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This document maintains a list of changes to Slate with each new version. Until 1.0.0 is released, breaking changes will be added as minor version bumps, and non-breaking changes won't be accounted for since the library is moving quickly.

0.11.0August 4, 2016


  • Void nodes are renderered implicitly again! Previously Slate had required that you wrap void node renderers yourself with the exposed <Void> wrapping component. This was to allow for selection styling, but a change was made to make selection styling able to handled in Javascript. Now the <Void> wrapper will be implicitly rendered by Slate, so you do not need to worry about it, and "voidness" only needs to toggled in one place, the isVoid: true property of a node.

0.10.0July 29, 2016


  • Marks are now renderable as components. Previously the only supported way to render marks was by returning a style object. Now you can return a style object, a class name string, or a full React component. Because of this, the DOM will be renderered slightly differently than before, resulting in an extra <span> when rendering non-component marks. This won't affect you unless you were depending on the DOM output by Slate for some reason.

0.9.0July 28, 2016


  • The wrap and unwrap method signatures have changed! Previously, you would pass type and data as separate parameters, for example: wrapBlock('code', { src: true }). This was inconsistent with other transforms, and has been updated such that a single argument of properties is passed instead. So that example could now be: wrapBlock({ type: 'code', { data: { src: true }}). You can still pass a type string as shorthand, which will be the most frequent use case, for example: wrapBlock('code').

0.8.0July 27, 2016


  • The onKeyDown and onBeforeInput handlers signatures have changed! Previously, some Slate handlers had a signature of (e, state, editor) and others had a signature of (e, data, state, editor). Now all handlers will be passed a data object—which contains Slate-specific data related to the event—even if it is empty. This is helpful for future compatibility where we might need to add data to a handler that previously didn't have any, and is nicer for consistency. The onKeyDown handler's new data object contains the key name, code and a series of is* properties to make working with hotkeys easier. The onBeforeInput handler's new data object is empty.

  • The Utils export has been removed. Previously, a Key utility and the findDOMNode utility were exposed under the Utils object. The Key has been removed in favor of the data object passed to onKeyDown. And then findDOMNode utility has been upgraded to a top-level named export, so you'll now need to access it via import { findDOMNode } from 'slate'.

  • Void nodes now permanently have " " as content. Previously, they contained an empty string, but this isn't technically correct, since they have content and shouldn't be considered "empty". Now they will have a single space of content. This shouldn't really affect anyone, unless you happened to be accessing that string for serialization.

  • Empty inline nodes are now impossible. This is to stay consistent with native contenteditable behavior, where although technically the elements can exist, they have odd behavior and can never be selected.

0.7.0July 24, 2016


  • The Raw serializer is no longer terse by default! Previously, the Raw serializer would return a "terse" representation of the document, omitting information that wasn't strictly necessary to deserialize later, like the key of nodes. By default this no longer happens. You have to opt-in to the behavior by passing { terse: true } as the second options argument of the deserialize and serialize methods.

0.6.0July 22, 2016


  • Void components are no longer rendered implicity! Previously, Slate would automatically wrap any node with isVoid: true in a <Void> component. But doing this prevented you from customizing the wrapper, like adding a className or style property. So you must now render the wrapper yourself, and it has been exported as Slate.Void. This, combined with a small change to the <Void> component's structure allows the "selected" state of void nodes to be rendered purely with CSS based on the :focus property of a <Void> element, which previously had to be handled in Javascript. This allows us to streamline selection-handling logic, improving performance and reducing complexity.

  • data-offset-key is now <key>-<index> instead of <key>:<start>-<end>. This shouldn't actually affect anyone, unless you were specifically relying on that attribute in the DOM. This change greatly reduces the number of re-renders needed, since previously any additional characters would cause a cascading change in the <start> and <end> offsets of latter text ranges.

0.5.0July 20, 2016


  • node.getTextNodes() is now node.getTexts(). This is just for consistency with the other existing Node methods like getBlocks(), getInlines(), etc. And it's nicely shorter. 😉

  • Node methods now throw earlier during unexpected states. This shouldn't break anything for most folks, unless a strange edge-case was going undetected previously.

0.4.0July 20, 2016


  • renderMark(mark, state, editor) is now renderMark(mark, marks, state, editor). This change allows you to render marks based on multiple marks presence at once on a given range of text, for example using a custom BoldItalic.otf font when text has both bold and italic marks.

0.3.0July 20, 2016


  • transform.unwrapBlock() now unwraps selectively. Previously, calling unwrapBlock with a range representing a middle sibling would unwrap all of the siblings, removing the wrapping block entirely. Now, calling it with those same arguments will only move the middle sibling up a layer in the hierarchy, preserving the nesting on any of its siblings. This changes makes it much simpler to implement functionality like unwrapping a single list item, which previously would unwrap the entire list.

0.2.0July 18, 2016


  • transform.mark() is now transform.addMark() and transform.unmark() is now transform.removeMark(). The new names make it clearer that the transforms are actions being performed, and it paves the way for adding a toggleMark convenience as well.

0.1.0July 13, 2016
