mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 20:28:44 +01:00
Merge commit 'release-3.0.6'
This commit is contained in:
@ -212,6 +212,8 @@
<li>[Fix] Only check whether forum image exists if forum image is specified. (Bug #51905)</li>
<li>[Fix] Fixed database updater for changes to columns having default value in MSSQL (adding/dropping constraints).</li>
<li>[Fix] Jabber SASL PLAIN authentication failures. (Bug #52995)</li>
<li>[Fix] Check sort options on memberlist to avoid a general error. (Bug #53655)</li>
<li>[Fix] Fix sql error in cache_moderators() if using postgresql. (Bug #53765)</li>
<li>[Change] Database updater now supports checking for existing/missing indexes.</li>
<li>[Change] submit_post() now accepts force_approved_state key passed to $data to indicate new posts being approved (true) or unapproved (false).</li>
<li>[Change] Change the data format of the default file ACM to be more secure from tampering and have better performance.</li>
@ -75,13 +75,6 @@ class acp_forums
trigger_error($user->lang['NO_PERMISSION_FORUM_ADD'] . adm_back_link($this->u_action . '&parent_id=' . $this->parent_id), E_USER_WARNING);
case 'copy_perm':
if (!(($auth->acl_get('a_fauth') && $auth->acl_get('a_authusers') && $auth->acl_get('a_authgroups') && $auth->acl_get('a_mauth'))))
trigger_error($user->lang['NO_PERMISSION_COPY'] . adm_back_link($this->u_action . '&parent_id=' . $this->parent_id), E_USER_WARNING);
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
// phpBB Version
define('PHPBB_VERSION', '3.0.6-RC4');
define('PHPBB_VERSION', '3.0.6');
// QA-related
// define('PHPBB_QA', 1);
@ -2361,8 +2361,8 @@ function cache_moderators()
'FROM' => array(
'LEFT_JOIN' => array(
@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ class mcp_queue
'S_TOPIC_REVIEW' => true,
'S_BBCODE_ALLOWED' => $post_info['enable_bbcode'],
'TOPIC_TITLE' => $post_info['topic_title'])
@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ class mcp_reports
'S_TOPIC_REVIEW' => true,
'S_BBCODE_ALLOWED' => $post_info['enable_bbcode'],
'TOPIC_TITLE' => $post_info['topic_title'])
@ -429,7 +430,7 @@ class mcp_reports
'PAGE_NUMBER' => on_page($total, $config['topics_per_page'], $start),
'TOPIC_ID' => $topic_id,
'TOTAL' => $total,
'TOTAL_REPORTS' => ($total == 1) ? $user->lang['LIST_REPORT'] : sprintf($user->lang['LIST_REPORTS'], $total),
'TOTAL_REPORTS' => ($total == 1) ? $user->lang['LIST_REPORT'] : sprintf($user->lang['LIST_REPORTS'], $total),
@ -671,7 +672,7 @@ function close_report($report_id_list, $mode, $action, $pm = false)
if (!$pm)
foreach ($post_info as $post)
@ -712,13 +713,13 @@ function close_report($report_id_list, $mode, $action, $pm = false)
$return_forum = sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_FORUM'], '<a href="' . append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx", 'f=' . current($forum_ids)) . '">', '</a>') . '<br /><br />';
if (sizeof($topic_ids) === 1)
$return_topic = sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_TOPIC'], '<a href="' . append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", 't=' . current($topic_ids) . '&f=' . current($forum_ids)) . '">', '</a>') . '<br /><br />';
trigger_error($user->lang[$success_msg] . '<br /><br />' . $return_forum . $return_topic . sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_PAGE'], "<a href=\"$redirect\">", '</a>'));
@ -811,7 +811,7 @@ function compose_pm($id, $mode, $action)
// Decode text for message display
$bbcode_uid = (($action == 'quote' || $action == 'forward') && !$preview && !$refresh) ? $bbcode_uid : $message_parser->bbcode_uid;
$bbcode_uid = (($action == 'quote' || $action == 'forward') && !$preview && !$refresh && (!sizeof($error) || (sizeof($error) && !$submit))) ? $bbcode_uid : $message_parser->bbcode_uid;
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
$updates_to_version = '3.0.6-RC4';
$updates_to_version = '3.0.6';
// Enter any version to update from to test updates. The version within the db will not be updated.
