256", "Return");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_257", "Generated template");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_258", "Template: ");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_259", "");
define('LAN_SEND', 'Send');
define('LAN_HOLD', 'Hold');
//define('LAN_SUBMIT', 'Do it!'); LAN_RUN
define("LAN_SEND", "Send");
define("LAN_HOLD", "Hold");
//define("LAN_SUBMIT", "Do it!"); LAN_RUN
@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| e107 website system - Language File.
| $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_languages/English/admin/lan_menus.php,v $
| $Revision$
| $Date$
| $Author$
* Copyright (C) 2008-2013 e107 Inc (e107.org), Licensed under GNU GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* Admin Language File
define("MENLAN_1", "Visible to all");
define("MENLAN_2", "Visible to members only");
define("MENLAN_3", "Visible to administrators only");
@ -35,11 +32,11 @@ define("MENLAN_22", "Inactive Menus");
define("MENLAN_23", "Move to bottom");
define("MENLAN_24", "Move to top");
define("MENLAN_25", "Function ...");
define("MENLAN_25", "Function...");
define("MENLAN_26", "This menu will only be <strong>SHOWN</strong> on the following pages");
define("MENLAN_27", "This menu will only be <strong>HIDDEN</strong> on the following pages");
define("MENLAN_28", "Enter one page per line, enter enough of the url to distinguish it properly. If you need the ending of the url to match exactly, use a ! at the end of the page name <br />For example: <strong>page.php?1!</strong>");
define("MENLAN_26", "This menu will only be <strong>SHOWN</strong> on the following pages"); //FIXME HTML
define("MENLAN_27", "This menu will only be <strong>HIDDEN</strong> on the following pages"); //FIXME HTML
define("MENLAN_28", "Enter one page per line, enter enough of the url to distinguish it properly. If you need the ending of the url to match exactly, use a ! at the end of the page name <br />For example: <strong>page.php?1!</strong>"); //FIXME HTML
define("MENLAN_29", "Select Layout");
define("MENLAN_30", "To see the menu areas and their positions for custom layouts, select the custom layout here:");
@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| e107 website system - Language File.
| $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_languages/English/admin/lan_message.php,v $
| $Revision$
| $Date$
| $Author$
* Copyright (C) 2008-2013 e107 Inc (e107.org), Licensed under GNU GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* Admin Language File
define("MESSLAN_1", "Received messages");
define("MESSLAN_2", "Delete Message");
define("MESSLAN_3", "Message Deleted.");
@ -24,5 +21,4 @@ define("MESSLAN_11", "opens in new window");
define("MESSLAN_12", "Message");
define("MESSLAN_13", "Link");
@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
* Copyright e107 Inc e107.org, Licensed under GNU GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* $Id$
* Copyright (C) 2008-2013 e107 Inc (e107.org), Licensed under GNU GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* Admin Language File - Meta Tags
* Admin Language File
@ -13,21 +12,4 @@ define("METLAN_1", "Additional meta tags");
define("METLAN_2", "e.g. < meta name='revisit-after' content='30 days' />"); //FIXME space between < and meta: parses meta tag for some reason
define("METLAN_3", "Use news title and summary as the meta-description on news pages.");
//define("METLAN_1", "Meta tags updated in database");
//define("METLAN_2", "Enter additional meta-tags");
//define("METLAN_3", "Enter new meta tag settings");
//define("METLAN_4", "Updated");
//define("METLAN_5", "type your description here");
//define("METLAN_6", "type, a, list, of, your, keywords, here");
//define("METLAN_7", "type your copyright info here");
//define("METLAN_8", "Meta Tags");
//define("METLAN_9", "Description");
//define("METLAN_10", "Keywords");
//define("METLAN_11", "Copyright");
//define("METLAN_12", "Use News title and summary as the meta-description on news pages.");
//define("METLAN_13", "Author"); <meta name='revisit-after' content='30 days' />
@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| e107 website system - Language File.
| $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_languages/English/admin/lan_modcomment.php,v $
| $Revision$
| $Date$
| $Author$
* Copyright (C) 2008-2013 e107 Inc (e107.org), Licensed under GNU GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* Admin Language File
define("MDCLAN_1", "Moderated.");
define("MDCLAN_2", "No comments for this item");
define("MDCLAN_3", "Member");
@ -26,9 +23,5 @@ define("MDCLAN_13", "blocked");
define("MDCLAN_14", "lock comments");
define("MDCLAN_15", "open");
define("MDCLAN_16", "locked");
define("MDCLAN_17", "");
define("MDCLAN_18", "");
define("MDCLAN_19", "");
define("MDCLAN_20", "");
@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| e107 website system - Language File.
| $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_languages/English/admin/lan_newspost.php,v $
| $Revision$
| $Date$
| $Author$
* Copyright (C) 2008-2013 e107 Inc (e107.org), Licensed under GNU GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* Admin Language File
// define("NWSLAN_1", "News story deleted.");
// define("NWSLAN_2", "Please tick the confirm box to delete this news item.");
// define("NWSLAN_3", "No news items yet.");
@ -19,7 +16,7 @@ define("NWSLAN_6", "Category");
// define("NWSLAN_9", "tick to confirm");
define("NWSLAN_10", "No news categories");
// define("NWSLAN_11", "Add/Edit Categories");
define("NWSLAN_12", "Title");
//define("NWSLAN_12", "Title");
define("NWSLAN_13", "Body");
define("NWSLAN_14", "Extended");
define("NWSLAN_15", "Comments");
@ -130,7 +127,7 @@ define("NWSLAN_123", "Posted");
// define("NWSLAN_126", "IP");
define("NWSLAN_127", "URL identifier");
define("NWSLAN_128", "Set a string to be used in news pages URL. This will only work proper .htaccess rules and <a href='%s'>eURL config</a><br />Resolved URL based on current value: ");
define("NWSLAN_128", "Set a string to be used in news pages URL. This will only work proper .htaccess rules and <a href='%s'>eURL config</a><br />Resolved URL based on current value: "); //FIXME HTML
// define("LAN_NEWS_5", "Error! - Was unable to update news item into database!");
// define("LAN_NEWS_6", "News entered into database.");
@ -165,7 +162,7 @@ define("LAN_NEWS_33", "Set the date stamp for the current news item");
define("LAN_NEWS_34", "Trackback");
define("LAN_NEWS_35", "Add trackback URLs");
// define("LAN_NEWS_36", "<b>Pingback</b> (send a pingback to all URLs in this post)");
define("LAN_NEWS_37", "<b>Trackback URLs:</b> (one URL per line)");
define("LAN_NEWS_37", "One URL per line)");
// define("LAN_NEWS_38", "Insert images");
// define("LAN_NEWS_39", "click on file to insert at cursor position");
@ -174,9 +171,9 @@ define("LAN_NEWS_37", "<b>Trackback URLs:</b> (one URL per line)");
// define("LAN_NEWS_42", "Files");
// define("LAN_NEWS_43", "(no images in /e107_images/newspost_images)"); // deprecated see lan_admin.php
// define("LAN_NEWS_44", "Trackback not enabled.");
define("LAN_NEWS_45", "ID");
//define("LAN_NEWS_45", "ID");
// define("LAN_NEWS_46", "News item not updated as no changes were made.");
// define('LAN_NEWS_47', 'Nothing changed - not updated');
// define("LAN_NEWS_47", "Nothing changed - not updated");
// define("LAN_NEWS_48", "No Image");
define("LAN_NEWS_49", "Render-type");
@ -187,17 +184,14 @@ define("LAN_NEWS_52", "General Information");
define("LAN_NEWS_53", "Advanced Options");
define("LAN_NEWS_54", "stay in edit mode");
define("LAN_NEWS_55", "Maintenance"); // Was LAN_NEWS_50 in 0.7
define("LAN_NEWS_56", "Recalculate comment counts");
define("LAN_NEWS_57", "Proceed");
define("LAN_NEWS_58", "Update complete - --UPDATE-- comment counts updated, --DELETED-- disallowed comments deleted");
define("LAN_NEWS_59", "News Maintenance");
define('LAN_NEWS_55', 'Maintenance'); // Was LAN_NEWS_50 in 0.7
define('LAN_NEWS_56', 'Recalculate comment counts');
define('LAN_NEWS_57', 'Proceed');
define('LAN_NEWS_58', 'Update complete - --UPDATE-- comment counts updated, --DELETED-- disallowed comments deleted');
define('LAN_NEWS_59', 'News Maintenance');
define('LAN_NEWS_60', 'Comment Total');
define('LAN_NEWS_61', 'Also delete disallowed comments');
define('LAN_NEWS_62', 'Error accessing database, or no news items found');
define("LAN_NEWS_60", "Comment Total");
define("LAN_NEWS_61", "Also delete disallowed comments");
define("LAN_NEWS_62", "Error accessing database, or no news items found");
@ -1,21 +1,17 @@
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| e107 website system - Language File.
| $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_languages/English/admin/lan_notify.php,v $
| $Revision$
| $Date$
| $Author$
* Copyright (C) 2008-2013 e107 Inc (e107.org), Licensed under GNU GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* Admin Language File
define("NT_LAN_1", "Notify");
define("NT_LAN_2", "Receive email notification on");
define("NT_LAN_3", "Off");
define("NT_LAN_4", "Head admin");
define("NT_LAN_5", "Class");
define("NT_LAN_6", "Email");
//define("NT_LAN_3", "Off");
//define("NT_LAN_4", "Head admin");
//define("NT_LAN_5", "Class");
//define("NT_LAN_6", "Email");
define("NU_LAN_1", "User Events");
define("NU_LAN_2", "User signup");
@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| e107 website system - Language File.
| $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_languages/English/admin/lan_plugin.php,v $
| $Revision$
| $Date$
| $Author$
* Copyright (C) 2008-2013 e107 Inc (e107.org), Licensed under GNU GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* Admin Language File
define("EPL_ADLAN_0", "Install");
define("EPL_ADLAN_1", "Uninstall");
define("EPL_ADLAN_2", "Are you certain you want to uninstall this plugin?");
@ -54,9 +53,9 @@ define("EPL_ADLAN_39", "The file could not be uploaded as the ".e_PLUGIN." folde
define("EPL_ADLAN_40", "Admin Message");
define("EPL_ADLAN_41", "That file does not appear to be a valid .zip or .tar archive.");
define("EPL_ADLAN_42", "An error has occurred, unable to un-archive the file");
define("EPL_ADLAN_43", "Your plugin has been uploaded and unzipped; to install go to <a href='".e_ADMIN."plugin.php?avail'>the uninstalled plugins page</a>.");
define("EPL_ADLAN_43", "Your plugin has been uploaded and unzipped; to install go to <a href='".e_ADMIN."plugin.php?avail'>the uninstalled plugins page</a>."); // FIXME HTML
define("EPL_ADLAN_44", "Auto plugin upload and extraction is disabled as upload to your plugins folder is not allowed at present - if you want to be able to do this, please change the permissions on your ".e_PLUGIN." folder to allow uploads.");
define("EPL_ADLAN_45", "Your menu item has been uploaded and unzipped, to activate go to <a href='".e_ADMIN."menus.php'>your menus page</a>.");
define("EPL_ADLAN_45", "Your menu item has been uploaded and unzipped, to activate go to <a href='".e_ADMIN."menus.php'>your menus page</a>."); //FIXME HTML
define("EPL_ADLAN_46", "PCLZIP extract error:");
define("EPL_ADLAN_47", "PCLTAR extract error: ");
define("EPL_ADLAN_48", "code:");
@ -1,16 +1,10 @@
* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2008-2013 e107 Inc (e107.org), Licensed under GNU GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* Copyright (C) 2008-2013 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* Admin Language File
* Administration - Language file for Site Preferences
define("PRFLAN_1", "Site Information");
define("PRFLAN_2", "Site Name");
@ -65,7 +59,7 @@ define("PRFLAN_56", "Timezone");
define("PRFLAN_58", "Restrict website to members only");
define("PRFLAN_59", "ticking will restrict all areas apart from the front page and signup page to members only");
define("PRFLAN_60", "Enable SSL");
define("PRFLAN_61", "Only enable SSL if <span class='error'>you are sure you know what you are doing!</span>");
define("PRFLAN_61", "Only enable SSL if you are sure you know what you are doing!");
define("PRFLAN_76", "Display CAPTCHA on signup page.");
define("PRFLAN_77", "Admin Display Options ");
define("PRFLAN_78", "Leave blank to disable");
@ -93,7 +87,7 @@ define("CUSTSIG_16", "Minimum Length for Passwords");
define("CUSTSIG_17", "Subscribe to content/mailouts");
define("CUSTSIG_18", "Disallow usernames");
define("CUSTSIG_19", "usernames containing the following text will be rejected, separate entries by commas");
define('CUSTSIG_20', 'User Custom Title');
define("CUSTSIG_20", "User Custom Title");
define("PRFLAN_91", "If someone is attacking your site by multiple requests to your server, his IP will be automatically banned ! Best done with server config if possible!!!");
define("PRFLAN_92", "Secure signup verification -- hide password in email?");
@ -107,10 +101,10 @@ define("PRFLAN_101", "Text Rendering");
define("PRFLAN_102", "Replace clickable URLs");
define("PRFLAN_103", "If ticked, and 'Make Clickable' (above) is also ticked, posted URLs or Email addresses are displayed as a hyperlink using text from the textboxes below. This keeps very long URLs/Emails from breaking layout.");
define("PRFLAN_104", "URL replacement text");
define("PRFLAN_105", "Replacement visible text for clickable URLs. Image can be used by using <img> tag, with full path to image");
define("PRFLAN_105", "Replacement visible text for clickable URLs. Image can be used by using <img> tag, with full path to image"); //FIXME HTML
define("PRFLAN_106", "Core preferences saved to database.");
define("PRFLAN_107", "Email link replace text");
define("PRFLAN_108", "text to replace email links with, image can be used by using <img> tag, with full path to image");
define("PRFLAN_108", "text to replace email links with, image can be used by using <img> tag, with full path to image"); //FIXME HTML
define("PRFLAN_109", "Wrap long words in main text");
define("PRFLAN_110", "words longer than the length entered will be wrapped onto a new line");
define("PRFLAN_111", "Wrap long words in menu text");
@ -119,7 +113,7 @@ define("PRFLAN_113", "Off");
define("PRFLAN_116", "Class which can post HTML");
define("PRFLAN_117", "This will allow users to post most HTML code anywhere on the site, select the userclass to allow this.");
define("PRFLAN_118", "Use Geshi for syntax highlighting");
define("PRFLAN_119", "Geshi is an open source multi-language syntax highlighter, see http://qbnz.com/highlighter/ for more information");
define("PRFLAN_119", "Geshi is an open source multi-language syntax highlighter, see [link] for more information");
define("PRFLAN_120", "Default Geshi syntax language");
define("PRFLAN_121", "if no language is specified in the code bbtag, this language will be used for highlighting");
define("PRFLAN_122", "Enable WYSIWYG textareas");
@ -135,18 +129,18 @@ define("PRFLAN_130", "Activating this will prevent more than one person logging
// define("PRFLAN_132", "Activating this will allow authorized users to post [php] code in certain areas");
define("PRFLAN_133", "GD extension required, not found");
define("PRFLAN_134", "Redirect all requests to site URL");
define("PRFLAN_135", "for example, if your site URL above is set http://foo.com, anyone requesting http://www.foo.com will be redirected to http://foo.com");
define("PRFLAN_135", "for example, if your site URL above is set to http://foo.com, anyone requesting http://www.foo.com will be redirected to http://foo.com"); //FIXME HTML
define("PRFLAN_136", "Maximum Signups permitted from the same IP address.");
define("PRFLAN_137", "Display Memory Usage");
define("PRFLAN_138", "Display CAPTCHA on forgotten password page.");
define("PRFLAN_139", "Display warning when main administrator password hasn't changed for at least 30 days");
define("PRFLAN_139", "Display warning when main administrator password has't changed for at least 30 days");
define("PRFLAN_140", "Text to display after signup form has been submitted.");
//define("PRFLAN_141", "Allow registration using XML User Profiles");
define("PRFLAN_142", "Flood Only");
define("PRFLAN_143", "Failed Login Only");
define("PRFLAN_144", "Flood & Failed Login");
define("PRFLAN_145", "Links in new window");
define("PRFLAN_146", "Tick here to make all links open in a new window (<i>this will apply sitewide</i>). ");
define("PRFLAN_146", "Tick here to make all links open in a new window (this will apply sitewide). ");
define("PRFLAN_147", "Developer Mode");
define("PRFLAN_148", "Activate developer functions. This is for developers only. Do not use on production sites for security reasons.");
define("PRFLAN_149", "Advanced Features");
@ -174,38 +168,38 @@ define("PRFLAN_168", "Site Contact Person(s)");
define("PRFLAN_169", "If the chosen group contains more than one person, the user will be asked to select a person from the group.");
//define("PRFLAN_170", "Use reverse DNS to allow host banning");
//define("PRFLAN_171", "Turning this option on will allow you to ban users by hostname, rather then just IP or email address. <br />NOTE: This may affect pageload times on some hosts");
define('PRFLAN_172', 'Login Name maximum length (10..100)');
define('PRFLAN_173', 'Check for e107 updates once/day');
define('PRFLAN_174', 'Name for responses to emails from site');
define('PRFLAN_175', 'This will appear in the \'From\' field of registration and other emails from this site');
define('PRFLAN_176', 'Email address for emails from site');
define('PRFLAN_177', 'Address specified for replies to emails from this site.');
define('PRFLAN_178', 'Password transmission method');
define('PRFLAN_179', '(Only supported if using sessions for user tracking.)');
define('PRFLAN_180', 'Plaintext');
define('PRFLAN_181', 'CHAP, plaintext fallback');
define('PRFLAN_182', 'CHAP only');
define('PRFLAN_183', ' CHAP requires JS enabled in user\'s browser');
define('PRFLAN_184', 'User login method');
// define('PRFLAN_185', '(as well as login name)');
// define('PRFLAN_186', 'Yes');
// define('PRFLAN_187', 'No');
define('PRFLAN_188', 'Password encoding');
define('PRFLAN_189', 'md5 (Legacy)');
define('PRFLAN_190', 'Salted');
define('PRFLAN_191', '(md5 is usually adequate for an Intranet, and often for other sites)');
define('PRFLAN_192', 'Generate random predefined login names according to a pattern');
define('PRFLAN_193', 'To allow users to set their own login names, leave blank');
define('PRFLAN_194', '# alpha[br]. numeric[br]* alphanumeric[br]Other chars used as entered.');
// define('PRFLAN_195', 'Changed values:');
define('PRFLAN_196', 'Log all page accesses');
define('PRFLAN_197', 'Auto-login new user after clicking on signup link');
define('PRFLAN_198', 'If disabled, user has to explicitly log in after signup');
//define('PRFLAN_199', '');
define("PRFLAN_172", "Login Name maximum length (10..100)");
define("PRFLAN_173", "Check for e107 updates once/day");
define("PRFLAN_174", "Name for responses to emails from site");
define("PRFLAN_175", "This will appear in the 'From' field of registration and other emails from this site");
define("PRFLAN_176", "Email address for emails from site");
define("PRFLAN_177", "Address specified for replies to emails from this site.");
define("PRFLAN_178", "Password transmission method");
define("PRFLAN_179", "(Only supported if using sessions for user tracking.)");
define("PRFLAN_180", "Plaintext");
define("PRFLAN_181", "CHAP, plaintext fallback");
define("PRFLAN_182", "CHAP only");
define("PRFLAN_183", " CHAP requires JS enabled in user's browser");
define("PRFLAN_184", "User login method");
// define("PRFLAN_185", "(as well as login name)");
// define("PRFLAN_186", "Yes");
// define("PRFLAN_187", "No");
define("PRFLAN_188", "Password encoding");
define("PRFLAN_189", "md5 (Legacy)");
define("PRFLAN_190", "Salted");
define("PRFLAN_191", "(md5 is usually adequate for an Intranet, and often for other sites)");
define("PRFLAN_192", "Generate random predefined login names according to a pattern");
define("PRFLAN_193", "To allow users to set their own login names, leave blank");
define("PRFLAN_194", "# alpha[br]. numeric[br]* alphanumeric[br]Other chars used as entered.");
// define("PRFLAN_195", "Changed values:");
define("PRFLAN_196", "Log all page accesses");
define("PRFLAN_197", "Auto-login new user after clicking on signup link");
define("PRFLAN_198", "If disabled, user has to explicitly log in after signup");
//define("PRFLAN_199", "");
define("PRFLAN_154a", "If 'Admin Approval' is selected, it is recommended that you enable email notification on user signup <a href='".e_ADMIN."notify.php'>here</a>.");
define('PRFLAN_196a', 'Log directory:');
define("PRFLAN_154a", "If 'Admin Approval' is selected, it is recommended that you enable email notification on user signup <a href='.e_ADMIN.'notify.php'>here</a>."); //FIXME HMTL
define("PRFLAN_196a", "Log directory:");
define("PRFLAN_199", "Show Admin Sub-links");
define("PRFLAN_200", "If enabled, Admin slide down navigation menu (if supported by the current theme) will render sub-links when needed (e.g. News - Create news item).");
@ -216,24 +210,24 @@ define("PRFLAN_204", "Separate plugins into their own menu.");
define("PRFLAN_205", "If enabled, plugins will be displayed in their own navigation menu, similar to e107 v0.7 and before.");
define("PRFLAN_206", "Members-only URL exceptions");
define("PRFLAN_207", "Members only-mode will be disabled for URLs that match any of the terms in this list. One per line.");
define('PRFLAN_208', 'User class which can email links to items on site');
define('PRFLAN_209', 'Other Features');
define('PRFLAN_210', 'Comments/Posting');
define('PRFLAN_211', 'Cannot make email address optional if required for validation or login');
define('PRFLAN_212', 'Value for --FIELD-- too high - changed to --VALUE--');
define('PRFLAN_213', 'Value for --FIELD-- too low - changed to --VALUE--');
define('PRFLAN_214', "Site Logo");
define('PRFLAN_215', 'Class which can post <script> and similar tags');
define('PRFLAN_216', '(Requires HTML posting rights as well)');
define('PRFLAN_217', 'Filter HTML content');
define('PRFLAN_218', 'If \'off\', puts users at increased risk of XSS exploits posted by members of the above class, or prior to 0.7.24');
define("PRFLAN_208", "User class which can email links to items on site");
define("PRFLAN_209", "Other Features");
define("PRFLAN_210", "Comments/Posting");
define("PRFLAN_211", "Cannot make email address optional if required for validation or login");
define("PRFLAN_212", "Value for --FIELD-- too high - changed to --VALUE--");
define("PRFLAN_213", "Value for --FIELD-- too low - changed to --VALUE--");
define("PRFLAN_214", "Site Logo");
define("PRFLAN_215", "Class which can post <script> and similar tags");
define("PRFLAN_216", "(Requires HTML posting rights as well)");
define("PRFLAN_217", "Filter HTML content");
define("PRFLAN_218", "If 'off', puts users at increased risk of XSS exploits posted by members of the above class, or prior to 0.7.24");
define('PRFLAN_219', 'Not allowed characters found in Cookie name (alphanumeric characters allowed only). Cookie name not saved.');
define('PRFLAN_220', 'HTML Abuse filter (experimental)');
define('PRFLAN_221', 'Blocks some unmatched tags for those allowed to post HTML');
define("PRFLAN_219", "Not allowed characters found in Cookie name (alphanumeric characters allowed only). Cookie name not saved.");
define("PRFLAN_220", "HTML Abuse filter (experimental)");
define("PRFLAN_221", "Blocks some unmatched tags for those allowed to post HTML");
define("PRFLAN_222", "Display CAPTCHA on admin-area login page.");
define("PRFLAN_223", "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart");
// define('PRFLAN_222', 'Moderate Comments made by');
// define('PRFLAN_223', 'Comments will require manual approval by an admin prior to being visible to other users');
// define("PRFLAN_222", "Moderate Comments made by");
// define("PRFLAN_223", "Comments will require manual approval by an admin prior to being visible to other users");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user