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synced 2025-02-13 12:35:06 +01:00
Icon/smilies updates
git-svn-id: file:///svn/phpbb/trunk@3382 89ea8834-ac86-4346-8a33-228a782c2dd0
This commit is contained in:
@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'MOD_LOGS' => 'Moderator Log',
'POST_CAT' => 'Posting Admin',
'SMILIES' => 'Smilies',
'TOPIC_ICONS' => 'Topic Icons',
'SMILE' => 'Smilies',
'ICONS' => 'Icons',
'WORD_CENSOR' => 'Word Censors',
'STYLE_CAT' => 'Styles Admin',
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'Admin_log' => 'Logged administrator actions',
'Admin_log_index_explain' => 'This gives an overview of the last few actions carried out by board administrators. The username, IP, time and action are all listed. A full copy of the log can be viewed from the appropriate menu item to the left',
'IP' => 'User IP',
'Action' => 'Action',
'ACTION' => 'Action',
'Database_Utilities' => 'Database Utilities',
'Restore' => 'Restore',
@ -366,14 +366,15 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'NO_BANNED_EMAIL' => 'No banned email addresses',
'BAN_UPDATE_SUCESSFUL' => 'The banlist has been updated successfully',
'Cookie_settings_explain' => 'These details define the data used to send cookies to your users browsers. In most cases the default values for the cookie settings should be sufficient. If you do need to change any do so with care, incorrect settings can prevent users logging in.',
'COOKIE_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'These details define the data used to send cookies to your users browsers. In most cases the default values for the cookie settings should be sufficient. If you do need to change any do so with care, incorrect settings can prevent users logging in.',
'Cookie_domain' => 'Cookie domain',
'Cookie_name' => 'Cookie name',
'Cookie_path' => 'Cookie path',
'Cookie_secure' => 'Cookie secure',
'Cookie_secure_explain' => 'If your server is running via SSL set this to enabled else leave as disabled',
'Session_length' => 'Session length [ seconds ]',
'Avatar_settings_explain' => 'Avatars are generally small, unique images a user can associate with themselves. Depending on the style they are usually displayed below the username when viewing topics. Here you can determine how users can define their avatars. Please note that in order to upload avatars you need to have created the directory you name below and ensure it can be written to by the web server. Please also note that filesize limits are only imposed on uploaded avatars, they do not apply to remotely linked images.',
'AVATAR_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Avatars are generally small, unique images a user can associate with themselves. Depending on the style they are usually displayed below the username when viewing topics. Here you can determine how users can define their avatars. Please note that in order to upload avatars you need to have created the directory you name below and ensure it can be written to by the web server. Please also note that filesize limits are only imposed on uploaded avatars, they do not apply to remotely linked images.',
'Allow_local' => 'Enable gallery avatars',
'Allow_remote' => 'Enable remote avatars',
'Allow_remote_explain' => 'Avatars linked to from another website',
@ -386,14 +387,16 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'Avatar_storage_path_explain' => 'Path under your phpBB root dir, e.g. images/avatars',
'Avatar_gallery_path' => 'Avatar Gallery Path',
'Avatar_gallery_path_explain' => 'Path under your phpBB root dir for pre-loaded images, e.g. images/avatars/gallery',
'Server_settings_explain' => 'Here you define server and domain dependant settings. Please ensure the data you enter is accurate, errors will result in emails containing incorrect information. When entering the domain name remember it does include http:// or other protocol term. Only alter the port number if you know your server uses a different value, port 80 is correct in most cases.',
'SERVER_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you define server and domain dependant settings. Please ensure the data you enter is accurate, errors will result in emails containing incorrect information. When entering the domain name remember it does include http:// or other protocol term. Only alter the port number if you know your server uses a different value, port 80 is correct in most cases.',
'Server_name' => 'Domain Name',
'Server_name_explain' => 'The domain name this board runs from',
'Script_path' => 'Script path',
'Script_path_explain' => 'The path where phpBB2 is located relative to the domain name',
'Server_port' => 'Server Port',
'Server_port_explain' => 'The port your server is running on, usually 80, only change if different',
'Email_settings_explain' => 'This information is used when the board sends emails to your users. Please ensure the email address you specify is valid, any bounced or undeliverable messages will likely be sent to that address. If your host does not provide a native (PHP based) email service you can instead send messages directly using SMTP. This requires the address of an appropriate server (ask your provider if necessary), do not specify any old name here! If the server requires authentication (and only if it does) enter the necessary username and password. Please note only basic authentication is offered, different authentication implementations are not currently supported.',
'EMAIL_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'This information is used when the board sends emails to your users. Please ensure the email address you specify is valid, any bounced or undeliverable messages will likely be sent to that address. If your host does not provide a native (PHP based) email service you can instead send messages directly using SMTP. This requires the address of an appropriate server (ask your provider if necessary), do not specify any old name here! If the server requires authentication (and only if it does) enter the necessary username and password. Please note only basic authentication is offered, different authentication implementations are not currently supported.',
'Enable_email' => 'Enable board-wide emails',
'Enable_email_explain' => 'If this is set to disabled no emails will be sent by the board at all.',
'Board_email_form' => 'Users send email via board',
@ -409,7 +412,8 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'SMTP_password' => 'SMTP Password',
'SMTP_password_explain' => 'Only enter a password if your smtp server requires it',
'Click_return_config' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to General Configuration',
'Board_settings_explain' => 'Here you can determine the basic operation of your board, from the site name through user registration to private messaging.',
'BOARD_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can determine the basic operation of your board, from the site name through user registration to private messaging.',
'Site_name' => 'Site name',
'Site_desc' => 'Site description',
'Board_disable' => 'Disable board',
@ -450,7 +454,8 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'Min_search_chars_explain' => 'Words with at least this many characters will be indexed for searching.',
'Max_search_chars' => 'Max characters indexed by search',
'Max_search_chars_explain' => 'Words with no more than this many characters will be indexed for searching.',
'Auth_settings_explain' => 'phpBB2 supports authentication plug-ins, or modules. These allow you determine how users are authenticated when they log into the board. By default three plug-ins are provided; DB, LDAP and Apache. Not all methods require additional information so only fill out fields if they are relevant to the selected method.',
'AUTH_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'phpBB2 supports authentication plug-ins, or modules. These allow you determine how users are authenticated when they log into the board. By default three plug-ins are provided; DB, LDAP and Apache. Not all methods require additional information so only fill out fields if they are relevant to the selected method.',
'Auth_method' => 'Select an authentication method',
'LDAP_server' => 'LDAP server name',
'LDAP_server_explain' => 'If using LDAP this is the name or IP address of the server.',
@ -458,7 +463,8 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'LDAP_dn_explain' => 'This is the <i>distinguished name</i>, locating the user information, e.g. o=My Company,c=US',
'LDAP_uid' => 'LDAP uid',
'LDAP_uid_explain' => 'This is the key under which to search for a given login identity, e.g. uid, sn, etc.',
'Board_defaults_explain' => 'These settings allow you to define a number of default or global settings used by the board. For example, to disable the use of HTML across the entire board alter the relevant setting below. This data is also used for new user registrations and (where relevant) guest users.',
'BOARD_DEFAULTS_EXPLAIN' => 'These settings allow you to define a number of default or global settings used by the board. For example, to disable the use of HTML across the entire board alter the relevant setting below. This data is also used for new user registrations and (where relevant) guest users.',
'Max_poll_options' => 'Max number of poll options',
'Topics_per_page' => 'Topics Per Page',
'Posts_per_page' => 'Posts Per Page',
@ -495,9 +501,9 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'Create_forum' => 'Create new forum',
'Remove' => 'Remove',
'Config_updated' => 'Forum configuration updated successfully',
'Edit' => 'Edit',
'Move_up' => 'Move up',
'Move_down' => 'Move down',
'EDIT' => 'Edit',
'MOVE_UP' => 'Move up',
'MOVE_DOWN' => 'Move down',
'Resync' => 'Sync',
'Category_name' => 'Category name',
'FORUM_TYPE' => 'Forum Type',
@ -537,45 +543,64 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'Forum_deleted' => 'Forum successfully deleted',
'Click_return_forumadmin' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to Forum Administration',
'Emoticons_explain' => 'From this page you can add, remove and edit the emoticons or emoticons users can use in their posts and private messages.',
'Import_smilies' => 'Import emoticons pak',
'Import_smilies_explain' => 'Unzip the emoticons package to your emoticons directory then select the correct information in this form to import it.',
'Smilies_import' => 'Emoticons pack import',
'No_smilies_pak' => 'No emoticons pack found',
'Select_package' => 'Select a package file',
'Delete_existing_smilies' => 'Delete existing emoticons before import',
'Smilies_conflicts' => 'What should be done in case of conflicts?',