$debug_from_version = false;
@ -891,6 +891,8 @@ function database_update_info()
'3.0.6-RC2' => array(),
// No changes from 3.0.6-RC3 to 3.0.6-RC4
'3.0.6-RC3' => array(),
// No changes from 3.0.6-RC4 to 3.0.6
'3.0.6-RC4' => array(),
@ -1559,6 +1561,10 @@ function change_database_data(&$no_updates, $version)
// No changes from 3.0.6-RC3 to 3.0.6-RC4
case '3.0.6-RC3':
// No changes from 3.0.6-RC4 to 3.0.6
case '3.0.6-RC4':
@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ class install_update extends module
if (function_exists('phpbb_is_writable') && !phpbb_is_writable($phpbb_root_path . 'store/'))
trigger_error(sprintf($user->lang['DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITABLE'], $phpbb_root_path . 'store/'), E_USER_ERROR);
trigger_error(sprintf('The directory “%s” is not writable.', $phpbb_root_path . 'store/'), E_USER_ERROR);
if ($use_method == '.zip')
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('topics_per_page',
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('tpl_allow_php', '0');
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('upload_icons_path', 'images/upload_icons');
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('upload_path', 'files');
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('version', '3.0.6-RC4');
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('version', '3.0.6');
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('warnings_expire_days', '90');
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('warnings_gc', '14400');
@ -976,9 +976,11 @@ switch ($mode)
$jabber = request_var('jabber', '');
$search_group_id = request_var('search_group_id', 0);
// when using these, make sure that we actually have values defined in $find_key_match
$joined_select = request_var('joined_select', 'lt');
$active_select = request_var('active_select', 'lt');
$count_select = request_var('count_select', 'eq');
$joined = explode('-', request_var('joined', ''));
$active = explode('-', request_var('active', ''));
$count = (request_var('count', '') !== '') ? request_var('count', 0) : '';
@ -1016,9 +1018,9 @@ switch ($mode)
$sql_where .= ($yahoo) ? ' AND u.user_yim ' . $db->sql_like_expression(str_replace('*', $db->any_char, $yahoo)) . ' ' : '';
$sql_where .= ($msn) ? ' AND u.user_msnm ' . $db->sql_like_expression(str_replace('*', $db->any_char, $msn)) . ' ' : '';
$sql_where .= ($jabber) ? ' AND u.user_jabber ' . $db->sql_like_expression(str_replace('*', $db->any_char, $jabber)) . ' ' : '';
$sql_where .= (is_numeric($count)) ? ' AND u.user_posts ' . $find_key_match[$count_select] . ' ' . (int) $count . ' ' : '';
$sql_where .= (sizeof($joined) > 1) ? " AND u.user_regdate " . $find_key_match[$joined_select] . ' ' . gmmktime(0, 0, 0, intval($joined[1]), intval($joined[2]), intval($joined[0])) : '';
$sql_where .= ($auth->acl_get('u_viewonline') && sizeof($active) > 1) ? " AND u.user_lastvisit " . $find_key_match[$active_select] . ' ' . gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $active[1], intval($active[2]), intval($active[0])) : '';
$sql_where .= (is_numeric($count) && isset($find_key_match[$count_select])) ? ' AND u.user_posts ' . $find_key_match[$count_select] . ' ' . (int) $count . ' ' : '';
$sql_where .= (sizeof($joined) > 1 && isset($find_key_match[$joined_select])) ? " AND u.user_regdate " . $find_key_match[$joined_select] . ' ' . gmmktime(0, 0, 0, intval($joined[1]), intval($joined[2]), intval($joined[0])) : '';
$sql_where .= ($auth->acl_get('u_viewonline') && sizeof($active) > 1 && isset($find_key_match[$active_select])) ? " AND u.user_lastvisit " . $find_key_match[$active_select] . ' ' . gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $active[1], intval($active[2]), intval($active[0])) : '';
$sql_where .= ($search_group_id) ? " AND u.user_id = ug.user_id AND ug.group_id = $search_group_id AND ug.user_pending = 0 " : '';
if ($search_group_id)
@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ switch ($mode)
WHERE t.topic_id = $topic_id
AND (f.forum_id = t.forum_id
OR f.forum_id = $forum_id)
AND t.topic_approved = 1";
OR f.forum_id = $forum_id)" .
