* prototech/ticket/12160:
[ticket/12160] Use phpbb_check_installation_exists() in the other modules.
[ticket/12160] Move phpbb_check_installation_exists() to functions_install.php
[ticket/12160] Check if phpBB is installed before creating phpBB container.
[ticket/12160] Add function to check if phpBB is installed.
This event allows extensions to set display option for custom MCP modules
for extensions which add custom MCP modules
and some of them should be displayed conditionally.
Currently when an user adds a HTML entity to a custom profile field, the length
gets incremented by 4 since the code reads > instead of <. However, the
length is presentational and not DB storage so it should be treated as a
single character even if it takes four lengths in the DB by being stored as
a HTML entity.
Work around this by decoding html entities before counting. Also, added unit
tests for string field type
This test demonstrates that is possible to test if a
variable exists and then use it if it does, similar to
using isset(), but in template/twig syntax.
<!— IF {VAR} is defined —>{VAR}<!— ENDIF —>
# By geetakshi
# Via geetakshi
* 'ticket/11239' of github.com:geetakshi/phpbb:
[ticket/11239] Removing hard-coded, language specific possessive
[ticket/11239] Including username before Overview title
error: unknown type name ‘tsrm_ls’
make: *** [redis.lo] Error 1
The command "sh -c "if [ '$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION' != 'hhvm' ];
then travis/setup-php-extensions.sh; fi"" failed
and exited with 2 during install.
* prep-release-3.1.0-b1:
[prep-release-3.1.0-b1] Update build version to 3.1.0-b2-dev
[prep-release-3.1.0-b1] Add changelog for 3.1.0-b1
[prep-release-3.1.0-b1] Prepare Changelog
[prep-release-3.1.0-b1] Add migration for 3.1.0-b1
[prep-release-3.1.0-b1] Update version to 3.1.0-b1
[ticket/12262] Fix event exporter
* nickvergessen/ticket/12262:
[ticket/12262] Do not use inline assignments
[ticket/12262] Do not use getExtension()
[ticket/12262] Fix location list for acp events with "Locations:"
[ticket/12262] Also find vars array when it's defined in the trigger_event()
* EXreaction/ticket/9871-2:
[ticket/9871] Can set current version to use instead of the phpBB version
[ticket/9871] Fix indentation on comment
[ticket/9871] Fix test name
[ticket/9871] Split fast and slow version tests
[ticket/9871] Option to force the stability when checking for updates
[ticket/9871] Allow setting the host/file to load for the version class
[ticket/9871] Restore get_remote_file_test
[ticket/9871] Fix tests
[ticket/9871] Typehint and comment on var types
[ticket/9871] Mark test as slow
[ticket/9871] Restore phpbb_version_compare
[ticket/9871] Restore get_remote_file
[ticket/9871] Use $request->variable instead of request_var
[ticket/9871] Update version check file to use json format