'Keep_existing_smilies' => 'Keep existing emoticons',
'Replace_existing_smilies' => 'Replace existing emoticons',
'Smilies_import_success' => 'The emoticons pack was imported successfully',
'Export_smilies' => 'Create emoticons pak',
'Export_smilies_explain' => 'To create a package of your currently installed emoticons, %sclick here%s to download the emoticons.pak file. Name this file appropriately, making sure to keep the .pak file extension then create a zip file containing all of your emoticons images plus this .pak configuration file.',
'Add_smile' => 'Add a new emoticon',
'Edit_smile' => 'Edit emoticon',
'Smilies_not_displayed' => 'The following emoticons are not displayed on posting page',
'Reorder' => 'Reorder',
'Up' => 'Up',
'Down' => 'Down',
'First' => 'First',
'After_smile' => 'After %s',
'Display_on_posting' => 'Display on posting',
'Smile_config' => 'Emoticon configuration',
'Smile_code' => 'Emoticon code',
'Smile_url' => 'Emoticon image file',
'Smile_height' => 'Emoticon height',
'Smile_width' => 'Emoticon width',
'Smile_order' => 'Emoticon order',
'Smile_emotion' => 'Emotion',
'Smile_add' => 'Add a new emoticon',
'Smile_edit' => 'Edit emoticon',
'Smile' => 'Smile',
'Emotion' => 'Emotion',
'Smile_deleted' => 'This emoticon has been successfully removed',
'Smile_edited' => 'This emoticon has been successfully updated',
'Smile_added' => 'This emoticon has been successfully added',
'Smilies_imported' => 'The emoticons pack has been successfully imported',
'Click_return_smileadmin' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to Emoticons Administration',
'ICONS_EXPLAIN' => 'From this page you can add, remove and edit the icons users may add to their topics or posts. These icons are generally displayed next to topic titles on the forum listing, or the post subjects in topic listings. You can also install and create new packages of icons.',
'SMILE_EXPLAIN' => 'Smilies or emoticons are typically small, sometimes animated images used to convey an emotion or feeling. From this page you can add, remove and edit the emoticons users can use in their posts and private messages. You can also install and create new packages of smilies.',
'IMPORT_SMILE' => 'Install smilies pak',
'EXPORT_SMILE' => 'Create smilies pak',
'IMPORT_ICONS' => 'Install icons pak',
'EXPORT_ICONS' => 'Create icons pak',
'ADD_SMILE' => 'Add smilie',
'ADD_ICONS' => 'Add icon',
'SMILE_NOT_DISPLAYED' => 'The following smilies are not displayed on the posting page',
'ICONS_NOT_DISPLAYED' => 'The following icons are not displayed on the posting page',
'EMOTION' => 'Emotion',
'REORDER' => 'Reorder',
'DISPLAY_ON_POSTING' => 'Display on posting',
'FIRST' => 'First',
'AFTER_SMILE' => 'After %s',
'AFTER_ICONS' => 'After %s',
'SMILE_CONFIG' => 'Smilie configuration',
'SMILE_CODE' => 'Smilie code',
'SMILE_URL' => 'Smilie image file',
'SMILE_HEIGHT' => 'Smilie height',
'SMILE_WIDTH' => 'Smilie width',
'SMILE_ORDER' => 'Smilie order',
'SMILE_EMOTION' => 'Emotion',
'SMILE_ADD' => 'Add a new Smilie',
'SMILE_EDIT' => 'Edit Smilie',
'SMILE' => 'Smile',
'ICONS_CONFIG' => 'Icon configuration',
'ICONS_URL' => 'Icon image file',
'ICONS_HEIGHT' => 'Icon height',
'ICONS_WIDTH' => 'Icon width',
'ICONS_ORDER' => 'Icon order',
'ICONS_ADD' => 'Add a new Icon',
'ICONS_EDIT' => 'Edit Icon',
'ICONS' => 'Icon',
'EXPORT_SMILE_EXPLAIN' => 'To create a package of your currently installed smilies, click %sHERE%s to download the emoticons.pak file. Once downloaded create a zip or tgz file containing all of your smilies plus this .pak configuration file.',
'EXPORT_ICONS_EXPLAIN' => 'To create a package of your currently installed icons, click %sHERE%s to download the icons package file. Once downloaded create a zip or tgz file containing all of your icons plus this .pak configuration file.',
'NO_SMILE_EXPORT' => 'You have no smilies with which to create a package.',
'NO_ICONS_EXPORT' => 'You have no icons with which to create a package.',
'WRONG_PAK_TYPE' => 'The specified package does not contain the appropriate data.',
'SELECT_PACKAGE' => 'Select a package file',
'DELETE_ALL' => 'Delete all',
'KEEP_ALL' => 'Keep all',
'REPLACE_MATCHES' => 'Replace matches',
'NO_SMILE_PAK' => 'No smilie packages found.',
'CURRENT_SMILE' => 'Current smilies',
'SMILE_IMPORT_SUCCESS' => 'The smilies pack was imported successfully',
'NO_ICONS_PAK' => 'No icon packages found.',
'CURRENT_ICONS' => 'Current icons',
'ICONS_IMPORT_SUCCESS' => 'The icons pack was imported successfully',
'SMILE_DELETED' => 'The smilie has been removed successfully.',
'SMILE_EDITED' => 'The smilie has been updated successfully.',
'SMILE_ADDED' => 'The smilie has been added successfully.',
'SMILE_IMPORTED' => 'The smilies pack has been installed successfully.',
'ICONS_DELETED' => 'The icon has been removed successfully.',
'ICONS_EDITED' => 'The icon has been updated successfully.',
'ICONS_ADDED' => 'The icon has been added successfully.',
'ICONS_IMPORTED' => 'The icons pack has been installed successfully.',
'User_admin' => 'User Administration',
'User_admin_explain' => 'Here you can change your user\'s information and certain specific options. To modify the users permissions please use the user and group permissions system.',
'Look_up_user' => 'Look up user',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user