[ticket/12270] Current post and topic approval notification message
* marcosbc/ticket/12270:
[ticket/12270] Fixed topic counting bug and tests
[ticket/12270] Fixed tests not working
[ticket/12270] No quote notif and double poster notification fix
[ticket/12270] Fixed tests
[ticket/12270] Fixed rebase conflicts
[ticket/12270] Correct confirm approval message for topics
[ticket/12270] Correcting to follow phpBB coding standards
[ticket/12270] Better structured code and no debug error message
[ticket/12270] Correct notifications for posts/topics now working
[ticket/12270] Reverted templates
[ticket/12270] Correct post&topic approval msg, no template changes
[ticket/12270] Corrent post and topic approval notification message
[ticket/12543] Only take over ENTER and ESC keys when alert box is active.
* prototech/ticket/12543:
[ticket/12543] Only take over ENTER and ESC keys when alert box is active.
[ticket/12275] Fix a bug on the event "core.modify_username_string"
* Zoddo/ticket/12275:
[ticket/12275] Change if (empty) to if (!isset)
[ticket/12275] Fix a bug on the event "core.modify_username_string"
Topics was not correctly counted (the counter didn't count topics
that were re-approved, for example, but only the ones that were
This should also fix the test that wasn't working correctly.
[ticket/12531] Restore default topic link behavior to subsilver2
* VSEphpbb/ticket/12531:
[ticket/12531] Add some line breaks to really long lines
[ticket/12531] Restore default topic link functionality in subsilver2
[ticket/12585] Don't check the cron on each page load
* Nicofuma/ticket/12585:
[ticket/12585] Use a 5 minutes interval instead of 10 minutes
[ticket/12585] Don't check the cron on each page load
[Ticket/12555] Make use of canonical urls to avoid duplicate content
* nickvergessen/ticket/12555:
[ticket/12555] Add canonical URL for viewtopic
[ticket/12555] Add canonical URL for viewforum
[ticket/12555] Add canonical URl for memberlist mode=viewprofile
[ticket/12555] Allow to set canonical URLs to avoid duplicate content
[ticket/12572] Fix JS error when alert message title is undefined
* rxu/ticket/12572:
[ticket/12572] Fix JS error when alert message title is undefined
[ticket/12551] Float breadcrumbs to the right in RTL languages.
* prototech/ticket/12551:
[ticket/12551] Float breadcrumbs to the right in RTL languages.
[ticket/12550] Prevent last post column from jumping to second line in RTL.
* prototech/ticket/12550:
[ticket/12550] Prevent last post column from jumping to second line in RTL.
[ticket/12549] Hide topic/forum list <dfn> tags in RTL languages.
* prototech/ticket/12549:
[ticket/12549] Hide topic/forum list <dfn> tags in RTL languages.
[ticket/12576] Remove cron from common.php
* Nicofuma/ticket/12576:
[ticket/12576] Retrieve the cron_manager in cron.php if needed
[ticket/12576] Remove cron from common.php
Ticket/12586 Filter files and depth when looking for extensions
* nickvergessen/ticket/12586:
[ticket/12586] Limit depth to 2, we require vendor/extension/ext.php
[ticket/12586] Use dot filter when trying to find available extensions
[task/sami-ascraeus] Add Sami to composer dependencies and build script
* bantu/task/sami-ascraeus:
[task/sami] Establish alphabetical order.
[task/sami] Also ignore ext/ directory.
[task/sami] Replace phpdoctor with sami.
[task/sami] Add sami/sami as a composer development dependency.
[task/sami] Add Sami to composer dependencies and build script
* bantu/task/sami:
[task/sami] Establish alphabetical order.
[task/sami] Also ignore ext/ directory.
[task/sami] Replace phpdoctor with sami.
[task/sami] Add sami/sami as a composer development dependency.
In language/en/common.php:
* Introduce a new language variable 'CONTACT' => 'Contact'
* Add a string argument to lang var 'CONTACT_USER' to avoid an appended
'{USERNAME}' in template.
* Add a string argument to lang var 'SEND_EMAIL_USER' to avoid an appended
'{USERNAME}' in template.
Also fix typos.
* task/sami:
[task/sami] Replace phpdoctor with sami.
[task/sami] Add sami/sami as a composer development dependency.
[ticket/12433] Use a different message when nesting of quotes is not allowed
* nickvergessen/ticket/12433:
[ticket/12433] Use a different message when nesting of quotes is not allowed