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synced 2025-03-14 12:40:13 +01:00
[ticket/16754] Fix docblocks
This commit is contained in:
@ -1075,7 +1075,7 @@ function get_complete_topic_tracking($forum_id, $topic_ids, $global_announce_lis
* @param string $sql_limit Limits the size of unread topics list, 0 for unlimited query
* @param string $sql_limit_offset Sets the offset of the first row to search, 0 to search from the start
* @return array[int][int] Topic ids as keys, mark_time of topic as value
* @return int[] Topic ids as keys, mark_time of topic as value
function get_unread_topics($user_id = false, $sql_extra = '', $sql_sort = '', $sql_limit = 1001, $sql_limit_offset = 0)
@ -2418,7 +2418,7 @@ function auto_prune($forum_id, $prune_mode, $prune_flags, $prune_days, $prune_fr
* must be carried through for the moderators table.
* @param \phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface $db Database connection
* @param \phpbb\cache\driver\driver_interface Cache driver
* @param \phpbb\cache\driver\driver_interface $cache Cache driver
* @param \phpbb\auth\auth $auth Authentication object
* @return null
@ -2605,7 +2605,7 @@ function phpbb_cache_moderators($db, $cache, $auth)
* @param mixed $forum_id Restrict the log entries to the given forum_id (can also be an array of forum_ids)
* @param int $topic_id Restrict the log entries to the given topic_id
* @param int $user_id Restrict the log entries to the given user_id
* @param int $log_time Only get log entries newer than the given timestamp
* @param int $limit_days Only get log entries newer than the given timestamp
* @param string $sort_by SQL order option, e.g. 'l.log_time DESC'
* @param string $keywords Will only return log entries that have the keywords in log_operation or log_data
@ -223,12 +223,12 @@ function get_remote_file($host, $directory, $filename, &$errstr, &$errno, $port
* Add log entry
* @param string $mode The mode defines which log_type is used and from which log the entry is retrieved
* @param int $forum_id Mode 'mod' ONLY: forum id of the related item, NOT INCLUDED otherwise
* @param int $topic_id Mode 'mod' ONLY: topic id of the related item, NOT INCLUDED otherwise
* @param int $reportee_id Mode 'user' ONLY: user id of the reportee, NOT INCLUDED otherwise
* @param string $log_operation Name of the operation
* @param array $additional_data More arguments can be added, depending on the log_type
* string $mode The mode defines which log_type is used and from which log the entry is retrieved
* int $forum_id Mode 'mod' ONLY: forum id of the related item, NOT INCLUDED otherwise
* int $topic_id Mode 'mod' ONLY: topic id of the related item, NOT INCLUDED otherwise
* int $reportee_id Mode 'user' ONLY: user id of the reportee, NOT INCLUDED otherwise
* string $log_operation Name of the operation
* array $additional_data More arguments can be added, depending on the log_type
* @return int|bool Returns the log_id, if the entry was added to the database, false otherwise.
@ -345,7 +345,8 @@ function set_config_count($config_name, $increment, $is_dynamic = false, \phpbb\
* Default is false, causing all bytes outside the ASCII range (0-127) to be replaced with question marks
* @param bool $cookie This param is mapped to \phpbb\request\request_interface::COOKIE as the last param for
* \phpbb\request\request_interface::variable for backwards compatability reasons.
* @param \phpbb\request\request_interface|null|false If an instance of \phpbb\request\request_interface is given the instance is stored in
* @param \phpbb\request\request_interface|null|false $request
* If an instance of \phpbb\request\request_interface is given the instance is stored in
* a static variable and used for all further calls where this parameters is null. Until
* the function is called with an instance it automatically creates a new \phpbb\request\request
* instance on every call. By passing false this per-call instantiation can be restored
@ -1127,6 +1127,7 @@ function add_user_group($group_id, $user_id, $group_leader = false)
* @param string $group The name of the special group to add to
* @param string $select_query An SQL query to retrieve the user(s) to add to the group
* @param bool $use_src_db
function user_group_auth($group, $select_query, $use_src_db)
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ function phpbb_get_pm_data($pm_ids)
* sorting in mcp
* @param string $where_sql should either be WHERE (default if ommited) or end with AND or OR
* $where_sql should either be WHERE (default if ommited) or end with AND or OR
* $mode reports and reports_closed: the $where parameters uses aliases p for posts table and r for report table
* $mode unapproved_posts: the $where parameters uses aliases p for posts table and t for topic table
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ function phpbb_mcp_sorting($mode, &$sort_days_val, &$sort_key_val, &$sort_dir_va
* @param string $table The table to find the ids in
* @param string $sql_id The ids relevant column name
* @param array $acl_list A list of permissions the user need to have
* @param mixed $singe_forum Limit to one forum id (int) or the first forum found (true)
* @param mixed $single_forum Limit to one forum id (int) or the first forum found (true)
* @return mixed False if no ids were able to be retrieved, true if at least one id left.
