If you run into any weird behavior while using Slate, feel free to open a new issue in this repository! Please run a **search before opening** a new issue, to make sure that someone else hasn't already reported or solved the bug you've found.
Please use the Slack instead of asking questions in issues, since we want to reserve issues for keeping track of bugs and features. We close questions in issues so that maintaining the project isn't overwhelming.
All pull requests are super welcomed and greatly appreciated! Issues in need of a solution are marked with a [`♥ help please`](https://github.com/ianstormtaylor/slate/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22%E2%99%A5+help+please%22) label if you're looking for somewhere to start.
Check out the [Examples readme](https://github.com/ianstormtaylor/slate/blob/master/examples/Readme.md) to see how to get the examples running locally!
To run the tests, you need to have the Slate repository cloned to your computer. After that, you need to `cd` into the directory where you cloned it, and install the dependencies with `yarn` and build the monorepo:
If you only want to run a specific test or tests, you can run `yarn test --fgrep="slate-react rendering"` flag which will filter the tests being run by grepping for the string in each test.
To run the benchmarks, first make some changes to the source that you want to benchmark. Now that you're ready, you need to save a "baseline" for what the performance was before you made you change.
There will be some subtle changes in iteration speed always, but the comparison reporter will highlight any changes that seem meaningful. You can run `benchmark` multiple times to ensure the speed up persists.
To run selected benchmarks, create `tmp/benchmark-config.js` with `module.exports.include`. For example, to run slate-core benchmarks only with `get-*`, we can create a `tmp/benchmark-config.js` as
Slate aims to targeted all of the modern browsers, and eventually the modern mobile platforms. Right now browser support is limited to the latest versions of [Chrome](https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/desktop/), [Firefox](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/), and [Safari](http://www.apple.com/safari/), but if you are interested in adding support for another modern platform, that is welcomed!
Slate makes use of [debug](https://github.com/visionmedia/debug) to log information about various methods. You can [enable the logger in the browser](https://github.com/visionmedia/debug#browser-support) by setting `localStorage.debug = "*"` (to log methods on all modules) or to a single namespace (e.g. `slate:editor`). Look for `const debug = Debug('<namespace>')` to get the namespace of various modules.
Since we use [Lerna](https://lernajs.io) to manage the Slate packages this is fairly easy, **but** you must make sure you are using `npm` to run the release script, because using `yarn` results in failures. So just run: