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[1.7.0] Complete Customization end user tutorial.

git-svn-id: http://htmlpurifier.org/svnroot/htmlpurifier/trunk@1175 48356398-32a2-884e-a903-53898d9a118a
This commit is contained in:
Edward Z. Yang 2007-06-20 22:08:45 +00:00
parent 69996acc9e
commit 10c970760d
2 changed files with 397 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -135,8 +135,9 @@ use-cases.</p>
<p>Note that the functions described here are only available if
a raw copy of <code>HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition</code> was retrieved.
<code>addAttribute</code> may work on a processed copy, but for
consistency's sake we will mandate this for everything.</p>
Furthermore, caching may prevent your changes from immediately
being seen: consult <a href="enduser-customize.html">enduser-customize.html</a> on how
to work around this.</p>

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@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ $def =& $config->getHTMLDefinition(true);</pre>
<h2>Add an attribute</h2>
<h2 id="addAttribute">Add an attribute</h2>
For this example, we're going to implement the <code>target</code> attribute found
@ -251,12 +251,19 @@ $def =& $config->getHTMLDefinition(true);</pre>
<li>What element is it found on?</li>
<li>What is its name?</li>
<li>Is it required or optional?</li>
<li>What are valid values for it?</li>
The first two are easy: the element is <code>a</code> and the attribute
is <code>target</code>. The third question is a little trickier.
The first three are easy: the element is <code>a</code>, the attribute
is <code>target</code>, and it is not a required attribute. (If it
was required, we'd need to append an asterisk to the attribute name,
you'll see an example of this in the addElement() example).
The last question is a little trickier.
Lets allow the special values: _blank, _self, _target and _top.
The form of this is called an <strong>enumeration</strong>, a list of
valid values, although only one can be used at a time. To translate
@ -368,9 +375,11 @@ $def =& $config->getHTMLDefinition(true);
For a complete list, consult <code>library/HTMLPurifier/AttrTypes.php</code>;
For a complete list, consult
<a href="http://htmlpurifier.org/svnroot/htmlpurifier/trunk/library/HTMLPurifier/AttrTypes.php"><code>library/HTMLPurifier/AttrTypes.php</code></a>;
more information on attributes that accept parameters can be found on their
respective includes in <code>library/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef</code>.
respective includes in
<a href="http://htmlpurifier.org/svnroot/htmlpurifier/trunk/library/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/"><code>library/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef</code></a>.
@ -395,9 +404,388 @@ $def =& $config->getHTMLDefinition(true);
<h2>Add an element</h2>
To be written...
Adding attributes is really small-fry stuff, though, and it was possible
to add them (albeit a bit more wordy) prior to 2.0. The real gem of
the Advanced API is adding elements. There are five questions to
ask when adding a new element:
<li>What is the element's name?</li>
<li>What content set does this element belong to?</li>
<li>What are the allowed children of this element?</li>
<li>What attributes does the element allow that are general?</li>
<li>What attributes does the element allow that are specific to this element?</li>
It's a mouthful, and you'll be slightly lost if your not familiar with
the HTML specification, so let's explain them step by step.
<h3>Content set</h3>
The HTML specification defines two major content sets: Inline
and Block. Each of these
content sets contain a list of elements: Inline contains things like
<code>span</code> and <code>b</code> while Block contains things like
<code>div</code> and <code>blockquote</code>.
These content sets amount to a macro mechanism for HTML definition. Most
elements in HTML are organized into one of these two sets, and most
elements in HTML allow elements from one of these sets. If we had
to write each element verbatim into each other element's allowed
children, we would have ridiculously large lists; instead we use
content sets to compactify the declaration.
Practically speaking, there are several useful values you can use here:
<table class="table">
<th>Content set</th>
<td>Character level elements, text</td>
<td>Block-like elements, like paragraphs and lists</td>
Any element that doesn't fit into the mold, for example <code>li</code>
or <code>tr</code>
By specifying a valid value here, all other elements that use that
content set will also allow your element, without you having to do
anything. If you specify <em>false</em>, you'll have to register
your element manually.
<h3>Allowed children</h3>
Allowed children defines the elements that this element can contain.
The allowed values may range from none to a complex regexp depending on
your element.
If you've ever taken a look at the HTML DTD's before, you may have
noticed declarations like this:
<pre>&lt;!ELEMENT LI - O (%flow;)* -- list item --&gt;</pre>
The <code>(%flow;)*</code> indicates the allowed children of the
<code>li</code> tag: <code>li</code> allows any number of flow
elements as its children. In HTML Purifier, we'd write it like
<code>Flow</code> (here's where the content sets we were
discussing earlier come into play). There are three shorthand content models you
can specify:
<table class="table">
<th>Content model</th>
<td>No children allowed, like <code>br</code> or <code>hr</code></td>
<td>Any number of inline elements and text, like <code>span</code></td>
<td>Any number of inline elements, block elements and text, like <code>div</code></td>
This covers 90% of all the cases out there, but what about elements that
break the mold like <code>ul</code>? This guy requires at least one
child, and the only valid children for it are <code>li</code>. The
content model is: <code>Required: li</code>. There are two parts: the
first type determines what <code>ChildDef</code> will be used to validate
content models. The most common values are:
<table class="table">
<td>Children must be one or more of the valid elements</td>
<td>Children can be any number of the valid elements</td>
<td>Children must follow the DTD-style regex</td>
You can also implement your own <code>ChildDef</code>: this was done
for a few special cases in HTML Purifier such as <code>Chameleon</code>
(for <code>ins</code> and <code>del</code>), <code>StrictBlockquote</code>
and <code>Table</code>.
The second part specifies either valid elements or a regular expression.
Valid elements are separated with horizontal bars (|), i.e.
"<code>a | b | c</code>". Use #PCDATA to represent plain text.
Regular expressions are based off of DTD's style:
<li>Parentheses () are used for grouping</li>
<li>Commas (,) separate elements that should come one after another</li>
<li>Horizontal bars (|) indicate one or the other elements should be used</li>
<li>Plus signs (+) are used for a one or more match</li>
<li>Asterisks (*) are used for a zero or more match</li>
<li>Question marks (?) are used for a zero or one match</li>
For example, "<code>a, b?, (c | d), e+, f*</code>" means "In this order,
one <code>a</code> element, at most one <code>b</code> element,
one <code>c</code> or <code>d</code> element (but not both), one or more
<code>e</code> elements, and any number of <code>f</code> elements."
Regex veterans should be able to jump right in, and those not so savvy
can always copy-paste W3C's content model definitions into HTML Purifier
and hope for the best.
A word of warning: while the regex format is extremely flexible on
the developer's side, it is
quite unforgiving on the user's side. If the user input does not <em>exactly</em>
match the specification, the entire contents of the element will
be nuked. This is why there is are specific content model types like
Optional and Required: while they could be implemented as <code>Custom:
(valid | elements)*</code>, the custom classes contain special recovery
measures that make sure as much of the user's original content gets
through. HTML Purifier's core, as a rule, does not use Custom.
One final note: you can also use Content Sets inside your valid elements
lists or regular expressions. In fact, the three shorthand content models
mentioned above are just that: abbreviations:
<table class="table">
<th>Content model</th>
<td>Optional: Inline | #PCDATA</td>
<td>Optional: Flow | #PCDATA</td>
When the definition is compiled, Inline will be replaced with a
horizontal-bar separated list of inline elements. Also, notice that
it does not contain text: you have to specify that yourself.
<h3>Common attributes</h3>
Congratulations: you have just gotten over the proverbial hump (Allowed
children). Common attributes is much simpler, and boils down to
one question: does your element have the <code>id</code>, <code>style</code>,
<code>class</code>, <code>title</code> and <code>lang</code> attributes?
If so, you'll want to specify the <code>Common</code> attribute collection,
which contains these five attributes that are found on almost every
HTML element in the specification.
There are a few more collections, but they're really edge cases:
<table class="table">
<td><code>lang</code>, possibly <code>xml:lang</code></td>
<td><code>style</code>, <code>class</code>, <code>id</code> and <code>title</code></td>
Common is a combination of the above-mentioned collections.
If you didn't read the <a href="#addAttribute">previous section on
adding attributes</a>, read it now. The last parameter is simply
array of attribute names to attribute implementations, in the exact
same format as <code>addAttribute()</code>.
<h3>Putting it all together</h3>
We're going to implement <code>form</code>. Before we embark, lets
grab a reference implementation from over at the
<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/sgml/loosedtd.html">transitional DTD</a>:
<pre>&lt;!ELEMENT FORM - - (%flow;)* -(FORM) -- interactive form --&gt;
%attrs; -- %coreattrs, %i18n, %events --
action %URI; #REQUIRED -- server-side form handler --
method (GET|POST) GET -- HTTP method used to submit the form--
enctype %ContentType; &quot;application/x-www-form-urlencoded&quot;
accept %ContentTypes; #IMPLIED -- list of MIME types for file upload --
name CDATA #IMPLIED -- name of form for scripting --
onsubmit %Script; #IMPLIED -- the form was submitted --
onreset %Script; #IMPLIED -- the form was reset --
target %FrameTarget; #IMPLIED -- render in this frame --
accept-charset %Charsets; #IMPLIED -- list of supported charsets --
Juicy! With just this, we can answer four of our five questions:
<li>What is the element's name? <strong>form</strong></li>
<li>What content set does this element belong to? <strong>Block</strong>
(this needs a little sleuthing, I find the easiest way is to search
the DTD for <code>FORM</code> and determine which set it is in.)</li>
<li>What are the allowed children of this element? <strong>One
or more flow elements, but no nested <code>form</code>s</strong></li>
<li>What attributes does the element allow that are general? <strong>Common</strong></li>
<li>What attributes does the element allow that are specific to this element? <strong>A whole bunch, see ATTLIST;
we're going to the vital ones: <code>action</code>, <code>method</code> and <code>name</code></strong></li>
Time for some code:
<pre>$config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
$config->set('HTML', 'DefinitionID', 'enduser-customize.html tutorial');
$config->set('HTML', 'DefinitionRev', 1);
$config->set('Core', 'DefinitionCache', null); // remove this later!
$def =& $config->getHTMLDefinition(true);
$def->addAttribute('a', 'target', new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(
<strong>$form =& $def->addElement(
'form', // name
'Block', // content set
'Flow', // allowed children
'Common', // attribute collection
array( // attributes
'action*' => 'URI',
'method' => 'Enum#get|post',
'name' => 'ID'
$form->excludes = array('form' => true);</strong></pre>
Each of the parameters corresponds to one of the questions we asked.
Notice that we added an asterisk to the end of the <code>action</code>
attribute to indicate that it is required. If someone specifies a
<code>form</code> without that attribute, the tag will be axed.
Also, the extra line at the end is a special extra declaration that
prevents forms from being nested within each other.
And that's all there is to it! Implementing the rest of the form
module is left as an exercise to the user; to see more examples
check the <a href="http://htmlpurifier.org/svnroot/htmlpurifier/trunk/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/"><code>library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/</code></a> directory
in your local HTML Purifier installation.
<h2>And beyond...</h2>
Perceptive users may have realized that, to a certain extent, we
have simply re-implemented the facilities of XML Schema or the
Document Type Definition. What you are seeing here, however, is
not just an XML Schema or Document Type Definition: it is a fully
expressive method of specifying the definition of HTML that is
a portable superset of the capabilities of the two above-mentioned schema
languages. What makes HTMLDefinition so powerful is the fact that
if we don't have an implementation for a content model or an attribute
definition, you can supply it yourself by writing a PHP class.
There are many facets of HTMLDefinition beyond the Advanced API I have
walked you through today. To find out more about these, you can
check out these source files:
<li><a href="http://htmlpurifier.org/svnroot/htmlpurifier/trunk/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule.php"><code>library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule.php</code></a></li>
<li><a href="http://htmlpurifier.org/svnroot/htmlpurifier/trunk/library/HTMLPurifier/ElementDef.php"><code>library/HTMLPurifier/ElementDef.php</code></a></li>
<div id="version">$Id: enduser-tidy.html 1158 2007-06-18 19:26:29Z Edward $</div>