* Additionally, this value can be the forum_id assigned if $single_forum was set.
@ -1848,6 +1848,7 @@ class smtp_class
* Please note that this version fully supports RFC 2045 section 6.8.
* @param string $str
* @param string $eol End of line we are using (optional to be backwards compatible)
function mail_encode($str, $eol = "\r\n")
@ -797,6 +797,8 @@ function user_delete($mode, $user_ids, $retain_username = true)
* Flips user_type from active to inactive and vice versa, handles group membership updates
* @param string $mode can be flip for flipping from active/inactive, activate or deactivate
* @param array $user_id_ary
* @param int $reason
function user_active_flip($mode, $user_id_ary, $reason = INACTIVE_MANUAL)
@ -919,6 +921,7 @@ function user_active_flip($mode, $user_id_ary, $reason = INACTIVE_MANUAL)
* @param string $ban_len_other Ban length as a date (YYYY-MM-DD)
* @param boolean $ban_exclude Exclude these entities from banning?
* @param string $ban_reason String describing the reason for this ban
* @param string $ban_give_reason
* @return boolean
function user_ban($mode, $ban, $ban_len, $ban_len_other, $ban_exclude, $ban_reason, $ban_give_reason = '')
@ -1611,6 +1614,7 @@ function validate_num($num, $optional = false, $min = 0, $max = 1E99)
* Validate Date
* @param string $date_string a date in the dd-mm-yyyy format
* @param bool $optional
* @return boolean
function validate_date($date_string, $optional = false)
@ -1882,6 +1886,7 @@ function validate_password($password)
* Check to see if email address is a valid address and contains a MX record
* @param string $email The email to check
* @param $config
* @return mixed Either false if validation succeeded or a string which will be used as the error message (with the variable name appended)
@ -3621,7 +3626,8 @@ function group_update_listings($group_id)
* Funtion to make a user leave the NEWLY_REGISTERED system group.
* @access public
* @param $user_id The id of the user to remove from the group
* @param int $user_id The id of the user to remove from the group
* @param mixed $user_data The id of the user to remove from the group
function remove_newly_registered($user_id, $user_data = false)
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class phpbb_questionnaire_data_collector
* Constructor.
* @param string
* @param string $install_id
function __construct($install_id)
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ function utf8_strspn($str, $mask, $start = null, $length = null)
* Make a string's first character uppercase
* @author Harry Fuecks
* @param string
* @param string $str
* @return string with first character as upper case (if applicable)
function utf8_ucfirst($str)
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ interface guesser_interface
* Set the guesser priority
* @param int Guesser priority
* @param int $priority Guesser priority
* @return void
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class fulltext_postgres extends \phpbb\search\base
* @param string $phpEx PHP file extension
* @param \phpbb\auth\auth $auth Auth object
* @param \phpbb\config\config $config Config object
* @param \phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface Database object
* @param \phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface $db Database object
* @param \phpbb\user $user User object
* @param \phpbb\event\dispatcher_interface $phpbb_dispatcher Event dispatcher object
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ class fulltext_sphinx
* @param string $phpEx PHP file extension
* @param \phpbb\auth\auth $auth Auth object
* @param \phpbb\config\config $config Config object
* @param \phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface Database object
* @param \phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface $db Database object
* @param \phpbb\user $user User object
* @param \phpbb\event\dispatcher_interface $phpbb_dispatcher Event dispatcher object
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ interface template
* Note: Templates are still compiled to phpBB's cache directory.
* @param string|array $names Array of names or string of name of template(s) in inheritance tree order, used by extensions.
* @param string|array or string $paths Array of style paths, relative to current root directory
* @param string|array $paths Array of style paths, relative to current root directory
* @return \phpbb\template\template $this
public function set_custom_style($names, $paths);
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ class twig extends \phpbb\template\base
* 'name' => 'adm',
* 'ext_path' => 'adm/style/',
* )
* @param string|array of string $paths Array of style paths, relative to current root directory
* @param string|array $paths Array of style paths, relative to current root directory
* @return \phpbb\template\template $this
public function set_custom_style($names, $paths)
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ class user_loader
* @param bool $query Should we query the database if this user has not yet been loaded?
* Typically this should be left as false and you should make sure
* you load users ahead of time with load_users()
* @param bool @lazy If true, will be lazy loaded (requires JS)
* @param bool $lazy If true, will be lazy loaded (requires JS)
* @return string
public function get_avatar($user_id, $query = false, $lazy = false)
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ class version_helper
* Over-ride the stability to force check to include unstable versions
* @param null|string Null to not force stability, 'unstable' or 'stable' to
* @param null|string $stability Null to not force stability, 'unstable' or 'stable' to
* force the corresponding stability
* @return version_helper
Reference in New Issue
Block a user