(($auth->acl_get('m_approve', $forum_id)) ? '' : 'AND t.topic_approved = 1');
case 'quote':
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ switch ($mode)
AND u.user_id = p.poster_id
AND (f.forum_id = t.forum_id
OR f.forum_id = $forum_id)" .
(($auth->acl_get('m_approve', $forum_id) && $mode != 'quote') ? '' : 'AND p.post_approved = 1');
(($auth->acl_get('m_approve', $forum_id)) ? '' : 'AND p.post_approved = 1');
case 'smilies':
@ -171,6 +171,13 @@ if (!$post_data)
trigger_error(($mode == 'post' || $mode == 'bump' || $mode == 'reply') ? 'NO_TOPIC' : 'NO_POST');
// Not able to reply to unapproved posts/topics
// TODO: add more descriptive language key
if ($auth->acl_get('m_approve', $forum_id) && ((($mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'bump') && !$post_data['topic_approved']) || ($mode == 'quote' && !$post_data['post_approved'])))
trigger_error(($mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'bump') ? 'TOPIC_UNAPPROVED' : 'POST_UNAPPROVED');
if ($mode == 'popup')
@ -317,6 +317,39 @@ function find_in_tree(node, tag, type, class_name)
var in_autocomplete = false;
var last_key_entered = '';
* Check event key
function phpbb_check_key(event)
// Keycode is array down or up?
if (event.keyCode && (event.keyCode == 40 || event.keyCode == 38))
in_autocomplete = true;
// Make sure we are not within an "autocompletion" field
if (in_autocomplete)
// If return pressed and key changed we reset the autocompletion
if (!last_key_entered || last_key_entered == event.which)
in_autocompletion = false;
return true;
// Keycode is not return, then return. ;)
if (event.which != 13)
last_key_entered = event.which;
return true;
return false;
* Usually used for onkeypress event, to submit a form on enter
@ -326,8 +359,7 @@ function submit_default_button(event, selector, class_name)
if (!event.which && ((event.charCode || event.charCode === 0) ? event.charCode : event.keyCode))
event.which = event.charCode || event.keyCode;
// Keycode is not return, then return. ;)
if (event.which != 13)
if (phpbb_check_key(event))
return true;
var current = selector['parentNode'];
@ -373,6 +405,9 @@ function apply_onkeypress_event()
if (!default_button || default_button.length <= 0)
return true;
if (phpbb_check_key(e))
return true;
if ((e.which && e.which == 13) || (e.keyCode && e.keyCode == 13))
@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
function hide_qr()
function hide_qr(show)
if (show && document.getElementById('qr_editor_div').style.display != 'none')
return true;
function init_qr()
@ -62,7 +66,7 @@
<input type="submit" accesskey="s" tabindex="6" name="post" value="{L_SUBMIT}" class="button1" />
<input type="submit" accesskey="f" tabindex="6" name="full_editor" value="{L_FULL_EDITOR}" class="button2" />
<a href="" class="right-box up" onclick="hide_qr(); return false;" title="{L_COLLAPSE_QR}">{L_COLLAPSE_QR}</a>
<a href="" class="right-box up" onclick="hide_qr(false); return false;" title="{L_COLLAPSE_QR}">{L_COLLAPSE_QR}</a>
<span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>
@ -71,7 +75,7 @@
<div class="content">
<fieldset class="submit-buttons">
<input type="submit" name="show_qr" tabindex="1" class="button2" value="{L_SHOW_QR}" onclick="hide_qr();return false;"/>
<input type="submit" name="show_qr" tabindex="1" class="button2" value="{L_SHOW_QR}" onclick="hide_qr(true);return false;"/>
<span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user